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Status Updates posted by -dlc-

  1. This sounds like a very special event...


  2. This is both awesome and sucks at the same time...


    1. Bob Long

      Bob Long

      sports net is trolling us 

  3. Wow, the Galchenyuk video. What a puke. Alcoholism or not, that's just next level unacceptable.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Bob Long

      Bob Long

      It's hard to say Olli. I watched my uncle drink himself to death and he started out a very good man, but by the end a total prick.

    3. Olli Juolevi

      Olli Juolevi

      It's possible, but reading about his family (particularly his dad) it sounds like he was raised to be an overly-indulged, entitled asshole. I think part of the reason he bounced around so much (aside from his play) is how tough it is to deal with him.

    4. Chon derry
  4. Was listening to this interview on the drive home but missed this part.....wow!


    1. PeteyBOI


      no wonder Chris Gears was seeking for full autonomy from Benning in drafting... he must have been miserable there

    2. Ghostsof1915


      Should have kept Linden and Nuked Benning.

  5. Lions, Canucks, Whitecaps!

    Quite a weekend for sports in BC.

  6. Made borscht like a good little babushka.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Feel free to share. 🙂

    3. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      What’s a babushka???

    4. LaBamba


      I’m a Ukrainian that loves a good borscht. I use pork chops for my broth. And only do garden carrots and beets and white beans with dill. It’s a clear slightly vinegar type. Sometimes I’ll fry some cabbage and add it in the bowl separately. There are seriously probably 50 variations of this soup, depending on the region it originated and they’re all good. 

  7. Damn Matthew Perry has passed away in an apparent drowning. Sad news.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jeremy Hronek

      Jeremy Hronek

      @Shekky - yep.  Chandler and Ross were my favourites.  I wasn't a huge Friends fan (greatly preferred Seinfeld) but I still found the show mildly amusing.

    3. Shekky


      @Jeremy Hronek I really enjoyed both shows.

    4. Ghostsof1915


      Never watched one episode. But he seemed to be a cool guy. But to hear he was struggling with addictions. He said he didn't even remember 3 years of doing the show that's how bad it was.

      Just goes to show, you never know what secret wars people are fighting.

  8. On a night when I was super disappointed in a loss and feeling down.....perspective picked me back up again. Got word that Dad's biopsy is all clear and his cancer isn't back as we'd thought. Life just took a massive turn for the better. I take hockey seriously but I love my team and....life is so good. Feeling grateful.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -dlc-


      Hi Joe, thanks for always checking in on me. You're such a lovely man and your wife was lucky to have you (like my mom was with Dad). It's not easy caring for someone who's had a stroke and you have my great respect for devoting  yourself to her as you did. I don't live with Dad (yet), but I see him most days and check in every day (probably too much for his liking). I've backed off a bit to give him some space and independence. He'll be moving in with me (I have a suite in the basement)...likely within the next year or so. He loves his garden and his neighbours so I want to make sure it's the right move at the right time.

    3. NewbieCanuckFan


      When I was in the hospital I was told that its often as hard on a patient's loved ones as the patient itself.  They weren't wrong.  Make sure you have time for yourself '-dlc-' (however you manage to squeeze it in).

    4. Power-Forward


      Hi -dlc-, im 28 and I found out that my Dad had cancer just 2 weeks ago and that it has spread to some areas.  I watch the Canucks with my Dad quite often.  I hope everything goes well.  Just trying to stay positive.      

  9. MacEwen (OTT) on waivers


    1. Bob Long

      Bob Long

      I guess we'd have to put Blueger on LTIR to make this happen?


      I'd be all for picking him up. The way Deslauriers acted was annoying. We need a deterrent type player around. 

  10. Happy Brocktober everyone. Hockey is back for real!

    1. Tusk


      feels like the first time... the very first time ha ha. The flow is back. And a JT FU to all the trade him folks

    2. Ghostsof1915


      I just want Brock healthy and happy. He's a solid dude, it's about time pucks started going in for him.


    3. VforTheCurseEndsHere


      They sure showed up for your birthday! 

  11. Picked a box full of apples from Dad's trees. Making a crisp for him for dessert and apple cinnamon muffins for sharing at

    work tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -dlc-


      We'll know soon, Joe...fingers crossed. Devastating after all these years to even think about the possibility that his cancer could be back. Took him for a biopsy Wednesday. I'm trying not to go there...one day at a time.

    3. -dlc-
    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      my prayers are for him and you. good luck to you both. i know how precious parents can be. i never knew my father, but always wanted that closeness.

      i actually met my father for 15 minutes when i was 16 yrs old. i wanted to hug him, but he didn't seem interested. i was a stranger to him. i used to wish, that if he knew me longer, he would have hugged me and told me he loved me.

      cherish your dad always. i know you do.

  12. Hunting season is open, hearing the gunshots. Hate it. Was brought up with it - Dad and brother hunt to this day. I respect their decision to...I mean, it's food. But I still hate the sounds and think of all the mateless birds left out there (they mate for life). I had pet snow geese growing up and I think of how devastated Charlie was when raccoons got to Snowy one night. 


    1. Ghostsof1915


      Are they allowed to hunt in Richmond? That's the odd thing about firearms, I don't mind going to a range but I don't like hunting. Fishing is ok, because I just assume I won't catch anything. Lol.

    2. -dlc-


      By permit (only) in certain privately owned land I believe...unless that's changed.


      Thing is, I do understand that, especially regarding geese, it's an important part of keeping things under control as the numbers climb. But every time I hear a gunshot I get sad. 😞

      Dad took me hunting once when I was young....lol. Failed experiment. I ran out and scared the ducks away (and am lucky I didn't get shot by accident!). My Dad and brother have both hunted since they were old enough to hold a shotgun...so there's no changing that/them. Although Dad has softened and doesn't "enjoy" it like he used to. He's an animal lover so he's in conflict now.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      I haven't even gone to the range in over a year. I'm even considering getting rid of my .22 LR lever because I never use it. Yeah the ammo is affordable. But I'd rather have a bike or a motorcycle to be honest.

  13. I'm on my deck and a guy two doors over with a completely separate carpot comes out of his back door and his Aqua Velva is so strong it wafts up and smacks me in the face. Overpoweringly so. Dude, no.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. rychicken


      Sorry - I'll say hello next time!

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      you should try the new deodorant called nothing. next time you go and want to make an impression, wear nothing.

    4. Alflives


      Cow bell on your deck? 

  14. I'm going to the track @smithers joe Got any hot tips?

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      yes, play the long shot in the 4th.

  15. Don't ask me how I am today
    Don't wanna talk about it

    (Bif Naked wrote some great stuff)

  16. I'm new here....how can I embed a FB video?

  17. There's no place like home, there's no place like home.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jess


      I was just thinking about Joe too! Might have to message him to help him get over!

    3. Ghostsof1915


      Yeah we need Joe's sage advice.

    4. -dlc-


      I sent him a pm. I'll email him too.

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