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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. -dlc-

    The God Thread

    Me too...it starts and ends there for me. When my daughter was in grade 2 or 3 a group of kids teased her because they asked what church she went to and she said she didn't go to church. They circled her, pointed at her, said she was going to hell, etc. She came home devastated. I told her to go to them the next day and tell them their God would be very disappointed in them. That they were acting out of hate not love. That shaming her wasn't being a good church-goer. And, finally, that her church was in her heart...that we don't need to enter a building to be good. It worked, they didn't bother her again.
  2. Did you know Kiedis dated Heidi Klum. She's my favourite. She should be in here.
  3. Do you want me to change it?
  4. whew....what a gutsy win that was
  5. Haha, love this. Me too...mood has shifted from ugh to WOOOOOOO
  6. I'm glad the right calls are being made....both on the catch on the sidelines and the TD catch/no offensive PI.
  7. I just whopped it up good in my living room. Called Dad...his TV was blaring so loud he couldn't hear me.
  9. The calm, cool, way he's navigated the team through this is incredible. Always a leader, always helpful and optimistic...even when delivering bad news. There was a bright side from the get go in his opinion and we're seeing that now. I'm just so grateful to be included in this community in any way, shape or form. I'm proud to be a member and the fact that we've moved changes nothing. The people are what matters. And Ribs is #1. Appreciate him so much.
  10. I changed The Arrogant Worms' name back but it still shows with the old name in previous quotes. Not a biggie/urgent, but worth noting.
  11. Changed The Arrogant Worms' name but it still shows up with the old name in previous quotes. Doesn't matter, but something worth noting.
  12. Beautiful catch! BC's warming up.
  13. Never have worked at the front office...everything we do here is voluntary. Not sure about people being banned for sign ins....unless they were trying to bypass a ban and sneak back in.
  14. LOL my new rank...I really need to try harder. I already miss being a HOF'er.
  15. Derby day today....I thought about going but am too worn out. Big week coming up.
  16. Oh hey, it's really good to see you again!!!
  17. I have both CDC and FCC going. It feels like I'm cheating.
  18. I think he may be taking his Superman outfit to the dry cleaners then taking a nap. I hear he hasn't slept in 106 days.
  19. She is THE BEST! Well her and her best friend.
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