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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I'm not sure they understand the term "shut down". A bit of a chaos giraffe over there atm.
  2. I don't really buy this....getting in shape is a pretty simple recipe for these guys. Or at least it should be - they have top trainers and facilities at their disposal. If he'd followed up the Garland episode with some of that being directed to real opponents, I'd be in his corner. But showing your toughness in practice (only) doesn't sit well with me. We need more grit and he's a guy that should deliver some of that. When it counts, not just in practice. I fear that some guys feel that they've "made it" once they're in the NHL but they have to constantly prove that. It's not just one and done. With that, I have hope for him and with the coach's monitoring, hopefully he'll get the message.
  3. It got a delay of game penalty last game. I can hardly wait to see it at the home opener.
  4. Loved Junkhouse...we have some really great Canadian music. Tom Wilson's awesome.
  5. ^ My favourite female artist, ever. Love her to bits.
  6. Love this (taken by Jeff Vinnic)
  7. Love these guys and this entire album is excellent. I never get tired of it.
  8. That's one of my favourite Tool songs. Friend is SOOOO into Tool and he booked tickets for a festival (in LA I think?) to see them there. Not long afterward they announced they were coming to Vancouver. D'oh. MJK is brilliant.
  9. Well he did fall into that burnin' (stinkin) ring of fire known as Calgary and now he has to walk the line there.
  10. I think they made the right choice considering our needs....I, too, want to steer clear of smaller players unless they're named Conor Bedard. We need to beef up a bit.
  11. He wasn't dirty enough for the Oilers...if you can't take out a knee of crosscheck in the face, what good are you? Their loss. Sorry to see him go out this way....he's too classy for the Oilers anyway.
  12. When we were teenagers my friend Steve was SO into music (he had the huge speakers that we danced on). He used to throw awesome all night parties. Had a pool, pool table and all the kids from Steveston hung out there. We were a little wild back then. ^Oh I love that Dishwalla song...yep, good old 90's.
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