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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Idiots, all of them. Pouring booze on each other....what a great example they set for the kids at the game (who likely behave better). It's a game...these morons should all be kicked out for good!
  2. We're 3 games in and already you're determining "no change in effort/improvement". I just think you're prematurely determining that and, in your own words, it's based on the past several years. I feel that you're jaded by the past (and perhaps rightfully so) but it's not really fair to jump the gun here and assume this team's a bust yet. Right out of the gates, and (no matter how they've come by it) with a 2-1 record. Which IS an improvement over the 7-0 start last year. You're not giving credit where it's due. Or are we now looking for flawless wins (that don't give any extra points). "There comes a time" but I don't feel it's 3 games in, that's all.
  3. This roster hasn't been here for 8/9 years. I don't see "too much" optimism but it's ok to have some. The convincing win against a team touted to be a top team did mean something. Even if followed up by a squeaked out win...they count. I think it's important to not "decide" or assess the team on a game by game basis. The goal isn't to slay it all year, every game, without fail. It's to make the playoffs and then get the results you need there. And a stinker of a loss early on in a big picture way isn't too concerning. Unless you are somehow assigning the past to the here and now...I tend not to do that. It hardly seems fair. There will be wins AND losses...even some stinkers. That's not just our team, that's all teams. And even IF a team kills it all year then loses in the end, did it even matter? I mean, the Bruins season was awesome but....what did it count for in the end? So my thing is to accept wins and losses without calling the team "the best" or "worst". Some have us pegged pretty close to "the worst" because they somehow apply the past near decade to these players. I don't know that that's fair. I want this team to do well and support them without throwing in the towel every time they underperform. For whatever reason.
  4. Not "unfair", maybe "ill timed". Season start, guys coming off the flu (and who knows...maybe some others coming down with it?), road trip. Just something to consider other than "same ol". I'm tired of the team never getting any support because people are traumatized over the past. I think offering something to offset the "they're just awful" is ok. Not making excuses, just counter arguments for maybe why we saw a lacklustre effort. Because I, for one, don't think they're as terrible a team as some immediately jump to. And don't think it's a matter of not caring/trying. Anyhow...I do like that Tocchet isn't easy on them. But this is a team that knows what it feels like to lose and I can't imagine that we won't see something better next game. People saying we lost because Edmonton didn't win are part of the crowd that never gives this team credit, even when it's due.
  5. I like Tocchet but, for me, this tough practice is more a thing of his own ego and proving himself (more than what the team needs). Still do think that they needed some tough love, but there's a time/place. A road trip after the flu in between games at the start of the season isn't ideal and while people scream "excuses", you do have to be realistic and consider "why". I think some have a script that they go to when we lose/struggle. We suck, that's the answer. Despite what the team has done...it's all back to square one. There's a happy medium in there someplace....they don't suck but they still have a lot of work to do. It's tough gig and you can get behind quickly. I try not to get too high or low (I celebrate the wins hard but know that the season is long). I accept the losses as just part of the deal but they looked depleted last night. If conditioning is an issue, you don't get on track in one practice. Rest is as important as anything so bodies can recover. I question the tough practice...bag skates, blocking shots. But I'm not an NHL coach so who am I to say?
  6. He's big but doesn't use his size as an advantage. Against big players especially...he could really be helpful in that regard, but really isn't. Zero hits last night....he needs to lay some hits. He skates ok but is often a step behind. It's like he takes a second to figure out what he should do. He handles the puck alright but his decisions with it aren't always the best. Giveaways. Zinging a shot at the net that misses and ricochets out nicely for the other team. He's durable, ok, I can give him that. I want to be in his corner but he makes it hard. He seems sleepy and slow to react, unless the puck's on his stick in which case...SHOT! There's potential there but he has to be more effective.
  7. I just don't understand how he can continue to make mistakes and not be held accountable. We're that desperate? He has some ok moments, but that's not good enough. There are far too many boneheaded decisions that put us behind the play (or completely out of it). I'm done with him.
  8. The team didn't "have the flu"...but some have just recovered from it. And we really don't know if others have it. Stop being so negative.
  9. So, let's just use your logic here. If we won because we beat an AHL goalie.....where was the unreal so, so good McDavid? I mean, he should've taken us to the cleaners. He should've helped the AHL goalie, right? When we win, it's a fluke. When we lose, we are the worst. We're allowed to celebrate wins...especially if they come against that so, so good unreal player. It's ok to find some happiness in this deal.
  10. Well it does make you wonder if it sucked some of the life out of them. I have the flu right now....peeling carrots just now was a workout. Not excuses, but you have to also not just revert to the "they suck" narrative that's so easily pulled out of the hat. Something in the middle is likely closest to the truth. They came out flat and never really showed anything. So why do you think that is? They just don't care? I don't buy it.
  11. And I honestly do question pushing them SO hard in practice on the road at this early stage. I like Tocchet but his tough love may have depleted the reserves...especially considering the fact that the flu's been going through the team. Maybe it wasn't the greatest game plan. Not an excuse, but definitely something I question.
  12. We didn't deserve this one. Guys get to come back down to earth and focus now...it ain't easy to win so they shouldn't expect it to be. Aw well, nexxxxt.
  13. OK, no matter what that gets Juuls in my good books. And Staal...buy some beard shampoo.
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