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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Still nothing beyond Tocchet's original "don't think it's serious". They sure keep their cards close to their chests these days.
  2. I don't usually enter them but as I pulled into a parking lot one day in July, they had a contest on the Fox and I immediately knew the answer. They played a small clip of a song....Candlebox's "Far Behind". Was weird because I'd just played it (posted it here maybe?) a day or two before. I was just about to shut the car off and had my phone right there so I called in. And, to my surprise, got through! As it turned out, I won. Tickets to two concerts, Matt Good and Royal Blood. FF to the end of September and I still had no tickets. Matt's show was on the 28th and I'd unsuccessfully called to try and get some answer about the tickets a few times leading up to it. One woman on the 2nd of September said the tickets should arrive by the 9th...came/went. No tickets. Two days before the show I had a friend (who is a friend of Matt's) coming in from Arizone and he and I were trying to connect for the show. I had no tickets yet, so no answers for him. I was starting to get kind of pissy and feeling very Karen about it all. I called and was told to call the Commodore directly to see if I was "on the list" - I did and I wasn't. But they were super nice and promised to try to help the day of if I still didn't have tickets. Unlike the promotions manager at the Fox who I won't name...but was a complete cow. No wait, I like cows. She was a giant turd. Extremely rude and unhelpful...almost throwing unwarranted anger towards ME for wanting answers. Like I was being impatient or something. She had nothing to offer in regard to answers. I gave up. Not sure how she got the job but she did anything BUT promote the station by her actions. She was an absolute b. The day of the show arrived and, lo and behold, my tickets did as well (via email). By that time, my friend had said "don't worry, you're in" but it was such a clusterf of a deal that I'd lost steam and motivation to go. I have stuff going on with my Dad and was just...depleted. Dan went to the show and sent me pics (and I wished I had gone with him). But the entire ordeal was just draining...checking email every day (which I never would normally do)...spam, other folders, etc. So I'm not even going to worry about the Royal Blood tickets or waste any effort on looking for them. I'm going to assume more of the same and plan on not going. I don't know this band anyhow so whatever. But yeah...the entire deal with the Fox was a complete sh show. I like to plan ahead a day or two and it would've been nice if they'd told me back in July "your tickets will arrive the night before the show". I wouldn't know what to expect and not wasted so much time and effort trying to chase them down. When I won the contest she said "make sure to check your email and your spam folder". So I did...from July onward. So I've "won" a contest on the Fox and can't enter another one. Wouldn't anyhow. I love that station (especially the silly banter...Karen's one of my favourites). But their promotional department sucks. I think I'll go back to not entering contests. Although, in the past I have won: A bike Tickets to the Lions' WF game (2011) then...tickets to the Grey Cup that year (2011) in a separate contest. Have you ever won anything? LOL... and, if so, did you actually get your prize?
  3. Thing is, you can't just post a "song" because it's a small clip to be used for the goals (so thanks to those posting the bit they'd use). It has to be a segment that works. Why not a local boy?
  4. Hunting season is open, hearing the gunshots. Hate it. Was brought up with it - Dad and brother hunt to this day. I respect their decision to...I mean, it's food. But I still hate the sounds and think of all the mateless birds left out there (they mate for life). I had pet snow geese growing up and I think of how devastated Charlie was when raccoons got to Snowy one night. 


    1. Ghostsof1915


      Are they allowed to hunt in Richmond? That's the odd thing about firearms, I don't mind going to a range but I don't like hunting. Fishing is ok, because I just assume I won't catch anything. Lol.

    2. -dlc-


      By permit (only) in certain privately owned land I believe...unless that's changed.


      Thing is, I do understand that, especially regarding geese, it's an important part of keeping things under control as the numbers climb. But every time I hear a gunshot I get sad. 😞

      Dad took me hunting once when I was young....lol. Failed experiment. I ran out and scared the ducks away (and am lucky I didn't get shot by accident!). My Dad and brother have both hunted since they were old enough to hold a shotgun...so there's no changing that/them. Although Dad has softened and doesn't "enjoy" it like he used to. He's an animal lover so he's in conflict now.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      I haven't even gone to the range in over a year. I'm even considering getting rid of my .22 LR lever because I never use it. Yeah the ammo is affordable. But I'd rather have a bike or a motorcycle to be honest.

  5. I hate this if it happens. I mean, aside from having too many teams to compete against for a cup (that's already hard enough to do), the fact that new teams get to pluck players from existing teams is an issue. Teams work hard to stay within a cap and balance their teams as best as possible over time and then some newcomer gets to assemble a team by hand "picking" a roster. I just don't like it, screw off NHL.
  6. I am so freakin' ready for the season to start. Fresh slate, let's go. I hope Soucy's ok....I want a full, healthy roster to see where we're at. I think he'll be a great part of that.
  7. Lock on a guy's leg and not let up? I don't see it very often (at all). The first few frames...sure. The last 2-3? I don't think so.
  8. I'm on my deck and a guy two doors over with a completely separate carpot comes out of his back door and his Aqua Velva is so strong it wafts up and smacks me in the face. Overpoweringly so. Dude, no.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. rychicken


      Sorry - I'll say hello next time!

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      you should try the new deodorant called nothing. next time you go and want to make an impression, wear nothing.

    4. Alflives


      Cow bell on your deck? 

  9. Yea! I have never bet against our team but, somehow, finish middle of the pack or higher. So...with that: 5-2 Canucks Petey gwg Miller with the first
  10. Me too (re Tanev). Dad. Calgary gets away with a lot of "accidentally on purpose" crap. They're good at pretending. I'm not sure grabbing a guy's leg and not letting go, then "falling" on him is really a great hockey play. Sure...battling for the puck and position, but maybe let go of him? Grappling isn't really allowed, is it? I'm convinced he really wasn't battling for the puck at this point: Who is this Sharon Ohbitch on the Flames anyway? Taking a number.
  11. It's part of their MO...I'm sure it is. I hate them. Even Marky now....taking whacks and slashes at guys. He's turned dirty cowpile like the rest of 'em. Classless bunch they are...let's sign Torts as our mascot.
  12. Good point! It's definitely something he can work on/improve. Decision making isn't always on point. I remember when Bieksa took a summer to work on when to pinch/not and consider where the puck is and do a bit of a risk assessment. Myers has some great potential and can be very solid for us if those momentary lapses where he puts himself out of the play are managed a bit better.
  13. Funny, there was one of those instances that sticks out clearly in my mind from last night....yep.
  14. My only complaint about Myers is I feel like he focuses (at times) too much on the offensive side of things. He likes/wants to score...which is great. Except when he zings a puck 40' wide of the net and it ricochets around the boards and out and then he's scrambling. I do like him and, quite honestly, we'd be worse without him. But some of his decisions leave me wondering....why??? I did love that he got a goal but I really feel like he thinks he's a forward at times. On the plus side, I haven't seen him throwing his big body onto the ice like a speed bump. That's ok on occasion when needed, but not as a go to defensive play. When it works, great...when it doesn't, it makes him ineffective and leaves him out of the play completely.
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