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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. -dlc-


    You're human buddy, don't be too hard on yourself. Probationary periods are also about learning the ropes so I hope they keep that in mind and assess you overall, not just on one mistake.
  2. Don't like his attitude, nope. Too much of a hot dog look at me guy. We want total team players who buy in.
  3. Ordered from the Lotus yesterday. Their portions are massive (the container's the size of a damn shoe box). So having the leftovers today. Also making some ham and split pea soup for work tomorrow.
  4. Lindholm no Zadorov yes
  5. OMG what a silly goose. I'm doing chores/stuff in between and I thought the game was over at 4-2. OK, OT here I come. Late to the party. Bananajet it is!
  6. "Bananajet" My brother has him in his pool. He is not producing much at all.
  7. That was a beautiful move by my buddy. He's all growed up now.
  8. They've hit a new low. Did their Moms send an email? I want to complain too. Oiler fans need to quit wearing their manure boots in our building. And shower before you show up please.
  9. Don't know much about him but he's only played one full season...is there an injury history? Also, he's turning 30...I thought that's supposed to be an issue? It certainly was a sticking point for some here. I know d men develop and hit their stride a bit later but...
  10. I take comfort in the fact that PA and the rest of the crew seem to have numbers in mind and are prepared to move on if players seem stuck on cashing in. They did it with Bo....when he was standing still they had Plan B (JT) and moved with it. Snooze you lose stuff. If Hronek's deal isn't within reason I'm sure this'll be the case. Any player wanting to play here has to look at not only their personal wants but what the team can afford. JT did that. He wanted to be here, with the group, and signed long term for a reasonable price. That sets the tone of how it'll be here I'm sure. This is what we can give you, take it or leave it. Sure, there's some wiggle room for negotiating but not to extend too far beyond what the management team has in mind. Some hard ball must be played at times when you're working within a budget.
  11. I don't like the price he generates but he was pretty good for us at times:
  12. That's absolute BS. They're not professional if they're spinning things by echoing the masses. Good media reporters have their own ideas and thoughts. They have info we don't so should be using that as their reference...not the "toxic" fans (like the ones who thought JT was a monster). A great example of how they blew it and then had to eat their (toxic) words. Those really aren't credible journalists in my view. They're lazy regurgitaters. There definitely are those who just go for the clickbait....trying more for their own personal numbers than responsible "journalism". I tend to follow some that aren't going with the flow and can go against the grain, especially when it comes to supporting the team. We take enough crap from outside our market, this market needs to get behind the team a bit more and quit looking for drama. Not join the parade of idiots who THINK they know about this team (but don't). I find Imac quite refreshing lately...speaks out a lot on behalf of the team rather than trying to be edgy and slam them. Some treat their role as a popularity contest and those are the ones who are likely swayed by the masses. Also, labelling some fans as toxic because they don't share your opinion is...toxic.
  13. Funny I had that same thought awhile ago. While people were still pining for Tyramkin we picked up this beauty. Patience paid off.
  14. "Nice guys finish last" We've had nice guys for a long time and it's great and all. But we've never had respect from the outside and it's time we quit trying to get it by being pc and friendly. F everyone who's not with us...they're against us. Sure, it's important to maintain a respectable image but that doesn't mean you have to bow down to people. I feel you earn more respect by not doing so. He could've just whined like an Oiler. Would that have been better?
  15. I can say in all honestly....I don't feel the digging for info on an injury was to provide an answer anyhow. I feel it was more to prove that he didn't have an excuse for his drop off in production. Sometimes players struggle and they have peaks and valleys during their career That's the answer right there.
  16. These two things don't line up. Being worried about aesthetics and overall public perception = "image".
  17. Wearing his heart on his sleeve wasn't just about verbal exchange. His body language told the story and it was clear, pretty quickly, he was in shutdown mode. That's him wearing his heart on his sleeve by not pretending. He didn't have answers or was in the headspace to break it all down. The larger points are your opinion and I don't really share 1 & 2. No, the injury question wasn't an issue but how he framed things was. "Like...we gave you your space" was likely not the best way to get him to open up. His response was a nothingburger to me. A guy who's pissed off after being eliminated and really doesn't seem to enjoy interviews is what I saw.
  18. Bingo. THAT was combative in my opinion. He threw out the first dagger because he wasn't getting the answers he wanted. But that was hardly the way to dig for them.
  19. "Image is everything"? Look, we've had players who've given the canned nicey nice responses. May as well stick cardboard cutouts up there. He wore his heart on his sleeve...disappointment's obviously set in. I love players who don't care what the masses think....they're there to play hockey, first and foremost. You want a spokesman? Talk to the captain and leave me the f alone because the wound is raw and wide open. Yes, end of year media is part of it. But don't try to tell players how they should respond...they're individuals. Human beings. Some hide their disappointment and can move through it quickly, others may carry it for awhile. Asking them why they sucked (in prettier words) probably isn't going to incite the nicest reaction.
  20. Drance didn't like the "combative response". Sigh. Drama. /out
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