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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I've got tickets to Matt Good but I'm opting out to watch Canucks preseason. Don't know if I'm nuts or awesome.
  2. Well this is a much better game. And yes...McDavid is flying but until he scores a goal he's just another Mason Raymond flying around out there.
  3. I forget the name of the next book I'm into (it's in the car...I mostly read at the beach). It's a hard one to get into after HBH but I'm trying. Probably the fact that it hits home...about a daughter who falls into drug addiction and is being abused. Her abusive boyfriend has just been knocked off and Dad has had a recent run in with him. She's also gone missing. The very descriptive search for her through drug infested abandoned houses, etc. really brings back a dark time with my brother. Love shopping for unknown bargain books....HomeSense, SaveOn, etc. Just grab stuff that looks good. The book I have now is a hardcover that was priced at $32.99...paid $3.00. Can't go wrong. And I pass them along to my daughter/daughter in law. We have our own little book club going.
  4. Just finished Half Broke Horses. Loved it. Was an easy read and I flew through it because it was so engaging.
  5. I honestly believe that some of what we're seeing in the US is making it ok for closet racists here to fly their flags. Not that they're creating what we have here, just that they're helping to expose it. It feels like we're going in the wrong direction with some of this crap seeping through the cracks. Calling clean up in the tri-cities.
  6. I saw that and commented elsewhere. As a parent, our job isn't to place our children in a little box where everything looks "the same". It's to let them experience life, to expand their worlds and have open hearts and minds. Besides....kids only see other kids as just that and it's the parents who don't recognize that they ARE all the same. Children. How very limiting, as well as prejudice/racist/stupid. I feel they're doing their children a great disservice by implanting their narrow racist ideas into their world and influencing them this way. It's quite disturbing to me that parents are so blind that they only "see" differences" and can't see the opportunity to learn and to love in this world. To unite with others rather than put up walls. These parents are stripping away the beautiful innocence and ability to connect with others that children instinctually have. It's so sad that our world has "parents" who hurt their kids more than help them. I'm so happy to have grown up as a child without ever knowing their were "differences" in us that were based on race...our group of kids was awesome and the parents never put up barriers to us joining forces. We didn't even know we were "different" because, really, we weren't. Communities are made stronger that way. United rather than divided. Judge people on how they treat others, that's how I do it. And I'm even working on that because sometimes people's action are because they're hurting and not unworthy of love. Fear filled parents do it wrong. Obnoxious, fear filled parents are even worse.
  7. A pretty good overall assessment I'd say. I'm not worried, but I was disappointed. As fans, we've seen enough garbage to last a lifetime and we deserve a better showing. A pretty lacklustre effort overall. These guys are battling for jobs but it looked like they were lost at times. The NHL speed and intensity might've shellshocked them a bit. There's a long way to go for some of these guys by what we saw last night.
  8. Oh for sure....I said something similar earlier and I fully understand why they iced this line up. But it should be a one and done in my opinion. The team's got to get out of the gate at the same time as everyone else this year...no wasted ice time. These preseason games are great for "having a look" but we've seen enough in this one game in my opinion. Let the "real" team shake off the rust and not dig a hole at the start of the season because they're a step behind. I'm sure the AHL'ers confidence has taken a hit...but it's also a good reminder of what it's going to take out there and a lesson they can learn from.
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