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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Edmonton gets away with murder. God I hate them.
  2. Come on Florida, put us out of our misery. Edmondone tonight. I am SICK and tired of hearing about the Oilers and seeing Draisaitl pretending he's a decent human being. The secret's out, Leon. You're not. Nurse and his knees also need to gtfo. Kane. Even his ex is cheering for Florida. Let's go Panthers. Seal the deal.
  3. @smithers joe was that you that they mentioned on 650 this morning? Puckapedia stuff.

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      no, there must be another smithers joe. i don't know how to text them. good to hear from you lass. hope all with you is jake.

  4. The facts were: his father was dying and yeah, sure....doesn't matter, right? Please. I hope you're young and that explains not really understanding how that can impact focus and drive. If ever there was an excuse for a drop off in work performance.....a dying family member would be top of the list. Armchair players always act like players are robots and stats are all that matter. Also...Brock's a huge part of this team and the chemistry he's developing with JT is something to consider. Except if you don't like to include ALL the facts.
  5. Guentzel is also nearly 3 years older than Brock. Plus consider who he's had to play alongside with (I'm not really sure of this as I haven't followed his path much). More matters than what is shown on the stat sheet...you have to delve further into it. You have to consider what Brock was dealing with that really were legitimate reasons to struggle. Not only his Dad's declining health, but his own back injury that likely lingered. I'd rather have Brock. He's developing some undeniable chemistry with JT and that also has to be considered. Not every player you move in with be a "fit" and I'd hate to disrupt this team too much as we've seen the steps they're taking together.
  6. Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers, Grandfathers, Fathers to be, etc. 

    Hope you have a relaxing day doing things you love.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      thanks good heart  you are an honourary father.

    3. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      Miss my old man, Happy Father's day. Rest easy dad.

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      my father's day story. my dad was out of my life when i was just 20 months old.

      i used to tell people that babe pratt was my father. years later, i wrote babe and told him that story. he was quite touched with my story. we ended up meeting many years later. r.i.p. babe.

  7. While I like what Hronek brings, he seems a little smug (arrogant?) to me and if he's asking for the moon and stars, there's the door. I like JT Miller type players: they want to be here long term, have confidence in the team and their own ability to contribute and take things to the next level, and will take a reasonable offer to help the team get there. All about me players not so much. Not saying that's what Hronek is, but if he is....byebyebye.
  8. So calling us chuds? That's genius level then, correct? Back on topic.
  9. Also, woo Lions! A good win. I do think VA has to keep his emotions in check a bit more....level out some. When he was ranting over the blocked converts, etc. it's great that he's showing intensity but I think, at times, he fires the ball too hard because he's just TOO wound up. Composure. With that, they sealed the deal yesterday and that's what counts. But I do see some emotion in him that maybe plays against him at times (as well as fires him up). It's nice to have a running game. I'm glad that toward that end they used it more....VA also takes some unnecessary risks at times that can be our demise.
  10. I have really fond memories of going to Lions' games at Empire Stadium as a kid. My dad was away a lot (fisherman) and we didn't have family vacations, etc. But in the summer we'd head to the PNE and a Lions' game. I loved that stadium...seeing the roller coaster and feeling the vibe of the entire atmosphere. I went back for a game when they held some there awhile ago and we rocked the place. The temporary set up with metal stands meant we could stomp our feet and get super loud. I'd love the games to return there. It would also help the track at Hastings, which is trying hard to stay alive but is dwindling.
  11. Try to remember where you are. We don't have to love the Oilers around here. And most of us just....don't. And no, we didn't suck....we took the Coilers to 7 games and we also swept them during the season. They could've lost just as easily as won that series if the refs weren't giving them a little boost and allowing them to high stick in the face, spear in the groin, etc.. That's supposed to be a no no. Our pp sucked so that didn't help...but the Oilers are a dirty, whiny team and I hope they enjoy their party while it lasts. I don't think it'll be too much longer. This kind of sh makes me loathe the Oilers. Knee on knee. Puck is RIGHT there and actually goes through Darnerp's legs but he doesn't even glance at the puck, which is supposed to be the point....getting posession of it. Instead he's doing Darnell sh and lining up a knee. Dirty dirty Oiler crap. He should be gone (Soucy style) but....no. The league wants another game and revenue so the Oilers are gifted stuff like this that allows them to play different than their opponents. LOL...if Myers did this he'd be in jail.
  12. Funny, I wasn't asked. Neither was anyone I know. LOL
  13. WTH happened? I turned my back for 1 minute to watch the Lions game and the Oilers are pretending they're good? No. Stop this nonsense...we know what they're really all about. One big puff of smoke and the fire'll go out again.
  14. Juice is the best. Luke the wannabe could've taken a page out of his book. Juice is himself...authentic, sarcastic but....adds a lot of good value to the overall hockey commentary and break downs. Luke? Spoiled brat syndrome. Tantrum. Name calling. When Juice does it (trolls teams and their "meatia"), he delivers his material in a comical way. Light hearted antic stuff. Not with vile seething hatred flaring out of his nostrils like Lukey boy. Juice dishes it out and can take it. Luke cries.
  15. Which other forums? I think it's quite common for fans to do what we do here. We're not special.
  16. Oilers getting dusted. Fitting. And dirty Leon should be gone for this. If it's Myers??? Multiple games.
  17. Dirty Oilers finally getting called. Hate them, that's their go to.
  18. I thought the exact same thing. Like...really? His tie. I dgaf.
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