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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. No matter what people say about "how" the team wins or who the wins come against, there's no denying this is pretty awesome. Thing is, if you look at top "goal" scorers, sure....someone like Matthews on top (with Boeser hot on his tail). But our guys are contributing as a team and it's not just "a" guy/superstar stud killing it. It's nicely spread out and a team effort.
  2. Exactly, me too. I actually kind of feel sorry for him. He's tried to defend the team recently and his demise is their doing. I feel that the Oilers expected to win and are learning it takes more than just being the best player(s). You have to play together as a team.
  3. Damn, that's rough. Weird timing to read this....I had a sleepless night last night due to deep pain in my leg. Many years ago I stepped in a foot size hole in pavement and went down, hard. Twisted my knee. Awhile later I was playing basketball with my kids and heard a pop....more pain. Never really followed up....my doctor retired and I was in limbo for awhile without one. So I just suffered through it. Now that I read stuff like this, I think maybe it's time to find out what's going on. (Pain has radiated from my knee...both up to my thigh and down to my shin). I like Carey and am happy to hear it wasn't other stuff that forced the decision.
  4. This is both awesome and sucks at the same time...


    1. Bob Long

      Bob Long

      sports net is trolling us 

  5. But is that quality reporting? Trolling He's feeding a narrative about this team not being "for real" and that we only win vs weak opponents and, for whatever reasons he gives for that, it's time to shed the negativity. This is about the team and he's making it about him by using the team as his comedic fodder? Making jokes about their current run. I don't know that he's getting it right. I don't think he's poking FUN at himself as much as he's proclaiming that he's negative and proud of his stance. I get ego and narcissism from him. I think he was pointing out something in a serious tone then adding the cutesy negative stuff to justify it. Like "someone here's gotta tell the truth" but the truth is the Canucks have helped PUT the Oilers in the basement...they're not recipients of easy wins because they were there. I mean, he was one of the ones touting the Oilers as potential cup winners a month ago. A team to beat....and we have. Give credit where it's due, don't try to always look for the negative spin. Apparently he was on the show and after he'd left Rick made comments about him and the fact that he'd been all over Miller and his harshest critic and is now trying to head his fan club. With that, even talking about him is helping spread his negativity....best to ignore him completely (as I've been doing this year). And no one's freaking out, we're commenting.
  6. This is a really bleak take and yes, they haven't been "as good" but "good teams" find a way to win. They've done that. They've found a path to get back to where they need to.....and I believe they will. No team is "on" every night...none of them.
  7. Thing is, they're going to lose some games. And people will jump on the chance to say I told you so. If you can't see that the team is playing some great hockey and are holding your breath for the bubble to burst (not you, but just in general) then you may be doing it wrong. You take the good along with the bad...you don't just discount it because "it may not last". Right now, it's great and we've earned the right to celebrate. We've paid our dues and have taken flack from other teams. It's our turn to have some fun. LOL I fell asleep and my son starting sending me Oilers memes. It's awesome, I got back up to join the party.
  8. And guys like Drance predicted that those bottom dwellers would be at the top. He fails to recognize that we helped PUT them in the basement.
  9. Thing is, it's not really about getting "too high" or expecting this to last forever. It's about finally get OUR time to celebrate and have a little fun. Most of us know it's an 82 game season and this is a small slice of what'll happen. But, for now, the team is building chemistry, resilience and putting some points in the bag that, as we know all too well, are valuable. It's nice to be "out front" for once and not sinking into a hole that'll be tough to climb out of. Let us have our moment(s)....they're well earned. Drance is an ass. I think he's a narcissistic angry man who's likely never played a sport in his life and secretly loves when teams fail. Except the Leafs. I don't even bother looking at his crap anymore. I'm glad Dhaliwal called him out.
  10. A win's a win....doesn't have to be picture perfect. Way to go, boys! Damn right!
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