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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. What a great time to be alive! Enjoy every minute of it (and the rest that'll surely follow)
  2. LOL am I the only one already "waiting" for the game. Like today will probably be pretty unproductive...."it's almost game time" (in 9 hours).
  3. I wondered if that was the case. But come on, board the Rickmobile.
  4. So weird, I just came in here to post about Rick (after reading an article). We belong to the same fan clubs it seems. Cheers. Let's gooooo!
  5. I just realized I have so much apprehension about this game because if we were to lose, the trolls would pounce. I'm not ready for that. I want to savour that win and another would be a great way to start the year. A statement because the Oilers are touted to be there in the end of it all and we're not. This team doesn't get the respect it deserves but certainly earned some last game. I agree re the comments making last game more about the Oilers not performing well...this team did what they had to and it's time for people to acknowledge that. Go Canucks Go!!!
  6. Refs did a better job in the second half of seeing things a bit better. I was glad to see VA on the bike/sidelines and not visibly "hurting" too much. Evans got the job done for sure. And White is so reliable....I'm happy he had the difference maker. Me too (re laughing at the roughing call on Betts....seriously??) And that fumble call was one I thought would be overturned for sure as well. Then the PI call in the endzone where the Ti-Cat player hurt his knee. Hardly. They both sort of had an arm out and he just tripped completely on his own (stumbled) from what I saw. But by that time I was pretty wound up about the calls they were making. Even Lucky Whitehead's speaking out on SM about the officiating. It's quite awful.
  7. 5-2 Canucks Petey gwg Miller with the first road goal
  8. Let's go....Edmonton needs another whoppin'. They talk a big game.
  9. I think the haters here didn't realize how much of an impact losing a parent the way he did can have on a person. Clearly, your focus and concentration are not there (fully on the ice) Your heart is not there. He needed time to grieve and away from the game. He deserved patience and respect but some here didn't exercise either of those two things. And now they're eating their words. Thing is, around here the first signs of struggle will be an "AHA, told you so!" moment. I wish we could just stand behind our players...especially when they're experiencing such heartache and loss. Good on Brock for finding his love of the game again. Likely in his Dad's honour. Duke's his good luck charm up above and was one of our biggest fans. Sad that he was taken away.
  10. Can't stand Reaves....he seems so smug and arrogant. Put a shirt on and shut your yap, clown. You paste a guy into the boards face first and yeah, you might fight. He wasn't jumped, someone did GET the jump on him though. So sorry to Ryan for not getting a pre-fight memo and time to put on his absorbine junior.
  11. Trying to sell the drama is so outdated. Years of Miller's on ice demeanour? LOL. Guy's doing alright by most standards so you're trying to cause smoke/a fire with a wet match. What a bunch of bs in this post. Very sekeresy.
  12. "But" "Though" "Most posters" Most posters are here because we believe in the team, get excited for great wins and celebrate them accordingly. And it's perfectly ok to do so....it's sort of the point. Your take on things is so negative and I'm not sure you can predict the future even by being stuck in the past. There are new players on board. New coach who seems to know what this team required to shake the wasp nest and poke the bear. It's ok to be reserved and cautious but it's also ok to have hope and be happy and celebrate the good times. I'm sick of the "Edmonton played bad" bs. That's on them, not us. This team played great so "most posters" are focusing there. I don't give a bear's behind what Edmonton did or didn't do...if they're touted to be contenders we just cleaned their clocks. Counts.
  13. This isn't actually true. I know this because my father is currently undergoing dental work that would be $5000 but is costing a quarter of that. He's having his dentures replaced and also has required some additional work that was unexpected. I mean, the consultation was twenty bucks. UBC dental school provides services for seniors so there are options. It's not the same as showing support for a group that has to endure a lot of hatred and vitriol spewed their way on a daily basis just for living their lives.
  14. I really liked his hustle out there. He was causing some chaos.
  15. I've followed his battle for quite awhile through his wife, Kelsie. It's so incredibly sad...he put up a valiant battle. It's times like this that remind me that we're all just human beings. Flames or not, I was pulling for him and was so sad to see his decline. He was very brave in how he faced this and the stories they shared that could help others.
  16. I hated him when we played against him....callled him "Susie". That means I love him on our team.
  17. Happy Brocktober everyone. Hockey is back for real!

    1. Tusk


      feels like the first time... the very first time ha ha. The flow is back. And a JT FU to all the trade him folks

    2. Ghostsof1915


      I just want Brock healthy and happy. He's a solid dude, it's about time pucks started going in for him.


    3. VforTheCurseEndsHere


      They sure showed up for your birthday! 

  18. I got an invitation to a dinner Saturday. "I can't, I'll be sick on that day"
  19. Favourite: Sat, Imac, Dan Riccio Middle of the road: J Pat, Faber, Donnie/Dhali, Price, Kuzma, Nizzar, Randip (not sure if they all quality?) Least: Drance, Sekeres
  20. Dear Connor McCavedin and Leon Cryidle, So there I am at work minding my own business today when all of a sudden I hear a bunch of snivelling dribble on my radio about how you were mistreated by my team. Seriously? Sorry pumpkins, I'll write you a twangy country song called Cry Me A River. Shouldn't put out the #1 power play? Wat? Here's something for you to learn about fair play...crosschecking and slashes come with whatever kind of power play we want to throw out there. You lose all rights when you whack a guy on the shins with your stick so STFU. Once you're in the box mind your own business. Wipe the tears off your face and the snot out of your nose and try to be presentable. Duhchardonnay or whatever the hell his name is hardly plays fair. Can we discuss that for a moment? Nurse? If I had my way I'd call up Godzilla and Frankenstein and put them out there on the power play to offset these clowns. FTR, I also saw that sneaky slewfoot behind the net, Leon. You 3 toed sloth. I don't wanna hear this crap that makes it all about your team and how you didn't play well. Like you had a say in winning or losing and our team was just a biproduct of that. Shut up. You tried your hardest and when that didn't work you turned to your usual Plan B dirty play. You lost because this team played better and you guys were playing like a bunch of individual hack divas. Real Housewives of Alberta. Furthermore (I know that's a big word and you likely have to look it up), whining about Demko? Maybe he should've puked on you instead of in his mask. So you'd have an explanation. You made him (and me) sick. One more piece of advice, take a loss graciously. Don't whine, pout, and cry...save that for your on ice antics that we've grown so accustomed to. Have some humility and accept that you were crap. Because you totally were. BTW, this is the new and improved Petey so don't bother trying to cream him because he pushes back. Now I'm not getting too high on this one win and I fully expect you to come out like a bunch of kids trying to get your toy dumptruck back from the sandbox. Kindergarten rage is real. I've seen it in the aisles of Toys R Us. It likely won't be quite so easy to roll over you (or maybe it will be). But I am celebrating a beautiful performance by my team guilt free and you can't say anything to take that away. They gave me the best birthday present ever. So maybe get Karen to help you write an email and then meditate. Let it all out. This game was not because you handed it to my team, it was because they earned it and played like a team. Your interviews are trash. Love Deb (PS I hear there's a new Connor in town. He's from Vancouver)
  21. Thank you so much. It was an incredible game and I'm so glad I was there!
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