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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. The kind of fans the team needs to hang on to. Thick or thin, long time, totally invested win or lose. He seems like a good guy...love that he's keeping the seats to pass on to his kids.
  2. Exhausted! Helped organize an all day soccer tournament today and hockey is just what the doctor ordered. Hectic day, time to sit back with a cold...ginger ale and relax. Let's go Canucks! JT MILLER TIME!
  3. I thought the same thing re this reminding me of the Matheson body slam on Petey. That crap has no place in hockey.
  4. He's awesome and this well deserved. Part of our Canucks/sports "history"....it's nice for him to get this recognition.
  5. You talk a big game. How about balancing it out with some empathy. Using someone's potentially serious injury to prove how tough you are is weak. As weak as it comes. Very immature take so I hope you're young and can still learn. It's time to read the room and find another topic to participate in at this point. Not sure why you're still able to reply, but that will change if this persists. Thing is, with head injuries sometimes the initial diagnosis is good but it's long term effects that come into play. Podz is in the prime of his life, as a new Dad with a bright future. I hope this doesn't impact it. And the guy who took him down should be addressed. I'm not sure it was "an accident". I'm also not saying it was dirty or intentional but that should be decided after a good, hard look at how it went down. Speedy recovery, Podz!
  6. I try to pace myself a bit...that's a big ask. One game at a time applies to fans as well as the team, although it's great to have hope! So much hinges on things like overall player health/injuries that it's really hard to predict an outcome. But I do think we'll get to the playoffs and, if healthy, could surprise some people.
  7. The River Rock caters to certain demographics and they just don't care (at all) who they turn away. I have personal experience with that. I won't ever go back there. Big money betters get their way. Go to Legends in Richmond - a true sports bar owned by longtime locals. It's a great place to catch a game in Richmond if you're ever back this way. The fact is that the lower mainland is changing as people view this as a resort destination and Air bnb hub. Many people just passing through who aren't invested in the city, let alone our local sports teams. It's losing the lustre of the hard working crew who want to catch a game after work. I love the changes in many ways (the food offered here is amazing). But there are negative impacts as well, as people just aren't interested in sports, or at least our local teams.
  8. Whew...great way to grind it out guys. That makes it an ok road trip overall. Time to come on home!
  9. Wow, this officiating. So NOW they'll start calling everything? And linesman missing stuff. Awesome. Top tier pro level crap.
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