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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. You know after the introductions of the team, staff, cousins, grandparents, kindergarten teachers followed by a look back at the past 10 years and then the anthems, it'll really be a 7:00 start.
  2. Love the pretty GDT! Let's have a pretty win to go with it. Game days are the best.
  3. It's like you can read my mind. It's TOO LONG in between games.
  4. I'm so tired of the narrative that we win because "soft schedule, etc." and when we lose "no excuses". It all comes into play. No road schedule is "soft"...flying and changing up the routine so early in the year takes some adjustment. Especially when a team HAS had a flu bug running through the bench. Travelling a total of about 5,000 miles and being "on the road" for 2 weeks isn't really a soft schedule. It's much lighter than our usual start of season, I'll give you that. But also factor in the change in time zones and earlier starts. Wins don't have to be pretty...it's the points that count. But somehow, when we collect 2 points it always comes with asterisks for some. This is not really a "soft" schedule (especially considering that Edmonton, Florida, and Tampa are all ranked higher than our team)
  5. I'm not concerned and players will say things as leverage. I mean, this is a big deal for him so of course he's going to be careful in what he says and does. I want Petey to really understand that he is a difference maker and has to be part of this, not "move to" this: So it starts with him and if we're not winning I know that he'll also look to what part he's playing in that. Accountability. He's always shown this but that's something huge...JT is a guy who believed in this roster and feels he can help get us there. That's the mentality. If Petey "tires" of this team and the lack of success, he may very well move on. But that could be a mistake. Patience is required as you work out the kinks, which this team is doing. Head coaches are a big part of that and we have a pretty solid staff behind the benches. You can pick a team that has a chance but there are no guarantees. Every team has a chance until they don't. If this team stays healthy, gets firing on all cylinders, gets half decent reffing (a big ask), gets solid goaltending....we should be there. Of course, our d has been an issue...but Quinn's leading the charge and that gives us a huge boost. I get "contenders" and upping the odds but if Petey wants to go, that's something we can't stop. But I feel he'd be making a mistake...Demko, Quinn, Miller, Kuz...all players he'd be taking a pass on. The brotherhood he's establishing here would be reset....the bar would be set incredibly high and he'd shoulder a whole lot of responsibility with a whole new spotlight shone on him. He doesn't appear to really love the spotlight but it sure would be amplified, at least at first. Just go about your business here, Petey. With a team and fans that love you. Lead with your brain/heart...and don't let ego overshadow things. (I have full confidence he will...he's got it in check from what we've seen).
  6. I remember my son advocating for PDG last year....I didn't see it but he did. I really see what he does now....a hard worker with good hockey sense.
  7. I don't like his attitude and this is an example: ("I'm sulking over my ice time so whatever") And I know I've been a proponent of fighting to spark a team, but you have to pick your spots and do it for the right reasons. Not selfish ones.
  8. "Can be". He isn't soft but he also doesn't use his size as much/well as he could. I'm hoping that changes.
  9. First of all, let me say I do appreciate your kindness and empathy. It's refreshing. I, too, get uncomfortable with pinpointing players in a negative way, but it's something players do face. They're in the spotlight and we pay good money to go see them play. Besides, even his own teammates make reference to a giraffe. I'm sure he knows it's not "hateful" or bullying. Petey's an alien, etc. Tone matters. We're not spewing vitriol at him, it's all in fun and well intended (a kick in the butt with hope that he turns it around). We're not following him out of the rink or sending him nasty dm's. Malicious, mean spirited. This is light and goofy. Do some want him gone? Absolutely...but that's ok. Have you ever seen "roasts" on TV? Comedic, not meant to be hurtful. Comedy is just that. This is a fanbase that's earned every right to vent...I mean, we're here and that matters. Many players have been put under a critical light and some of it's well earned. If Myers read this (he won't), I'm sure he'd get a chuckle out of it. It was JT Miller...now it's Myer's turn in the hotseat. Next month it'll be someone else. We love this team and have hung in there through some rough times recently. We're expressing some frustration (warranted) in a fun/creative way in a forum that allows us to express ourselves. Have you heard the stuff players yell at each other on the ice? It happens in hockey. But, again, I really do appreciate your kindness and caring about the players...we need more of that. Your heart is in the right place.
  10. Kane and Dillon...short and sweet. Two guys I don't like...hope they both have busted knuckles.
  11. One thing I love about Miller (and I saw it again tonight)....when we're attacking and the puck's being passed around as guys try to find a shooting lane, he gets creative. He'll move and mix things up rather than be stationary and wait for an opening. He darted to the front of the net and changed things up. He's also really aware of where others are and gets the puck away quickly...not so many of those no look passes because he just seems to be so dialed in. I love how he plays the game. He, Quinn, and Petey are really special players (Demko too). And Kuz when he's on.
  12. It has to be...that's pretty bad. I mean, if someone couldn't hear and was reading as they went along they'd be pretty confused. Better to have nothing at all.
  13. OK, am I crazy? Does a human do the cc for these videos or is it automated? My good God, this is pitiful. Went to check out the highlights and... Elias Pettersson = "Paterson" "Pedersen" "Whoever the hell that guy is" Barkov = "Park"
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