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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Damn it feels good to win in the face of adversity. These guys are for real.
  2. Nice to have the guys rebound from the lousy reffing....rise above it all. They're learning how to win and not let crap get in the way that could make them lose. Tocchet was right to cool JT down...he's like a runaway train and takes the game so seriously. But he's getting the last laugh here.
  3. WOOOHOOOO!!! I called it! Hat (tricks) and treats!
  4. Preds getting away with all kinds of stuff now. Refs have given up, not even trying to fake it anymore.
  5. They're coming to their senses. It was only a matter of time before he grew on them....
  6. It was bound to happen. Just how he does it...gets pissed off and....scores.
  7. Love it. Forsberg trying to work the agenda but it backfires. Sit your sorry ass down, bud.
  8. I'm so worked up right now the first kid that rings the doorbell's likely gonna get a whole bucket of candy flung at him/her. I'm sorry. "JUST TAKE IT FFS"
  9. "Tradition"? LOL That's a nice way of saying bunch of horsepoop. Bias has NO place in "officiating". It actually sort of contradicts it. Speaking of dicts (refs).
  10. "I've run out of chocolate, would you like some champagne?" I'd trick or treat at your house.
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