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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. My new lucky slippers are working....JUST slipped them on for the first time and...BOOM GOAL.
  2. Natalie Miller is super awesome. She's at the games with their kids..full Canucks gear. She's really bought into the team/city like JT has and that's awesome (FTR I like her every bit as much as I do him). I think JT leading the way with statements about wanting to be here, with this team, really go a long way. And his entire family buying in here as they have really makes a statement. It's sad if those dynamics you speak of get in the way of things. Mean girls catty crap. So immature. Thing is though, this team doesn't likely "hang out" a lot aside from road trips, etc. But it is about showing maturity and we have some good family types who focus there (home) when they're away from the game. Solid. Not on SM a whole lot (which matters). Very low key out of the spotlight stuff. One thing this organization has always done is behind the scenes stuff that includes wives/families and really helps connect them. Team building goes beyond just the team. Quinn coming from a good hockey family also really contributes to the "focus" that is where it should be...on the ice. Not this other crap. Drama has no place in hockey...hate it.
  3. Which is setting things up for the future....setting a tone. Changing the culture. Don't just look at it in a vacuum and only about "age". The veteran leadership he'll provide is worth noting too.
  4. So if there's a power struggle that's when true captains LEAD the team through it. They step up and be vocal...or, show it on the ice by going to war for the team. Bo wasn't doing that and that's on him if someone else was. I like Bo and hate doing this (not sure why we have to keep rehashing it), but truth was we needed the change. We all thought Bo could use his size/strength a bit more. And waited for him to do that, but it didn't materialize. And he and JT were developing great on ice chemistry...so the soap opera stuff really doesn't fly with me. Some here want to make it out like JT was some big room disrupter...if he was, it was in a good way.
  5. I don't think he cares/wants one. He's got his fitness business going and he also has been pretty clear about wanting to be there with his young son.
  6. Wow, the Galchenyuk video. What a puke. Alcoholism or not, that's just next level unacceptable.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Bob Long

      Bob Long

      It's hard to say Olli. I watched my uncle drink himself to death and he started out a very good man, but by the end a total prick.

    3. Olli Juolevi

      Olli Juolevi

      It's possible, but reading about his family (particularly his dad) it sounds like he was raised to be an overly-indulged, entitled asshole. I think part of the reason he bounced around so much (aside from his play) is how tough it is to deal with him.

    4. Chon derry
  7. I agree. Linden held his tongue for a long time out of respect for the team. But Benning's gone and he has every right to explain the "why's" in his departure. I don't think it'll be a big distraction to this team at all. They've really learned how to shut all the noise out.
  8. What's in this room right now is huge. These guys are playing as a team and for one another. Teams that have a bunch of individuals running around out there don't get it done. I'm glad that the right decisions have been made in who stays/goes. What many viewed as JT's "abrasive" nature is straight shooting, sometimes tongue in cheek delivery like Bieksa. It's such a nice balance with Quinn, Petey, JT and Demko in place. They offset one another nicely. No egos getting in the way, just a strong will and determination to win. I see a lot of big brother/little brother stuff happening and it's awesome that they all 'get" each other at this point.
  9. It's toooooooo loonnnnnng in between games. 4:00 start huh. OK boss, sorry...gotta leave early. And my kids are taking me out on Saturday...I said I have to be home by 4:00. They're onto me...."you can come and watch the game at our place". I guess we'll go for lunch rather than dinner.
  10. Was listening to this interview on the drive home but missed this part.....wow!


    1. PeteyBOI


      no wonder Chris Gears was seeking for full autonomy from Benning in drafting... he must have been miserable there

    2. Ghostsof1915


      Should have kept Linden and Nuked Benning.

  11. https://www.sportsnet.ca/650/halford-brough-morning/
  12. I'm really glad you got to take in a (good) game! It's costly for sure....but the memories last a lifetime. I agree re the pregame stuff....it's super entertaining. The overall game day experience is what I take in....from the view as you head to the game, to the buzz as you enter the building....etc. Super happy for you to have that experience.
  13. Don't drag the Flames into this.....
  14. That's a big part of it. To say "I like Miller" but....and then stay stuck on your reasons for trading him is... just staying stuck. This team would be in trouble without Miller. Then the future would also be in jeopardy regardless because the foundation to build from isn't there. And yes, an older player is part of that...veteran leadership, changing the culture, all the things that he does would result in a different picture of this team. To focus on the future without considering the here and now to prove a point isn't really doing so. This is probably already posted, but he's also a great spokesman for the team (along with Captain Quinn).
  15. You just nailed all the things I was thinking here. Again....people talking like they can predict the future. "Additions" to the team are "assets" and "depth" when reality is....maybe they do nothing for us. Younger isn';t a formula for "better" but some throw it out there like it is.
  16. But the Oilers are touted "an elite team" and they come out like gangbusters and then run out of gas. All in for half a period. So a team like that? (pun intended) Elite teams have to find a way to win....it's not the start of the game, it's the finish that matters. We have an elite goaltender...that also matters. He's capable of what he's doing and actually seems to thrive by getting "involved" early in the game.
  17. Except with Miller gone the team's not performing at this level and then Petey's probably gone too. Not so great for the future. His impact on the team in the here and now will carry into the future. He's helping change the way guys play and leading by example. The first guy who'll go down swinging for his team. This "culture" that we hear so much about is also being built for the future. Having a player like Miller who's openly declared he wants to be here with this group and is ultra competitive sets the tone for the future. Those wanting to compare to LE....JT's got a different make up and mindset. He's a leader out there on the ice, helping direct plays and containing star players so this team learns how to beat them. He's not really the type of player to just "settle" for mediocre and mail it in. I mean, he's even instilling that his his young daughters for crying out loud...the will and determination factors. It was a great move to keep him and that's showing up in spades.
  18. Oilers losing is one thing. But they are pouty, dirty, cheap, pathetic losers. That's another all together. I love watching them melt down. Especially Nurse.
  19. New Oiler's goal song. The First Cut Is The Deepest or maybe Cuts Like A Knife (played when the other team scores on them)
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