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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Wow, a good article by Drance. I guess he's starting to come around to our team. Love Petey: when it’s game time, "I play with rage". Thatta boy. Also this part "I'm always hard on myself and want to be better. I still have a long ways to go, but I’m trying to improve slowly." Sky's the limit, Petey. I love that Tocchet isn't easing up...no let down. I really like him as coach.
  2. This Bill does the following: requires the registration of online short-term rental platform service providers and of offers for short-term rental accommodation services; requires that, subject to any applicable exceptions or exemptions, short-term rental accommodation services may only be provided in a host's principal residence or, in some circumstances, one secondary suite or other accessory dwelling unit; provides for how certain local governments, persons or entities may request changes to the exempt land where the principal residence requirement does not apply; provides for the appointment, powers and duties of a registrar; provides for the appointment, powers and duties of a director, including the authority to undertake investigations, make compliance orders and impose administrative penalties; provides for injunctions that may be granted by the Supreme Court to prevent contraventions; provides for the sharing of information and for information-sharing agreements; enables the minister to enter into coordination agreements with the Nisga'a Nation or treaty first nations relating to the regulation of short-term rental accommodation by the Nisga'a Nation or treaty first nations; enables the coordination of regulation of short-term rental accommodations by local governments, including for the purposes of enforcement of local government bylaws relating to business licence requirements, and provides for other matters relating to the authority of local governments and other authority for making regulations.
  3. It's a start, it's something. It makes sure people are licenced, regulated and registered. Many of these property owners don't like these ideas. I mean, do they even declare any of this income they're currently raking in? Doubtful.
  4. JT doesn't wear a helmet and I saw a puck graze his cheek (or at least come close) recently in warm up.
  5. It's no secret that many young people and families in BC and across Canada are struggling to make ends meet. With interest rates and the cost of living skyrocketing, many face uncertain futures. Having a home is all but a dream for many. I, for one, don't believe Air BnB when they claim that short term rentals aren't a problem or contributing to housing shortages. It's their bread and butter so of course they're not in favour of anything that interferes with that. I know people tracking this in Richmond and some offshore investors have multiple listings in the double digits. I'm talking over 50 properties each. We need more housing, sure. But to build condos that are gobbled up in pre-sales by foreign investors making big bucks is not really getting us any further ahead. Some of the mega mansions built on farmland here are now being advertised by the room/night for a small fortune. Many in strata units simply tell their clients to say they're family to skirt around bylaws. "Don't talk to anyone". It's so shady. I'm glad to hear the province is going to further delve into this: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/b-c-is-bringing-in-new-rules-for-short-term-rentals-here-s-what-s-changing-1.6603052
  6. So excited for this game (every game). It's nice to feel some cautious optimism instead of cautious pessimism. No matter what, if these guys put in the effort each game they'll have a chance to win. Don't get too comfortable or celebrate what they've done or it slides quickly. I'm sure Coach Tocchet has them ready and aware. 3:00 starts are not appreciated!! But at least I'm working from home right now so can catch the game. Let's go!!!
  7. I think Brock shoiuld've been #3, but it's the NHL so that's a big ask. Way to go, Petey! Our superstar is shining brightly.
  8. Measurable proof in relation to stats tells some of the story. But, as pointed out, Kes and Burr were a duo. And, as you likely know (or maybe don't) often used a lot of goading and other things to pull players off their game. "Tell Kelly I said hi". I loved it .... was comical. Miller's all business out there. Kes was a great player no doubt. I just think you've also given reasons why you can't compare the two with a clear winner in the here and now. Game's different. Different team dynamics. And again, if you're using stuff on paper what about the one where Miller had a 99 point season and Kes didn't. You ignore that stat. "Kesler was SO MUCH better than Miller". So much? That's a personal opinion. You also have a larger sample size with Kes...10 years of it. Miller's got half that to work from. Tell me in your words, without ripping stuff off a stats sheet or copy pasting a wall of text. Because if it was as easy as following a formula then every team would find success, but that's not the case. Miller's more of a team player and wanted to be here despite the lack of success. Kes wanted out and to go to a new team that gave him a better chance of that in his view. All about me stuff. So...two things you overlook. Miller's 99 point season counts as something...yet you want to glance over that. Kes didn't have one of those, despite playing on a pretty stacked team. And again....Miller's got half the body of work to compare against than Kes does. Sky's the limit.
  9. Thanks for sharing that, Mack. Certainly was a good read and this part stands out as testament to what Miller is to this team:
  10. Yeah I remember his 99 point and 82 point seasons. Oh wait..... At least give examples of how/why. Also, we had a bigger sample size for Kes...Miller's just getting going.
  11. -dlc-

    NFL Thread

    Wow, some great games/finishes today. Jets Philly right now. Browns 49'ers. I'm sick (COVID again? oh no) but the NFL is medicine today.
  12. I don't think it'll be a drastic decline as some here do. He lives a good life from all accounts and that matters. Not out there partying every night. I mean, if you get proper rest, eat well, work out...that stuff factors in. He won't be 80 as some present it.
  13. I think people mistake some of what they see as "laziness" when, really, he's often just totally gassed. He plays hard minutes out there and yes, sometimes he dogs it a bit going to the bench or on the back check (usually when he knows enough to conserve energy rather than look like a hero and chase something that's out of his reach). I don't think it's a case of being lazy or indifferent...he's done at that point. Mentally and/or physically. Sometimes it's a matter of being frustrated, sure, but no one can really say he's lazy if you watch him away from the puck/play, which isn't always something we can do (during televised games). People are starting to see what he's really about and not just forming an opinion based on the glaring stuff that makes for a media feeding frenzy and drama. I love that he still wants to learn. I love that he isn't a selfish player who wants to be in the limelight. That points aren't important to him...wins are. I think he and Tocchet are a good combination and he'll keep showing us what he's capable of under this coaching staff. I saw it all along...watch games up close and personal and you see a lot of stuff that isn't just fodder and click bait. Goes unnoticed. Not a lack of effort/caring...it's actually the opposite.
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