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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Nurse already imploding. A little earlier than usual.
  2. You give up too easily. Oilers come out with their pants on fire....then they cool off. They fall apart easily, they're fragile eggs.
  3. I expect them to win. Oils do this....they'll fade out like they usually do.
  4. Hoglander with a beautiful set up! Too bad.
  5. Seen this before....Oilers come out all full of piss and vinegar and run out of gas by the 12 minute mark.
  6. OMG I love when I think the game's tomorrow but I come here to find out it's today!!! Let's push the Oilers around again tonight, they're fragile (do they really only have 5 points??). Let them know who's boss.
  7. OMG give that guy an Academy Award. Maybe a star on the walk of fame. Has he no shame?
  8. It's ok to get some enjoyment out of this deal. Will it last forever? No. But in the moment this team's doing pretty damn good and we don't have to forecast the future to enjoy that. I'd say "jumping the gun" is looking past these wins to down the road and what is unknown. If we stay in the moment, things are pretty great right now.
  9. Thing is, they're bound to have let downs (let ups actually). But the ability to get back to this level is what will come into play. They are learning they have it and how to get there, even if gruelling. It's about how badly you want it in the end. Coast and it slips away pretty quickly.
  10. Which is why I never "react" to his stuff on SM/directly. I tend to ignore him.
  11. I forgot about that and wondered why that was posted. lol
  12. JT has been very open about the fact that his emotions/passion can both be a blessing and a curse. That it fuels his drive but also gets the best of him at times. It dances on the line and can go over. But that's something that real winners/competitors have...they're all in. So you see both the good and bad in that...the highs and lows. When it's not working out, he can wear that on his sleeve and get caught up in it with momentum. Landslides. I think he and Rick have similarities in personality and the mutual respect they seem to have for one another will take this to another level. It was the right thing to do - to let him cool off, reset and refocus. Then he could channel that energy appropriately...and go out and score a goal to prove his point. Rather than focus on Trevor and the clown posse that were in his sights. I try to be a rational homer.
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