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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. He's 6'4" 240 lbs and will fight with anyone. I don't care if he sucks, we need a guy like that.
  2. I like Myers, seems like a nice guy and he and JT are buddies. Overall, he's probably a super good guy. I've supported him and it hasn't all been bad...there's so much potential there. We've seen glimpses. He could be using his size as such a deterrent (not even in relation to dropping the gloves...just in finishing good checks, etc. The Keith treatment...I had so much hope for what could be). Clear guys from the front of our net. Use his stick/reach to intercept passes more. Etc. I hope he has a good game. But, in the meantime (all in good fun):
  3. I wear mine. I just can't not. Tommy on Twitter is framing jerseys. I can send you a pm if you want. When I get a black skate Miller jersey that'll be my "wearing" jersey and I'll save my signed one.
  4. Whoops....lol. I'm sick (and tired). I made that up. Stick. stick in rink. (It's so beautiful I lost my mind there...autographed and everything!!)
  5. You completely ignore the point. And that last line is ridiculous and immature as it doesn't reflect what I (or others) are saying. So why exaggerate? If your points are strong you shouldn't have to. The past doesn't include many of these guys. But sure, keep going (not even listening anymore at this point because you're stuck on yours) Compare last year's roster to this year's to see that....it's a bit different. Compare last year's start to this year's to see that...it's a bit different ((0-7) Anyhow, until you do listen to some of what's being offered, it's a futile attempt. I'm not denying you the right to be stuck in the past. Just as you shouldn't deny us the chance to let go of it and have some hopeful optimism. In your own words, "lets see how we respond". You seemed to jump ahead of that and also overlook the fact that we're 2-1 not 0-7.
  6. MacEwen (OTT) on waivers


    1. Bob Long

      Bob Long

      I guess we'd have to put Blueger on LTIR to make this happen?


      I'd be all for picking him up. The way Deslauriers acted was annoying. We need a deterrent type player around. 

  7. Ha, was just doing the same. I'm super stoked...my Petey jersey is a skate jersey. My Miller is blue skate in rink and my Brock is orca. (My next purchase will be a Miller skate jersey...he wears it well)
  8. I hope the team doesn't view it this way. Although do I detect sarcasm? I never feel like we'll have easy win. Against anyone. It'll take a long time to convince me otherwise. I really don't know what to expect anymore, but I'm hopeful.
  9. "This team" Which team? The one this year or....when? It's not fair to track progress based on players/coaches who weren't here and the ones here who didn't start 0-7 (like in the past) but are now 2-1. Again, I get why people are jaded but that's a personal choice. To dwell on the past or be excited for the future. It's funny though..."not going to argue a practice none of us atteded"...but you did, and that was my point. It's just as valid to discuss possibilities of how the practice maybe contributed to a lack of effort/energy as it is to slough it off because it "wasn't" the way it's been reported out there. You said "he has focused mostly on battle drills" but you weren't there (either). Anyhow...my deal is that I'm tired of the incessant negativity that surrounds this team and automatically defaults to "they're bad" because they have been in the past. There have been bright spots and I just prefer to focus there. Cheers, not going to rain on my parade* *NOTE: I am not planning a SC parade but it's certainly fine to wish and hope for one and have fun with it.
  10. I honestly would prefer if they'd play tough and take the penalties...we do seem to get them whether or not we engage so at least make them count. Not illegal stuff...but good, solid hits and battles that, if we get called, they're at least maybe for something. Rather than the stuff they make up.
  11. That was done purely in sarcasm/fun from what I've seen. I believe that most do understand it's a long season that isn't won-lost in October. We're allowed to have fun. The other stuff just gets draining.
  12. This is how I feel. I don't totally blame them, as it's been tough being a fan of this team. But give credit where it's due. Don't just default to the script of "we've been bad for years". We're not the same team and the guys in place have given us reasons to be hopeful (Petey, Quinn, Kuz, JT, Demko). People were screaming to get rid of JT....and to see how he shut down McD and his sidekick Dsaitl was absolutely awesome. That counts for something and people STILL bring up "lazy back checks". Move on. Team is changing and it's not the same. This was our line up 2 years ago...so why are we crying over the past like this team's responsible in the here and now. We stated 0-7 last year...we're 2-1. It's time to let go of the past and face forward in my view.
  13. I think you're waiting to assess on a game by game basis. All teams will have great games and all teams will have flat games. For whatever reason. You may not accept that they were pushed hard, but there are reports out there that it was a tough practice. He reportedly made them "skate lines" at the end, etc. Were you at the practice (I was not, so cannot confirm). But I don't disagree that they have to battle harder on the boards and that wasn't the case. The refs helped set a bit of a tone in what we could/couldn't do (like usual), but I'd prefer they take penalties to establish that they were going to be tougher on the puck rather than back off. Again, someone assigning this club with the baggage of "the club of the last few years". Our core (Petey, Quinn, JT, Kuz, etc.) have shown us some good things. They had a rough start last year but didn't really "wilt" as things got serious and they pushed to improve. They actually have shown some resiliency in the past.
  14. So, on the one hand, you offer that maybe Petey and others were under the weather. Is that an ideal time to "go hard" on them at the season start on a road trip? Or maybe, as they're recovering, pace it so they can show up for a game with some energy in the tank? Depleting it at practice is a possibility if people have just gotten over illness. I feel that's a legitimate question/concern. Fans are allowed to have different ideas/opinions though without all the adjectives. So tell me in your words, why did the team lose in a poorly executed game? After some have been ill? They don't care? They're not good? I'd like you to offer something because dagger clutching fans are no better than the rest of us.
  15. You are going to decide based on a handful of games? Let them work out the kinks and get rolling before we deem them "good" or "bad". They're likely somewhere in between but some here wait for them to fail so that can stick.
  16. I don't buy this, it's a shared responsibility. There's a balance to be struck in coaching and overcoaching. I like Rick and feel he's serving this team well...but how do WE know? Every coach comes in with their own ideas and ego can factor in. "I'm going to whip these guys into shape" may be part of it, but if you deplete the reserves after illness has run through a team, that's to be considered. Yes, they're high paid athletes and conditioned to weather storms but...they're also human. And some act like they're not. Not sure why they looked so bad...but I don't buy in that they're just terrible or that they don't care. The team gets penalized when answering, and in a lopsided way it seems. I prefer them to respond, but it's a joke how things are addressed (or not) by piss poor refs. If you don't like excuses the coaches are not immune in that. Because if the team's not getting the message it's the job of high paid coaches to deliver it so they do.
  17. Love this fluff stuff. Kuz seems like a genuinely good guy. Demko wins.
  18. It would give the game/league SO much more credibility for them to do so. Explain your decisions. Why are they secret information? ("uh, that's what we were told to do")
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