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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Eats it too. He's trying to be pc now that he's been an ass throughout. Get lost...just another Ron McLean type.
  2. I'm glad we didn't ... they deserved to retire here and that last game was epic (I was there with my son). They performed well right up until (and including) their final games.
  3. Trying. Still hurts, already miss my team. Yep, I get this....
  4. Might not be talking too much longer. Time will tell.
  5. "Too soft" Quinn took a good gash in the face courtesy of a high stick. Didn't whine. Petey took a good high stick in the face. Didn't whine. Connor & Co crosschecking in the face, spearing in the groin, boarding guys head first. Petey got a penalty for his "softness" in a reverse hit that he clearly won the battle in. Aww, he jumped at an Oiler who fell down. Poor soul. But the tough guy(s) here .... would probably check out at that point. Maybe pass out.
  6. Canada wins in OT with a shorthanded goal by Cozens.
  7. If you're not with us you're against us. Pace yourself, for a new guy you're coming in a little loud and abrasive. On the radar.
  8. Right? So smug. There's such a sense of entitlement in that room and I hope it comes back to bite them in the butt. Again. His whole demeanour just rubs me the wrong way.
  9. And so do we. You don't get players like that very often....he's an absolute pest who never quits and can also score. He's a keeper.
  10. Exactly! There was "dump" but then everyone went off for a change and Edmonton simply grabbed the puck to take it the other way. It was really glaring to me yesterday.
  11. I really planned on not watching/supporting the NHL through the rest of the deal but find myself wanting to watch Edmonton get decimated. And see if their whining and dirty play gets them through another round. I'd also really like to see Tanev hoist a cup.
  12. Spears in the groin. Crosschecks in the face (yet Soucy was suspended). And the fact that McDavid did yet another high stick in the face when the play wasn't even there really hints at his MO more than a woopsie. No consistency in addressing this stuff and it does make one team more tentative while the other is just free rolling out there. People who say this is "whining" about the officials are the ones who just don't really want to address it. But it's relevant. The team did overcome it for the most part, but I'm sure in the back of their minds they had "don't get suspended" nattering at them. Guys like Myers, who gets the book thrown at him at every opportunity. Their physical play dropped off significantly.
  13. I didn't see him playing "timid" at all. Without confidence? Sure. Not timid, as he was throwing big hits out there.
  14. This is really a period to wait and see what information we get. I'd hate to let go of Petey only to see him slay it somewhere else. We've seen his best and what he's capable of. We've invested heavily in him and I'm pretty confident he'll figure this out (or recover from whatever may be hampering his play). And despite not scoring (which is what he's paid the big bucks to do), I'm happy that he is finding a way to contribute in other way during this slump he's in. I mean, McDavid's sitting at 2 goals through 2 rounds right now...happens.
  15. I really noticed this and was going to comment in real time. Sometimes when we had possession there'd be a line change and it completely just wasted the effort to get us into their end. Everyone vacated and that was the end of that. I think the quick line changes hampered more than helped them yesterday as it really stood out. It was almost giving up on a play before it even unfolded. I do get why they want short shifts and constant line changes, but the timing was really off and abandoned plays that might have turned into something. At least created a bit more pressure.
  16. I am really proud of our team, not only for how far they took this but in how they played...with integrity. They did battle two teams at times but they kept pushing and although the narrative was that both teams were diving, Edmonton went full tilt with the whining, complaining, shadowing the refs, etc. For me, it was nauseating and I can't respect a team like that, no matter how good they think they are. Bitter, but this isn't a momentary reaction...can't stand them. My son is one of the most unbiased fans I know and he said Draisaitl is his absolute most hated player because he's so dirty and cocky. I see it. And it was hard to accept McDavid's high stick on Hughes when he did another one down the road. Accidentally on purpose stuff that the world's greatest player shouldn't have to resort to. It cheapens the deal. But they won and that's that. No matter what unfolded, they outplayed us when it counted most. I do believe this team has to learn not to let the other team dictate play and that when there's "a" game on the line, things change a little in intensity. Do or die stuff. They gave it a good go at the end and without Demko and Boeser, still managed to fight to the final buzzer. Cardiac kids alright. I do love their resilience and they can be proud of not folding like a cheap tent. Nothing that hasn't been said before, but I'm still trying to process it all. The last two games are a huge learning lesson that the team can take away and use for reference. I'm super excited for the future and to see what's next. Just wasn't ready for it to end yet and feel a little lost today. (Took a sick day...needed it)
  17. Me too. Just wasn't ready for it to be over yet. So much potential...
  18. JT's presser made me: Cry Proud So damn happy that he's here Hopeful He loves this team and man, so do I. Next year's looking pretty good...can build off this. They played a little scared of the Oilers the past 2 games and forgot who they were. The team that smoked them through the season. 3 beer in folks, I am DONE. Cheers. Oilers suck
  19. I'm pretty sure our team got a stern warning. Don't you dare touch the golden boys. And they got away with so much crap. But...whatever. They'll get theirs.
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