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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Negotiations are a funny thing. What you "hear" is just the back/forth stuff in a tug of war that leaks info mostly just to establish starting points. Often things get closer together as time goes on. If they don't, there's risk involved for both parties, but in the early stages I don't pay much attention to what's being thrown around out there.
  2. What I've learned is this. These guys all get paid....to talk. So when the season ends and there's nothing on ice to talk about, they have to fill the void. So they keep talking, but I don't listen. Over the years, sure....they hit some times. Other times they miss. The JT trade novel was enough to tell me that....they may get info and think they know. No one knows except the people directly involved and, even then, only the player really knows because they decide in the end. "It is what it is" I'd love Zadorov to stay but if he's after something we can't deliver, it's up to him to decide. Sure, money's important but it isn't everything. His family'll like weigh in and they'll come up with a decision, as other players will, then we'll know for sure. Until then, it's all just...talk.
  3. Which is hilarious to me because when an admitted speeder ran a red light and t-boned my Dad ICBC declared that the speed limit was just that...suggested!! I said it says maximum...."do you know what that word means?". They didn't care. When I got my speeding ticket the cop was super cocky until he realized it was my first ticket and he softened. Said he had to write me the ticket but "you should fight it". I said no, I think I'll pay it (so you don't get a day to go to court). Often the cops don't show so you might want to try.
  4. Oilers "media" he calls Oilers "meat"....because they're raw, dead and dumb. Perfect. Who does this in the media? Celebrates a potential injury? I hope they all fall down a flight of stairs. Take Draisaitl, Nurse and Kane out with them.
  5. I sure hope so. It's just been an obnoxious ride with them...from their fans, their media, their whining about our green men and penalties they didn't get (probably because the refs are tiring of their crying). Put them out of their misery. Us too.
  6. The Oilers outhit Dallas 47 to 24 last game. You have to smash those idiots and get them rattled (their egos think they shouldn't be touched so it puts them behind as they whine). When they go untouched they prance all over the ice....more physicality, please.
  7. So what's the Edmonton Whine-ometer set at tonight?
  8. LOL just tuned in. Bounced in off Darnell's ass? That's using his head.
  9. Way to go, Juice!


    1. Bell


      congrats to Kevin.  He is the only one on the panel worth listening to so I suppose he was always destined to win it

  10. A good strategy....I really wish we would've shot more rather than aiming for perfect shots. Sigh. Petey, take note. You can do this too.
  11. They were supporting Edmonton long before they were the last Canadian team standing. That's the issue here.
  12. LOL does he have oil rig pics on his wall? Maybe he's a shareholder and gets discounts on barrels to use as hair product. Talk about douchey. And the voice of a seagull....stay with the Oiler fans. You fit right in, Frank.
  13. A "hard workin Albertan"? or maybe.... Frank, that you? She/he's gone now. Had a few chances and this is just admittedly someone yanking our chain.
  14. He's 36 and looks like he's 61. No wonder he's bitter. Douche factor? Check. Tell people how wealthy we are? I've never seen ONE example of that, ever. Mostly we complain about the cost of living here and how we're struggling to make it. Albertans are harder workers? Says a guy who sits on his ass and makes crap up for a living? How would he know what hard work is? My father is fisherman....tell me that isn't hard work, Frank. He's almost lost his life in a shipwreck that sank the boat and busted his leg up into fragments. Was in the water and his crew dragged him onto the little lifeboat and paddled him to shore where an ambulance took him away. My Mom worked on the dock that he unloaded his fish at....she was there 16 hours a day for 10 days straight when she collapsed. F off, Frank. You have no idea what we're about here. Maybe the crap he uses on his hair is seeping in to his brain. How is this hockey journalism....sounds like a big old suck up to Edmonton job. Ron McLean style. Clown.
  15. This is my song now that my team is out and meaningful hockey's been rudely RIPPED OUT OF MY LIFE
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