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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. OK, just because you hit that note you don't have to stretch it out. Thank God...finally.
  2. Although I tend to agree with you and really want to shed the negativity (my God, the JT stuff was painful), players also aren't immune from it. You have to have a thick outer skin, especially playing in a market like Vancouver. Many Canucks have been put through a bit of a grinder at times...and they've done just fine. It's a matter of using criticism to be better...not wallowing in it or being defensive. Which I'm not suggesting Myers is doing. I like him and am pulling for him to get past this stuff. He's not all bad but at a time when we really need to generate some wins/points so things don't start to slide again, he's not helping with that. And needs to. Sure, everyone has moments and everyone makes mistakes...but his are stringing together and that's concerning. He has to focus better...the dogpile on Petey could;'ve actually hurt him! Honey badger calls it like he sees it and I do respect that. Everyone on the team has to be accountable and we count on Myers as a top (?) defender. Let's hope he gathers himself and gets it together to become more of an asset rather than a liability. Fans here will not accept another huge hole that puts us out of contention. And we're nervous when losses start accumulating...nip it in the bud. Yes, even me....the biggest homer. Not only does the team deserve a playoff run, the fans really do. And good and bad habits have to be addressed early on, not when there's a final push to try to get there. Myers is doing some boneheaded stuff and so it's hard not to notice.
  3. Amazing GDT! Honestly, you put so much time and effort in and it's really nice to have some hockey history infused in. Well done. Love game days...especially weekends. We didn't play badly last game, I'm expecting a win. (But aren't I always?) Let's go Canucks!!!
  4. Calgary's red Canucks are blue Flames d'ya want Tyler Myers? We'll give him to you. (He'll complete the matching set...Tanev, Markstrom...Myers!)
  5. If you don't know then consider yourself lucky. I'm over the trauma now and my therapist says I shouldn't relive the horror. What he says ^ F Messier. And Kennan.
  6. Apparently he's a bit under the weather so I'll cut him some slack. I like Kuz best when he's in his element - enjoying the hell out of playing the game. If the mental game starts catching up with him and he is overthinking things it won't be good. Just let him do his thing.
  7. You're not a speedbump You're not a sniper You use your stick like A windshield wiper You pile on Petey Only God knows why Poor guy is hurtin' Makes me wanna cry Please open your eyes When you're making passes Perhaps it's time to Consider some glasses? I want to cheer for you Our big chaos giraffe But you have to stop making Those terrible gaffes. They cost us games. You cost us money And I no longer find this Amusing or funny. Love Deb
  8. I just want to point out, whenever possible, what JT does for this team. People who thought he was a lazy, selfish player really misinterpreted him/his body language. He doesn't even really care about "99 points" or scoring as a focus (although, he sure does show up when we're fighting to get back into a game) He does what he needs to in order to help the team. Is he perfect? No? Does he have times when he's caught up in the moment and shows frustration? Sure. But damn, we're really lucky to have him. He's a fierce competitor.
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