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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. You've written a wall of text but have failed to answer a simple, direct question. So again: what trips aren't infractions? You've completely avoided answering that.
  2. So what trips aren't infractions? You're trying to make it grey but I'm not convinced that it is.
  3. Thing is, I don't dispute that you may find it a great place to live. It was the part about being able to shoot someone that's not really a bragging point in my opinion. The rest? Sure. I mean, I have no idea as I haven't been there but the "shoot 'em up" stuff is just stupid. Because the same ideas you have...maybe your teenager is out with friends one night and happens across someone's property. Then it's not so great.
  4. Things progress over time and the NHL is included in that. So no...it's not simply a game played in the grey and that's the entire nature of the sport. They're constantly changing things to make it more black and white. Clearly defined. But they're inconsistently doing so, which is where the problem lies. If you trip a guy...it's a penalty. Or supposed to be.
  5. Made borscht like a good little babushka.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Feel free to share. 🙂

    3. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      What’s a babushka???

    4. LaBamba


      I’m a Ukrainian that loves a good borscht. I use pork chops for my broth. And only do garden carrots and beets and white beans with dill. It’s a clear slightly vinegar type. Sometimes I’ll fry some cabbage and add it in the bowl separately. There are seriously probably 50 variations of this soup, depending on the region it originated and they’re all good. 

  6. Nurse being Nurse. Well, glad Calgary scored, Can't cheer for Kadri though. Conflicted. If that's the standard, why are these 2 teams playing.
  7. Generally if they impact the play they're called. Plus...you're talking about 11 players per team vs 5. More to watch and many making contact all at once. Hockey they're more spread out.
  8. So that's acceptable? Needs no attention or review? And if they "miss" things for one team (only) it really slants a game. They missed a few things that the Canucks were penalized for but the Rangers were not.
  9. Oilers all full of piss and vinegar again. For 8-12 minutes then they'll hit a wall again.
  10. I love it when Connor's going like a bat out of hell and then someone just strips the puck from him and ... nothing.
  11. This, for me, highlights all that's wrong with the US, not what's right with it. That's an easy solution but....it's not really solving problems it's creating them. So what if a person with alzheimers stumbles onto your property at night? Maybe someone's grandma who's lost her way? "Get away with it" is your first clue. Not sure you really should...I mean look what's in the headlines recently. People who use guns to "solve" their problems. Please.
  12. Anyone else watching this Heritage Classic game spectacle?
  13. So, in simple terms, what is "the reality of the NHL game"?
  14. That's your opinion though. Some of us would gladly sacrifice a few extra minutes so they could get things right. Time well spent.
  15. Are they though? They didn't call the Rangers when they had 7 guys out there. They SHOULD BE. Which is sort of what we're arguing.
  16. This is a total exaggeration though. No one's saying that. Hitting and battles that fall within the boundaries would be fine...it's the stuff that crosses the line. You're making a scenario that just isn't so...boring? I find it boring when a play ends on a note like it did rather than an exciting battle where the best team wins. Not the one that gets an advantage. There's a happy medium to be struck between what you're portraying and what some are suggesting would help the league with credibility and fairness.
  17. I always felt that, with Miller, he'd change the tone of things. I saw that snarl in him. He wears his heart on his sleeve and can be a grumpy bear...but we needed that. Someone who could growl and swing when he's angry. Slam gates and sticks and...yeah. For all the right reasons...because he's a fierce competitor. People who called him lazy and said he didn't care weren't watching closely enough. We've had guys like that....mailing it in. He's the opposite. He was criticized for being "lazy" but I still stand by the fact that it wasn't laziness...it was deflation. He takes winning SO seriously that yes, at times, it got the better of him. He didn't give up on the play so much as he was still processing the play in a GD it way. I loved Bo but if you have too many guys who are polite and courteous, that's the theme. JT doesn't give a sh and some of that is necessary. He spoke out on behalf of the team early on. He isn't here to please anyone...on social media, the press, whoever. He's here to win. And that's the kind of attitude we need, even if some find him abrasive. He's a winner.
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