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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Let's go Stars! Hope you take out Kane, Nurse and Draisaitl. And then make Connor cry.
  2. The team expected more (obviously) and will have some takeaways from how the last couple of games unfolded. Sad that we didn't have Brock (and Demko), but Silovs made it quite easy to relax despite not having our #1 goaltender. I've changed my mind about Myers. I forgive him for his giraffe gaffs...he is a beast in playoffs. Our guys have bonded and it will be SO interesting to see who does stay. This is a good group and they've meshed well so it'd be a shame to dismantle things and try with new personnel. Not always going to fit. Zadorov's comments were encouraging. I think he really likes it here. Fingers crossed.
  3. I cringed during those fun times. "Please no please no..."
  4. JT on emotion When you're winning everyone accepts it.... Says the team has helped him embrace who he is rather than run from it.
  5. I think he would've been slow and I really don't know that he was what we needed. Sure, we needed goals and he can score them. But I just don't know that he was the missing piece.
  6. This is accountability. Petey knows. Petey'll be back slaying it next year.
  7. Brock saying shutting down Connor, etc. is a role he hasn't had before...shutdown role. Build off it for next year...another level for him.
  8. "The longer I went, the more pain I felt" So there's that. Some will say they should have shut him down but sometimes these things have a way of working themselves out. Having had a bad knee, it can be good for awhile then flare up/be bad after one move that went a bit sideways.
  9. Just give us all the awards and we'll melt them down and make our own damn cup. We deserve it.
  10. Coaches find success based on how they adapt to the players they're given. Sure, systems and structure are the main point in it all, but you have to get players to buy in and listen. You have so many different personalities and tapping into strengths and addressing weaknesses is part of it. I think he does a great job of communicating and there's a fine line between venting and ripping on a team and addressing issues more constructively. Sure, sometimes you need the hard ass approach but to motivate people generally you have to get their ear first. Make them actually hear and believe what you're saying. Loved Bruce and he was what the team needed at a time when they were full of doubt and in the dumps. Desperate for any glimmer of success. He was their cheerleader. But that only went so far and Tocchet was the perfect coach to move in. He gave them tools to work with. I do think he has to let Petey off the leash a bit because he's a player who goes on instinct and has had great success with that. When he overthinks things I don't know that it benefits anyone. That's my two cents. Congrats to our coach....super happy he's here and I just really like how he presents himself overall. I think he's a decent person and truly cares about his players. He seems to come at them from a peer perspective more so than "I'm the coach/boss and you must do what I say". He seems very relatable to them and speaks from experience.
  11. I was referring to those who said he was a cancer in the room, would age out poorly/too old, didn't fit with this team, was lazy and moody (and didn't see the other stuff he was), etc. He may decline some....but what he's giving us now likely helps us not only retain good players, but attract them. He (and Tocchet) pretty much single handedly have changed the culture and country club atmosphere on the team. Funny that he's become a vocal leader and the team buys in to that....people thought it was harsh but sometimes teams need a good kick in the ass. The drama that surrounded him was ridiculous. Because he showed emotion and wanted to win more than anything. He's channeled that quite nicely and wouldn't you hate it if we HAD traded him for potentials who may have panned out here? He's been a huge part of our success and this team building a great foundation.
  12. "Running out of steam" Game 7 he played 6-7 minutes more than any Oiler on the ice.
  13. I don't think that's the case. I think they wore down and were slower at the end of the series, but I watch other games that seem MUCH slower at times. I mean, Mikheyev's a fast skater but that doesn't always mean success. It can put things out of synch. They were tentative more than anything. When they turn it on, they can keep up with other teams just fine.
  14. It's ridiculous, really. People are so quick to turn on our own and then end up back pedalling. Some here SCREAMED that JT was gone. Not even they wanted him gone...they argued it was a done deal. Their objective analysis and voice of experience. I'm glad that some here aren't so quick to give up on players who show so much, even if they struggle every once in awhile. It's called being human.
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