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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Almost time!!! Had a power nap and I'm ready....hope my team is.
  2. Wow beautiful snipe by Pearson, happy for him! Puts Montreal up 2-0.
  3. I care. That looks delicious...it's definitely comfort food season.
  4. Oh damn, I'm switching to that game. WTH am I suffering through a Leafs game when I don't have to? I should warn myself for that.
  5. Reaves, what a donkey. Whines about getting jumped but he has no problem doling out late hits. Blindsiding guys. I'll be glad when he's done for good. I can't stand that big goof.
  6. Did you watch the last game? I was there and they really did a good job of "slowing" McDavid and company down. No reason to think they can't do it again. Besides, you don't just have to chase them down/all over the ice. There are ways to contain them without having to keep up to them at full out speed.
  7. Will Oilers on tilt help or hurt them? I think the start is very important...if they get a lead they'll likely be less inclined to lash out and take penalties. If they're behind and we get the jump on them, they'll probably unravel. They may even disintegrate right before our very eyes.
  8. That's the guy I'll be watching. He's got one purpose and it ain't to look good.
  9. -dlc-


    I feel like he's maybe seen me in the grocery store. I can so relate to this.
  10. I have to go take dinner to my Dad now...hate to leave. Having too much fun!
  11. I love the PutDemGuysoutMoreBoss line Miller was ALL OVER Mcbaby and made life tough for him. I love these guys together.
  12. "We don't like that?" LOL "we don't give a f......lying frisbee" So we should play a game that suits the Oilers? How big have their egos gotten that they don't see what a ridiculous mentality that is. Our team plays to win, period. To overcome the past few years of being trashed and to prove themselves. Oilers are gifted a reputation that they are now struggling to prove. You're #1 in the world, McDavid. Start figuring it out from within rather than making excuses and "blaming" the other team for...winning? That's rich.
  13. Not only that...I mean show some dignity and pick a username that's a true reflection of who you are. Not who you hope to be.
  14. Names that begin with De are superior. That's my observation here. Final Grade: F Creativity: F Originality: D Facts: F Entertainment Value: D-
  15. Did they not think this before game one as well? I'm quite sure they did. We'll see....a bunch of crybaby dirty divas playing for themselves vs a team that's really coming together and playing for pride and respect. Oilers are gifted that (pride and respect) because they have "special" players and now they have to earn it. Canucks earned it last game, plain and simple. So basically, stfu Oilynation. Can we please get clean up here...our pristine new site needs disinfection.
  16. Swing that blade......(I love how this one builds momentum)
  17. I doubt many of them will be "recovered" from last game. Let's hope they just totally lose their composure, which is what I'm expecting if when we go ahead early.
  18. Don't want to get ahead of myself here, but...... (Let's just call it good pre-planning)
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