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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I'ma have to add to the BINGO card: "Myers dogpiles on his own teammate and allows two guys to skate off with the puck (and score)" Even I didn't see that one coming. I really want him to do better because I hate ragging on one of our own. But man, he sticks out like a sore thumb at times.
  2. I've said before (and it was heavily disputed) that JT reminds me a lot of Bieksa. His personality and how he does use ribbing, etc. to keep things light and everyone connected. I mean, even in tough times if someone can make you laugh it can really help cut the tension. Also, how he wants to be held accountable and work on his game. As much as we've had some great captains/leaders, an in your face kind of guy can be effective when everyone is silent and in their own heads. This kind of stuff screams leadership (all of it). I still feel that he should wear the C but I don't begrudge Quinn wearing it either. What a great read, @Cali Canuck, thank you! Not sure how I'd missed this earlier. Really enjoy the stuff that gives us insight into what makes the players tick. Especially my very favourite player!
  3. On a night when I was super disappointed in a loss and feeling down.....perspective picked me back up again. Got word that Dad's biopsy is all clear and his cancer isn't back as we'd thought. Life just took a massive turn for the better. I take hockey seriously but I love my team and....life is so good. Feeling grateful.

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    2. -dlc-


      Hi Joe, thanks for always checking in on me. You're such a lovely man and your wife was lucky to have you (like my mom was with Dad). It's not easy caring for someone who's had a stroke and you have my great respect for devoting  yourself to her as you did. I don't live with Dad (yet), but I see him most days and check in every day (probably too much for his liking). I've backed off a bit to give him some space and independence. He'll be moving in with me (I have a suite in the basement)...likely within the next year or so. He loves his garden and his neighbours so I want to make sure it's the right move at the right time.

    3. NewbieCanuckFan


      When I was in the hospital I was told that its often as hard on a patient's loved ones as the patient itself.  They weren't wrong.  Make sure you have time for yourself '-dlc-' (however you manage to squeeze it in).

    4. Power-Forward


      Hi -dlc-, im 28 and I found out that my Dad had cancer just 2 weeks ago and that it has spread to some areas.  I watch the Canucks with my Dad quite often.  I hope everything goes well.  Just trying to stay positive.      

  4. I'm a sucker for punishment and just can't turn on my team. I hope they don't let this slide. Must win games already for us as the end of the season dig out of a hole never works out.
  5. Not for me...that one was complete garbage. And the refs were compost. This one I felt like we at least had a chance. A bit of chaotic play where Tampa grabbed momentum and ran, but it was better than in Philly.
  6. Damn, too bad. JT really wanted that win and he played like it. Some passengers need to wake the f up. Liabilities. I'm already sick of losing.
  7. DAMN RIGHT....LET'S HAVE ANOTHER!!! (back to stand in front of my TV and will a goal in their net)
  8. I just wish we'd get on a good roll. Something sustained that could let us exhale a bit.MILLELERRRRRRRR
  9. I feel like Quinn and JT are really battling hard for this....wish they'd get rewarded. Demko too of course.
  10. He literally flew in there, fell down, and pinned his own teammate to the ice as two guys skated away with the puck.
  11. They've gotta find a way to stay focused and not totally deflate. A quick goal is needed to bring up the energy level. Duh.
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