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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I don't think a resignation will provide opportunity for the story to come out. It'll just die out.
  2. When my boss said the company they were signing on with wanted my driver's license and/or picture ID I said "fine, I want theirs first". Seemed fair. It ended there. Privacy and personal property isn't something to demand of others. There's a reason it's called "private/personal".
  3. I tried to "build" a sig @Ribs. It didn't work. I went back and forth with VC but we couldn't locate where to do it under my account settings...I did it through the admin controls. I see it, but it's not showing up. Not urgent...you have a lot on your plate. Just weird and if you could take a look sometime and let me know what I did wrong.
  4. Sorry my friend...but if you come in using words like "stubbornness" and "toxic" etc. you're likely not too intimidated. Or you'd better learn to take it if you dish it out. People blame others for not posting here but a little self reflection (from all of us, including me) goes a long way. We're allowed to have different opinions without being labelled as stubborn. That's a personal attack and shots fired. And yes, the opinion that we shouldn't jump to conclusions and should wait for facts is a good one. Except when facts have been presented in the past and it's "more of the same" ... then we can start to maybe judge how we feel about someone. Babs has enough people saying he's not that great a guy to start listening to some of it.
  5. It's funny...some(one) here say(s) don't judge others prematurely. But isn't asking for access to someone's personal phone/pictures doing exactly that? Looking for...evidence/proof of something rather than just trusting a conversation to learn about someone? Why not give them benefit of the doubt? Ask direct questions and believe the answers. Wanting pictures kind of bypasses that and goes straight to "let me see for myself" process of judgement. Some people have nothing to hide but that doesn't mean you should treat them like they do.
  6. Well about time! (we love you too) We need our shutout queen!!!!!!!!!
  7. Thing is, often where there's smoke there's fire. If this was a one off....sure. Give him the benefit of the doubt. But so many people have come forward saying he's "the worst person they ever met", etc. and he's got a bit of history FOR having personal vendettas against people. If nothing more, hopefully as he sails off into the sunset he can use some of his experiences and time for self reflection and to grow as a person. He'll be fine.
  8. I'll show you mine (photos) and you show me yours is maybe even worse because it sort of seems like manipulation.
  9. Be the change you want to see happen. Using words like stubbornness, common sense, toxic and !!! is part of the problem not the solution. We're all allowed to have an opinion here and I've shared mine. Innocent until proven guilty...yes. But resigning and having a bit of history and others calling you out isn't to be completely ignored either. As you say...balance. He's maybe not a monster but he's also maybe not the best guy either. And I feel it's likely best that he does pack it in...old ways of running the NHL are being exposed as fairly inappropriate (and ineffective) in the current day and age.
  10. This "balance" you're showing is weighing heavily on one side. But we can agree to disagree....I don't like witch hunts either. But I'm also not going to lose sleep because someone's stepping down who has a bit of a history/rep for not being the nicest guy. Unknown fact: when you state my feelings for me ... "you clearly don't like him". I also don't like double standards. Known fact: I don't care enough about Mike Babcock to get my knickers in a twist over whether he's right/wrong. It's a big whatever for me. But hockey culture IS changing and it's for the better. The dinosaurs need to go.
  11. Common sense tells me that you shouldn't be asking to see another person's phone/pictures. If nothing else, it's a little invasive/rude. Would you ask someone to hand their phone over to you so you could display their pictures? My stubbornness is based on my values/morals and so I make no apologies for that.
  12. I'm judging his actions and it seems fair to do so. As a mother, it infuriates me that our children are asked to do things to "prove" themselves beyond just being qualified for the job. That's where the interviews/focus should be...can they do the job? What are their skills, etc. I'm not sure personal photos play into that and, as a matter of fact, would likely be more in line with "judging" someone on their photos without any context behind them. It seems like nothing, but it's not. It is our right to protect our personal property...unless the team was paying for that phone. I was asked to put an app on my phone for work...I absolutely refused to. I was hounded and bugged and told them "if you want me to have this app, you provide a work phone for it". And they did. Then they wanted to expand to a commercial version of the app and said I had to give them my driver's license/picture ID. Hell no.
  13. How do you say no to your NHL coach if you're a new player? It's up to the coach to know right/wrong. If someone willingly shares their photos that's one thing. To be asked by your employer to go through your phone/photos? A young player would likely feel the pressure of having to do what he was asked but that doesn't mean he/she should've been asked to in the first place. What business is it of the team's? Their business is assessing the player on ice and learning beyond that through questions and interviews. I just don't think it's fair...what if they have photos they don't want to share? It's kind of creepy to begin with.
  14. https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/mike-babcock-to-resign-as-blue-jackets-head-coach-following-photo-controversy/
  15. A good way to "get to know" his players starts with mutual respect and trust, not asserting power over them. Insisting they "do" something to prove themselves to him. "Show me your (personal) photos" when you're in a place of authority over someone isn't a great ice breaker. vs. "Tell me about yourself" "What are your hobbies/interests?' It's a little invasive to want to see photos...almost requiring "proof" before there's even reason to doubt someone's character/lifestyle. Dinosaurs need to learn of the boundaries that we, as humans, have. There was a day when you had to do stuff to retain a position or be hired. Those days are gone (or at least need to be). I hate that customs can ask for your phone and rifle through it...I get why, but I have a hard time with it. That's a different situation though and involves national security. So...ok. I have pictures of my family that I don't particularly want to share with others...I protect their privacy and so a coach wanting to display them via airplay can take a hike.
  16. Clutch was my favourite. And Daniel Sedin was just the coolest for choosing this as his goal song. Or, in line with that.... and I ain't about to change my mind. Energy.
  17. To be honest, I don't even care at this point. Fact of the matter is, they did it and, for me personally, I take it personally. A long time die hard homer fan ... kicked to the curb with the rest of my friends. We deserve(d) better. Their loss though...that's how I see it. We are a special community and if they don't want in, that's cool. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful that we had a place to all come together and I was treated well as a mod. But that's just not the way you do things....without a word and a pretty abrupt rug pull. The season's about to start and if it wasn't for Ribs and his dedication to this community, we'd all be done. The season would've been so weird without being able to interact with each other.
  18. Sure do! Change of weather always lets me know....hockey's on the way! I will gladly stay in on a last gasp of summer sunny Sunday afternoon to watch our boys in action. Damn right!
  19. Thank you, you milk hot dog muppet you. I wore the 3 right off my Bieksa jersey. My ex gave it to me....someone at work was throwing it away back in the day where everyone was screaming to get rid of him. He knew he was my favourite player (along with Burr). "Do you want it?" Hell yeah I did.
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