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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Another CFL game that'll go down to the wire. Let's go Lions, get'er done.
  2. Yes, if they didn't have a damn goalie in net, Oilers probably would've won. Maybe.
  3. "Here, bounce it in off my butt" - Darnell Nurse Gotta love how the Oilers defend here.
  4. It's not about cheering FOR a team. It's about calling another team and their fans/city losers: This is not great commentary from a guy who now makes his living delivering...commentary. Choose your words wisely. Especially when some consider the diving and whining from his team an absolute joke and loser stuff. Maybe we can send Luke a matching beard bandaid to help him feel better.
  5. Edmonton's an ugly team. How they play and how they look.
  6. Oh yea. Just got in (Dad's birthday). What a nice surprise...go Panthers (Canada's team).
  7. It is a sour note and it's normal, but a bit more extreme for reasons like: 1. The dirty crap that was ignored in our series vs the Oilers (yet they whined throughout at the refs) 2. The fact that arrogant Leon was smug about "goaltending/goalposts". Like most give respect where it's due but not Mr. Slewfoot. 3. Oilers SHOULD be ahead of this team with their golden picks. They're my new #1 hated team. Yes, above the Leafs AND the Bruins.
  8. And this is a guy who, in a roundabout way, I/we pay his salary for. So there is a big difference....and we can slag on a guy who has no clue. If we're a bunch of losers here, why do so many Alberta transplants end up here?
  9. Or, we can do it our way and speak out. Remember, you don't have to participate...it's a choice. This idiot is taking some heat and it's well deserved. We don't have to "behave" a certain way so people like us....f them if they don't. We support our team and that's ok. "You're a bunch of losers?" I pay good $$ for Sportsnet/cable and I certainly don't want to hear that I'm a loser or I'll rethink that. It's not like we just dredged this up....there was a response and it was pathetic so we're responding to that.
  10. It's not really that we're butt hurt. It's summer, there's not much happening and it's a discussion point, that's all. Sportsnet made a bunch of excuses for their guy but forgot one thing....he gets paid to talk, fans don't. It's his job and if that's his stance, I don't want him anywhere near our team. GTFO Poor Luke got some vile comments. Our school is closing down and parents are PISSED and venting all over the place. I have to remain professional despite them being angry and very rude in some instances. Because it's my job and I do NOT let that impact how I present myself or represent my company. Stand in there and deliver service. We don't have to absorb the sh and a good employee will just continue to their job and let it bounce off them. Not fire back like a hack.
  11. Haven't read the thread but this is encouraging...
  12. Big Z is my main concern. Gotta get that guy signed.
  13. Thing is, I don't feel I have to "prove myself" to anyone. If people stereotype and lump us into a group of _________________ that reflects on them, not us. Trash talking is one thing but when you're paid as a panel member, you should be presenting yourself a little more professionally than a homer hack. This is on him, I don't give a sh what Luke thinks about me or my team. He can go f himself. I know what I'm about...my team too. If he doesn't, that's great, no one here needs this clown anyhow. Image isn't everything to some of us. I know I have integrity, good morals and am loyal and honest. Luke can think whatever he wants about me as a fan, doesn't change a damn thing. And I'm quite sure my team won't lose any sleep over the fact that Luke Washed Up Nobody thinks they're trash. Our team would skate circles around that wannabe.
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