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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Yep, they'll look at it for 27 minutes from 92 different angles. But a player goes down taking him out of the play and...."we don't have time for that". I mean, there was a missed offside on us and the play stayed in the zone for several minutes afterward. Yet, if a goal was scored they'd rewind to that point and decide then. Despite so much happening in between. Like that was 2 full minutes ago and somehow it's still relevant enough to change a goal despite it having no direct impact on it.
  2. Good take. And why give the refs extra power (notoriety, good or bad) and allowing their stance to be argued as it is here. Best to ignore them I guess. They suck, whatever, move on. I'm trying to...it's getting easier as I get more used to the inconsistent incompetence of it all. Becoming slightly immune to it. Back in '94 I was livid. It's sad though. to become numb and lose some of the passion for the game because it ends in such a way. Losing is one thing, but feeling cheated in a game that was so exciting is quite deflating. Anti-climatic. The team is awesome so I think they can even overcome the obstacle of playing some good teams and against some blind refs. They're covering all the bases.
  3. LOL Yeah you're right. Kreider didn't mean to.
  4. LOL on a lighter note, when this was going down last night and I was super frustrated after the game, I found myself singing this. (I love Torts)
  5. My guess is they thought it wasn't enough. However, in a game that they thought issuing two 5 on 3 pp's was warranted, they really were setting a tone there. Then...crickets.
  6. It's just sad that you have to play this game. Ass kissing stuff...I don't like it. It should be based on the play on the ice, not on who's "in" with the refs/league. That ol' boys club stuff that dinosaurs ruled the earth with.
  7. Also, all this talk of the refs having it tough, too much to watch, play moves fast. Their eyes should be on the guy with the puck and, in 3 on 3 OT, it's a bit easier as there's not so many bodies out there. It's not like this happened away from the play...it WAS the play.
  8. We shouldn't have to care though...that's for psychologists. I just want them to focus and it's their eyes that should be making the calls. Use their minds once the play's whistled down and they can confer with others. Don't just let it go because "the game's too fast" to keep up with. Anyhow, too much time spent on something that can't be changed. I'm proud of how the team battled through it, despite the refs helping decide the outcome.
  9. So we can't challenge something unless we've reffed an NHL game? Have you? I know an NHL ref and they're not above scrutiny. No matter how tough the job is, the expectation is that you do it well. I'm not sure it's being done well overall.
  10. If you didn't see it maybe watch it first then we can discuss further. Cheers. Neither did they.
  11. It was OT....they had 6 players and 2 goaltenders to watch. Don't make it sound harder than it was. Also, you're right...."I" could not do it. But I have not been trained or hired to do it nor do I make the $200,000-$450,000/year that they make. Kind of silly to use this as any kind of argument for subpar work performances. They probably couldn't do my job either.
  12. I'm really happy he's redeemed himself lately, I like him. He's got so much potential and we're seeing how he can be an asset rather than a liability. I imagine the coaches have a lot to do with this. Well done, Myers.
  13. It's absolutely tragic news....out doing what he loves and in a moment and an abrupt change of fate, he's gone. I can't imagine how family members get through this sort of stuff. Absolutely horrifying and blindsiding. So incredibly sad to read this story, may his family find some comfort at some point. It's going to be rough.
  14. Can you tell me the reason? Right? With all the technology and automation we have these days, this is a no brainer. But yes...they'd be out of a job and harder to slant games too.
  15. Anyhow, the team has adopted the "keep our feet out of our mouths" theme and it's the right thing for them to do. To not be distracted by the piss poor reffing and to learn to win despite it. Sad that it's something they have to adjust to but "it is what it is". But we know that if they speak out, it gets worse not better. Which speaks volumes in itself. Doesn't mean, as fans, we have to keep quiet or love what we see. Some of us don't. All the rationale explaining "why" just furthers that for me. Shouldn't need footnotes to explain calls and non calls. Should be obvious. Yes, refs are human and miss things. But there are more than one of them out there and they DO huddle/discuss things. Maybe do that if a guy gets taken down in a critical point in a game. Make sure. Don't just wing it.
  16. I wouldn't say it challenges the "integrity"....it would help prove it. Challenges the flow? The status quo? Sure. I mean, they do that with offsides and GI calls, etc.
  17. While this is very pc I think name calling also falls under the petty and childish umbrella. People are allowed to express their opinion and vent and none of us is better than the rest. Some people don't believe that you have to "suck" stuff up and accept it...change doesn't happen that way. Has nothing to do with sportsmanship. The fact that you state "calls even themselves out" sort of makes my point and a matter of the refs aiming for that. That's not how it should be done. And, if so, one team got two 5 on 3's. They also got away with an uncalled too many men. And a pick. Both things the other team got called for. "Uneven". So the evening out should've happened by the call being made in OT. Whether it was ill timed or not. I'm sick of asterisks beside calls....make them even if it's one team doing 10 things in a row. That's on them.
  18. Imagine having that mentality in any other job. "Well, they're not the greatest but they're the best we've got". A good company would work with them to be better...they represent your brand.
  19. Anyhow, (almost) over it...want to be positive this year and the refs aren't part of that. I don't buy that they can't be better (and should be), but that's on them. My team is awesome and I feel that they're acquiring the tools to face this kind of adversity and rise above it. Rather than to wither. We have a great core...I've always known that. Especially when you see how they're bonding and JT is a big part of that. Quinn's a perfect leader...leads on the ice by example and JT's the vocal leader. Petey's our best (along with Demko). It's nice to have these guys in place and they're learning how to win as a team. Because that's how they play (as a team). Screw the Rangers, they've been put on notice. Even with the refs' help they aren't going to just roll over us.
  20. But they didn't see it...so I want them to tell me why. An obvious take down that they should've seen. They saw a slash that, even in replay, I found hard to find. The point isn't really to hear the answers...it's to make them answer. And "I called it like I saw it" could be questioned further, as in AfterHours when it's a bit more than one generic response.
  21. And before we hear the comments that we're "whining about the refs"...remember, some whine that the refs have it "so hard".
  22. Yep, it's the way it has to be. Suck it up and work through it as best you can. Prepare for it. Expect the worst and be happy if you get something better. Which isn't really ideal or satisfactory. There's only SO much control the refs can have over a game...and this team is learning to play beyond the shitty calls and non calls. That's the key here...the refs get to slink away and that's not changing. I'm super happy with this team and how they're responding to the gong show.
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