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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. No team in the league gave a rat's ass about our struggles. I just don't care at all if other teams are hitting obstacles...better for us. Climb over them and wave at them from above. I seriously have zero empathy...we've paid our dues as fans and have taken a boatload of crap from other teams and their fans.
  2. I'm sorry, but no. Don't tell us we can't celebrate success...we suffered a long time and we've damn well earned the right to be happy.
  3. If they drop the ball on this with Marchand it really proves this league is corrupt. He's a punk.
  4. Well, as for the hair...it used to be Ron Duguay for me. But now....duh.....
  5. That's pretty pessimistic. That was then this is now. Also, we've beat the Sharks the last 9/9 times we've played them. FTR: This year he's got a 3.83 GAA ... totally beatable.
  6. He's very bland. Knowledgeable, but no real personality being shown. I used to like the fun banter between Shorty and Cheech...it filled the dead air nicely.
  7. This part here. I agree, and it shows how much this team is coming together. It's so important for them to play for each other, not just themselves. It's really encouraging.
  8. I was pretty worked up over the atrocious performance...by the Hanson brother reffing crew. But one thing is certain, we've never really got many breaks in that regard but this team gets fired up and can win rather than wilt. They're learning not to rely on calls going their way. The passion that fuels JT and has been heavily criticized is also the one that has a very strong "screw you" factor that drives him. I'm glad Tocchet gave him a cooling off period because he was rightfully pissed off and needed to refocus. I have a feeling they have a good relationship already established that's based on respect. I think JT responds well to Tocchet and understands that he played a fiery game too. I'm so glad Petey is doing what he does and starting to love the game again. That's a big key to our success...him being motivated. Not that he ever really takes a night off but, when the team's off, it puts a lot of extra pressure on him that he really seems to absorb. What a great October...especially in comparison to last year. Feels good, but they can't get complacent or settle in. I have a feeling they understand that part well. I really like Hronek, he's standing out in a good way for me. Lafferty too.
  9. I like it when they're sleeping and they don't know we exist. Then we come out of nowhere. Toffoli was the NHL's 1st star of the week...he's having a good run. Was sad when we didn't keep him.
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