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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I really found that last game they did. Some awkward pauses and dead air. Cheech and Shorty just had a natural comfort that worked. Will take awhile to get adjusted I guess.
  2. My night: 30 seconds of football...switch 30 seconds of hockey...switch WOOOOOOOO
  3. Aw. she's beautiful....I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye. We had to let go of our girl last year....she was 20+ (we're not sure...she was taken in as an abused cat who had kittens not long afterward). I know how tough it is.
  4. All good my friend. With the stuff with Dad, been running myself ragged all week and we also had a huge week at work...big emergency drill, etc. And we have people out with COVID so I covered in the kitchen today (too). Just felt like kicking back with y'all instead. Although it was my brother who invited me and he has some sweet tickets...hated to say no. No gas left in the tank...speaking of which, going to gas up before the game too (it's at $1.75).
  5. First time (in my life?) I said no to a game. Exhausted...this week's been incredibly draining and the thought of sitting in Friday long weekend rush hour traffic with two games going on was a big no. Plus, want to watch the Lions (too)...that game matters. Go Canucks...some sadness in my decision but I am ready to DROP.
  6. He's been a class act his entire tenure with this team and has paid his dues with this club/city. I hope he gets some quality time for himself...sad that he lost his wife last year before he could share it with her. I wish him nothing but the best moving forward, he'll always be a beloved Canuck. Nothing but respect for the man.
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