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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Let's think about this from Hronek's perspective. You just got knocked out of the playoffs. Your production had slipped but you're likely not in the best space right now. Trying to process it all. Some guy's question basically could be translated as: 'you've sucked lately, do you have an excuse for that?" Hronek's right...if he knew why he was struggling he'd likely have adjusted. Sometimes you don't have the answers so pushing for one, despite having left you alone all year, is all about bad timing. Maybe you should have asked then not now? Because he's clearly not in the mood and not everyone deals with failure (which is what he's likely feeling) the same way. Dejection is obviously part of this and he's working through it. He smiled/tried. But don't get cocky and fire at him when he's not giving you what you want. It's refreshing when players don't pretend everything's roses and sunshine or give canned answers to appease the masses. He's pissed off right now. "Look we gave you your space" was the part of that conversation that was more of a challenge than anything constructive in my view. And, at this particular time, you'll likely get pushback from a guy who's unhappy (yes, clearly miserable) with the recent outcome of things. Surprise!?
  2. He may not be "ignoring things" and I'm sure the people who need to know, know. Media's looking for stuff to expand upon and maybe they don't get all the info they'd like. Doesn't mean there's nothing there, just that not everything's always disclosed to the public. It's quite common to keep the cards close to your chest and not reveal things that give others an upper hand or something to target. I mean, personal health is personal business in regards to how much the public gets access to. He said no. Good enough for me.
  3. Not in understanding the question, but in responding to it. Maybe the words don't come as easily (just as has been the case with Petey in the past). Drama. Our team has too much of it...let's not buy into it. The media also went hard at JT back in the day, just move along to the next target? Controversy sells but we don't have to buy it.
  4. And, in all seriousness.... Hronek started off the interview smiling and wasn't just surly. Clearly, English isn't his first language and that can make things more difficult. What seems curt is just responding with basics and simplicity. "Why...if I know the answer I'd probably do something different, right?" That's the answer right there yet he's pushing for more. Wants the injury scoop but there wasn't one. Hronek's clearly frustrated. This elimination hurt and they're still processing it all. So he isn't opening up...maybe he's not got the answers himself yet. J Pat is entitled to ask questions but also needs to "read the room" when a guy does seem a bit uncomfortable and maybe not go at him so defensively. You get more flies with honey than vinegar. Don't poke the bear....timing's off for that.
  5. Uh oh, Hronek's the new JT? Moody, mean, snarly, doesn't give a sh. I like it.
  6. Yeah but all other teams are rivals and I hate them all. I (we) get to pick which one I (we) get behind (if any). And a team that's dirty never will get my support. Ever. Oilers suck and I hope they crash and burn again.
  7. They're coming off nearly a week of rest so they're pretty fresh and have a lot of jump. I'm not convinced we couldn't.
  8. Not what I've seen. Florida, Stars, Oilers, Rangers
  9. So everyone's overrated except the Oilers? Gotcha.
  10. WTF could he even argue there? "BUT THE OTHER REF LET ME DO THAT, WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?"
  11. I've been home sick since my team got knocked out. I just can't.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Do you get a summer break?

    3. Joe-Kerr


      Its a rough one. I truly didnt think out season was going to be over

    4. Jess


      Hang in there, Deb. We'll have things to cheer for (and you'll be clanging your cowbell) soon enough!

  12. We scored some of their goals for them. They were lucky a fair bit too.
  13. I think they're onto McDavid and his "accidental" high sticks. Can only get away with so many.
  14. Yeah, refs in their back pockets a good deal of the time.
  15. McDavid with his go to high stick move...that's 3 times now.
  16. Let's go Stars, seen enough Edmonton to last me a lifetime. Nurse, Kane, Draisaitl....bunch of pricks.
  17. Except some players can slash with impunity, giving them a definite advantage
  18. Probably because we watched them in the first few months of the season and know they are capable of completely blowing it.
  19. debluvscanucks dlc also happens to be the initials of my maiden name
  20. For those who missed it you can see each group's presser here: https://www.nhl.com/canucks/video/year-end-media-allvin-tocchet-6353543372112 https://www.nhl.com/canucks/video/year-end-media-6-29-40-and-43-6353538319112 https://www.nhl.com/canucks/video/year-end-media-9-23-35-and-57-6353539497112 https://www.nhl.com/canucks/video/year-end-media-7-17-81-and-82-6353540671112 https://www.nhl.com/canucks/video/year-end-media-8-24-53-and-91-6353541363112 https://www.nhl.com/canucks/video/year-end-media-21-34-47-65-6353540105112 https://www.nhl.com/canucks/video/year-end-media-18-31-51-88-6353540795112
  21. Let's go get him and bring him back home (and to his senses)
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