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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. This guy says my team is trash. He looks exactly like how he presents himself. Like a giant dbag.
  2. Luke Gazdick is not "the hockey world". I have friends who are Flames fans, TO fans (sorry), Detroit fans, etc. In one breath you say "they" then switch it up to "we". So which is it, are you with us or against us? Tired of hearing how awful we are here. We don't give a sh...so there's that. Funny how people from Alberta (etc) live here...if "we're" so bad are they just....stupid?
  3. I don't agree (at all) that it's a mental health thing. I think it's arrogance and gloating. As others have said, it comes with the job to have to contend with comments that aren't always favourable on SM. My God, you should see the stuff we have to put up with here (as mods) at times. How you react is a choice and if he's suffering from mental health there's help out there. Step away and get some. But using that as an excuse does undermine the people with real MH issues (as someone pointed out).
  4. Being a douche is not a mental health issue.
  5. Luke puts the dick in Gazdic. As I pointed out somewhere else, he has less points in his entire career than Jacob Markstrom in his past 3 years. "Expert"? More like Oiler fanboy.
  6. Also, may I point out that the dick named Luke had 8 points over his enter "career" and that somehow got him on a panel as an expert. FTR, Jacob Markstrom had more points in his last 3 years than Gaz-dick did in his entire time in the NHL (as a poser).
  7. He puts the dick in Gazdic. Trying to be relevant....Luke who? Never heard of her.
  8. Well Draisaitl did have menstrual cramps that one game.
  9. Cut with that MAGA crap please. If you're not a Canuck fan you still have to show respect for us (here).
  10. Matters. It's hard to stay healthy if one team can assault you but you can't reciprocate.
  11. Uh, 2011 anyone? I know, I know...math isn't the Oiler fans' strong point.
  12. Well, the refs did give them some extra protection/bodyguards. Helps. Other teams get beat up...slashed by them, slew footed. Not sure recently how it's been but in our series for sure.
  13. I'll get behind them. If they're standing on a steep hill and I can give them a good shove.
  14. "Obvious" doesn't mean they're always called. They miss some obvious ones so that's the point you may be overlooking.
  15. Re the extra gear: also factoring in is the fact that they were completely humiliated during the first part of the season. That's motivation and I'm sure that failure, at this point, would loom pretty large for them. I do give them credit for how they turned their season around...we've done that too though. So I hope they crash and burn is what I'm trying to say here.
  16. I can tell you Deb donated .001% last year
  17. He "might". Those statements are projective and gloom and doom. He might play at an even HIGHER level. And it depends on what you look at on the resumes. We NEED physicality and push back...that much we know. Myers gives us that in the playoffs but there wasn't much of a deterrent with him in that role through the season.
  18. I'd say definitely yes. The fact that he gives our other players protection is worth a whole lot. He embraces the role and if we let him go, who does that part? Along with the fact he has pretty good hands and is a total team player. You just don't get guys like him every day and, if you have one, you hold onto him.
  19. He's extremely agile (like Huggy) and is fast at maneuvering.
  20. I'm also of the feeling that if guys are getting "too big" for the team, there's the door. Ego has no place here. Hard working team players only need apply. Sure, looking after their interests and financial stability is first and foremost. But to what degree? It's also a matter of how you're utilized (look how JT's flourished in the opportunity he's been given here), how you mesh with a team and their system/structure, etc. Overall happiness comes into play. Be careful what you wish for stuff. A guy may have success in one place and not in another. So if they base their "value" on what they've shown here, with this club, that may not transfer over. Look at the complete body of work to see perhaps some success is attributed to them being here and not only about what they bring. Coaching, chemistry, etc. also factor in. If ALL they care about is money, fine. But there's more to consider. If the integrity of their play matters to them, they'll do a complete assessment and not just look at how much money they'll earn. Guys who are ok with mailing it in (and cashing in) vs guys who really are competitive and want to make a difference. Plus....if their wives are happy here sometimes that comes into play (thanks Natalie)
  21. Garland has proven himself and what he can do. He was in the top 5 goal scorers for us last year and is a spark in games that we should be out of...pulls us back into them. A difference maker. No to him being moved.
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