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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. So maybe our homer asses saw something that others missed? Because "analysts" don't always watch as carefully as they should. Numbers only tell some of the story. Being real here means this core was worth sticking with and now they're showing that. I predicted that.
  2. I like Friedman and, for me, he's one of the more credible sources/reporters. But the word "overachieving" sort of means playing beyond what the expectations are. Hints at not being sustainable. I disagree. Playing to their potential is more like it. We have some great players that just don't get the respect they deserve. Reminds me of the past .... guys like Burr who proved themselves despite all the doubts and naysaying. But I like it when they don't know about us.
  3. It was therapeutic. I let it all out... (Just as I have taken eggings with JT, some people I know have given me flack in the past about my feelings on Drance...they feel he's so knowledgeable, blah blah). I've always seen him as a Leafs fan in sheep's clothing. And he and Rick having their tussle gave me the platform. Love Rick and he was right.
  4. What DOES give me confidence (there's no place for cockiness in my mind) is that the team now KNOWS that they can sustain success by working hard and doing what they need to. It's not a one off, fluke, or just a good/lucky night where one guy does it for them. The team will hit bumps...even the Bruins, with their ongoing success last year, did. It's important to recognize that and not just defer back to screams of "same old team" stuff. With the structure in place, they can rebound and they've earned our support. Stand behind them if/when they do lose a step. It's nice knowing this group has the capability to "be there". That it's not just riding on luck and other teams failing, but on their merits and work ethic.
  5. From what I understand, after Drance had been on the show (and left) Dhali ripped into the fact that Thomas the train is now doing an about face after having ripped into the team/this core pretty hard. I love it (and support Rick). So maybe we need a thread on this, but for now. Drance is so arrogant and smug and that's "the reality" (will come into play) and what I can't stand about him. Talks like everything out of his mouth is fact and the way it is...so to ff and have him suddenly be the big believer of the team shows he doesn't know as much as he claims to. He scowled and was oozing of condemnation and disdain just a few short months ago. He actually seems to enjoy the opportunity to be smug and...for lack of a better word...a dick. An "I told you so" who DID tell us, but was wrong. And now wants to just glance over that without admitting it. Now, it's not to say the team wasn't deserving of criticism...but the core is the same core. All teams have this "body language" when they're slumping that seemingly irks Thomas. Speaking of body language, I'm posting shots of HIS body language as he describes the team he "reports" on. So yeah, maybe temper how you present those negative feelings a bit if you may have to back the truck up and pick up the garbage you left out there. Straight out of the Ron McLean commentary handbook. He appeared to get so much satisfaction out of the struggle and controversy. Real Housewives level. Love Dhali...never did like Drance. And I don't waver like he does. A team like that crap. So now he's rallying behind that team as they're a hot ticket item. Don't get me wrong, I understand that the team warranted this criticism. But Thomas is harsh and goes all in with it. And now, suddenly, wants to pretend like he knew all along these guys are for real and has signed up to be head cheerleader? No. I don't like wishy washy about turns after such strong, bold statements. Stay on your stance. This group IS good enough and you just didn't know enough to see that. It's ok to be proven wrong and then change your mind/stance. But admit it, don't pretend. I have NO use for Thomas Diva Drance and his negativity...the sneers, the jeers, the eye rolls. So, for a guy who criticized JT for his "body language", let's see how our reporter does things: Here comes some sarcasm about the team (drumroll).... I get angry blowhard troll vibes from his body language. OK, over it now.
  6. I'm at the point, I don't even want them to know/care about us. Sort of in line with my thoughts above. Just stay there in the corner, ignoring us as we sail on past. Thing is, the MINUTE this team struggles (and, at times, they may) they'll be back out in full force to "highlight" this team in all the wrong ways. It's so lame and predictable.
  7. I LOVE Hronek...he stands out for all the right reasons for me. What a great addition to the team. He's solid. Cole too. Lafferty. PDG being given an opportunity.....
  8. Yep, it was the best thing that could've happened (in the worst way in how they did it). The team needed a boost...someone who believed in them and was their cheerleader. Then, beyond that, they needed more. "Structure" And Rick has shown in spades that he's the perfect fit. But it's the same core and those who trashed them and sneered at JT being here, etc. act like they knew all along that this team could be better. They didn't think so.
  9. I can't stand people who are wishy washy but make bold statements. McLeans. They criticize, act like they know, blurt stuff out, then....change their minds. Want to strike when the iron's hot and jump on the bus after they let the air out of the tires. Turncoats. If you're so strong in your convictions and statements....stand by them. Don't waver. I have respect for people who do...often going against the grain. McLean did that with Burrows....threw him under the bus then wanted to sing his praises when the rest of the world was. Get lost. You're not part of the club. It's YOU we really don't need. Drance is the same and I'm glad Dhali did what he did. He deserved it, whether it be after he'd left the (virtual) room or not. Drance readily dishes out criticism but clearly can't take it. Is it his job to critical at times? Sure. But he's a Leaf's fan in disguise and no one will convince me otherwise. And when we're down, he actually seems to get pleasure out of that angle of reporting. Smug. I'm not saying people didn't have good reason to be critical of the team...but there WERE bright spots and that was ignored. We weren't a complete wash out and our core was solid, even if struggling and needing direction. It's like the JT stuff...Drance jumped all over the chance to slam JT and make him into a monster. Now? Wants to be the manager of his fan club. Get lost. "Can you win with a group that carries themselves like this?" - Drance 6 months ago. Smiling and seemingly loving the fact that he could pile on. Part of the "team like that" club that had no faith or confidence in our core and now all of a sudden acting like they knew. Questioning their resilience and now they're being slapped in the face with it. Drance doesn't act surprised at what's happening (as he should considering his former stance). He acts like he's orchestrated this.
  10. The team heading down the tunnel to the room after a good win.
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