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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. What a babe! Love JT, only a real man could pull that off. Let's rock this place tomorrow. Hat (tricks) and treats. Nobody better ring my doorbell while the game's on....sorry, not home. I'll put the box of candy outside...help yourself.
  2. OMG, that is so awesome!!! I love it and that you got that opportunity. What a great picture of you two! Fantastic. He'll always be "ours" at heart.
  3. "Earn the day". I like that concept. I also like that he's humble and can admit a mistake "I probably should've put the second unit out there more....guys were tired/got a little sloppy. That's my fault".
  4. Yep...if we hear he's not playing tomorrow and is day to day, we know why!!
  5. God I love these two.... (JT as you've never seen him before)
  6. I'm glad Petey doesn't (I mean, sometimes for a second or two). His competitive nature just won't allow him to stay down on the ice and writhe like a soccer star. But yeah, if that's McDavid that's an automatic call.
  7. It's really sad because that one thug moment can change someone's life and this was a scare that really could've ended up in tragedy. Especially when some of the players really outweigh others, they manhandle them on ice and it can have a really bad outcome.
  8. I feel like JT really found a true "home" here. By that I mean he's been on teams where he maybe wasn't relied on as much as a go to or truly given the opportunity to shine like he has here. He's sort of been in the back seat and now he's driving a team bus. Players like him are successful because they're so driven and competitive. They love the game and love to win. You can coach players but some of this stuff comes from within and you can't "teach" it. It's either there or it's not...killer instinct and grit kind of stuff. Linden, Burr, Bieka...all my favourites have shown this. Some players love to be hockey "stars" and live the lifestyle. I mean, sure they love hockey but JT doesn't care about any of the hoopla. He's seemingly having a lot of fun here and I think this is the perfect fit for him.
  9. YES! Finally someone gets it. I'm going to start fighting over the Messier cross check soon. That's up next.
  10. I love when "she's emotional" is the go to. It's kind of hilarious to me. Maybe I'm just a lazy back checker. *slams her stick over the net*
  11. It does matter. I'm talking specifically about a tripping call that was missed and you're muddying the waters with a bunch of unrelated stuff. I understand and support not everything being called...but tripping usually is. And that's my point. The call that was missed in OT was a trip. Not a corner battle with cross checks and roughing.
  12. You didn't include tripping in that. That one's usually called.
  13. If you break a rule in a rule book it should be called. Or you may as well throw the rule book out. And, quite honestly, I'm ok when they do that. I'd prefer they don't make calls...the flow of the game is better. But if you're calling 5 on 3's and calling some too many men but not others, and then decide not to make a call in OT, it's inconsistent. Either do or don't. To allow refs to pick and choose really isn't the answer. End of story.
  14. So when there's a battle in the corner and someone's tripped, it's not a penalty? Hmmm, I disagree. Thanks for at least trying to answer. It was a simple question based on your words so I just wanted to clarify.
  15. So when would a trip not be worthy of a penalty? I'm curious.
  16. I wasn't at the game so I missed this part:
  17. Where did you specify what trips aren't infractions? I only am interested in that part and can't seem to see it. I see smoke and mirrors and a lot of extra stuff thrown in but no real answer. But it's ok, don't worry about it. Trips are infractions and there aren't many instances where they're overlooked.
  18. You didn't but it's ok. That answers it for me (the fact that you couldn't). You generalized a bunch of other stuff but it did not answer the question. Over it, have a great night.
  19. I was asking someone a direct question and am waiting for the response to that (but I'll get back to this). Actually, I'll deal with this now too. It did both. That trip likely negated at least a potential scoring chance and did lead directly to one.
  20. Kadri's a puke and putting a mic on him just confirms it for me.
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