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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I've gotta go watch up close. I hate talking about the refs, waste of my time/life.
  2. Yep, some competition would work. You want to call a game? Earn it. But this league'll never do that because they don't care.
  3. Nope...this ref's carrying baggage from last year. And that's ridiculous and shouldn't be allowed to happen. He's got it in for JT, who called him out last year. "Jailhouse rules". He's upset...like a pissy 14 year old girl. Anyhow, he's under the microscope now.
  4. He pointed at his behind....probably kiss my ass. Do you agree with the penalty itself? Ref got played then tried to save face by acting all tough guy.
  5. Which means they make it about them. It's about the game and the players on the ice. Egos and hurt feelings have no place in this game.
  6. I'm not kidding either...next time this clown shows up in my Dad's yard to go out on the boat he's getting told to gtfo. And he won't even know why (my Dad doesn't like him either). He's one of those guys who shows up to go out fishing and helps with nothing, pitches in for nothing. Gets there when it's time to launch and leaves before the boat's unloaded. So no. Sprayed with the hose. And I'm serious. WOOOO
  7. You and your "every time". That's twice now. You talk like your word is the final word. It's not. It was a bullshit call to begin with and then he rubbed salt in the wound because he felt stupid. Because he's a dbag trying to make a name for himself.
  8. "in my time of hockey" I'm sure you never heard a guy say things to a ref who totally blew a call? You'd be lying to deny it. Also, you completely ignore the ref's part in this and the chicken wing? So don't just conveniently glance over that...he was pissed off. And rightfully so. "And well he should".....also applies to the ref who should see that kind of crap and not fall for it.
  9. I'm sick of it. The refs suck and there's no defending it. They are interfering in games more than they're officiating them. Don't hurt their feelings or else? Bullsh. Tell me a guy who doesn't jaw at the ref on the way to the box. It's what happens and this ref is "sensitive". Screw him.
  10. Honestly, Hanson's been one of the worst refs I've ever seen. He's pathetic. Save it. So they have hissy fits...still should call things fairly. Not based on their hurt feelings.
  11. JT called Hanson out once (when he was mic'd up).....so he's obviously taken a number. Which is what refs SHOULDN"T do! Hanson's the worst ref. And he's my brother's friend...can't stand him. His dad too, they're arrogant.
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