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Status Replies posted by -dlc-

  1. @brilac It's Monday, yea!

    1. -dlc-


      Drama, ooooooooh. I hate the catty stuff.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  2. @brilac It's Monday, yea!

    1. -dlc-


      That dive over the table was pretty impressive! 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3. @brilac It's Monday, yea!

    1. -dlc-


      I like Daisy...he's out with her now.

      I missed the first few minutes! 

      Joey's my favourite ever. I feel like he's sincere and so nice.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  4. Big fire in Steveston, a long time grocery store went up in flames. Bought all my flowers there. Meat and produce too. So sad. My Dad knew the original owners from the 50's. Super Grocer...formerly Super Valu.


  5. Big fire in Steveston, a long time grocery store went up in flames. Bought all my flowers there. Meat and produce too. So sad. My Dad knew the original owners from the 50's. Super Grocer...formerly Super Valu.


  6. Big fire in Steveston, a long time grocery store went up in flames. Bought all my flowers there. Meat and produce too. So sad. My Dad knew the original owners from the 50's. Super Grocer...formerly Super Valu.


  7. Awesome. "The Laugh Supper" (Jim Carrey's birthday party photo from yesterday)

  8. Colorado calls they want Pettersson for Rantanen straight up. Do you say yes or no? 

  9. I think we need a PREDICT THE LOSS thread so people who still are waiting for the team to flop have somewhere to gather. 

    1. -dlc-


      That's right, Joe! Thanks 112! 

      I'm doing ok....burning the candle at all ends but things should slow down soon. How are you? Good to see you here.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. Man, KB took this personal!



  11. Man, KB took this personal!



  12. imo, january and february, canucks will struggle to play 500 hockey. which  will be good.

    1. -dlc-


      No team is "great" until they prove it at the end of the year. I don't assess at this point because it's survival of the fittest. We have some great players and if they all show up and click at the right time, we're great. And can beat anyone. We're "greater" than St. Louis at the moment, check the standings. We beat them 5-0 this year so nothing's a given.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  13. imo, january and february, canucks will struggle to play 500 hockey. which  will be good.

    1. -dlc-


      I don't know that they'll struggle for .500 hockey, but they'll have moments when they'll struggle. And it keeps it real and reminds them that they're never there "yet". To not let down and keep making adjustments as necessary. Priming up for playoffs.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  14. I love the ads on the site... they know me so well....


    1 ad for franks redhot

    And 1 letting me know i needed a new job yesterday...


    Excuse Me Reaction GIF by Desi Perkins

  15. i was locked out of my account but now i'm back in, sorry.

  16. Happy New Year to all my Nuckleheads far and wide! 🥳❤️ 

  17. I love being off work...I don't even know what day it is. Nor do I care! What a great feeling.

  18. I love being off work...I don't even know what day it is. Nor do I care! What a great feeling.

  19. my wish is; the first thing canuck's do, is to re-sign blueger. he is fast becoming my favourite canuck.

  20. YESSS!!, Dee does it!!!

  21. Going out for dinner tonight with a former coworker turned friend. She's a little dynamo and we used to work out together before COVID hit. Even though some workplaces are busts, the friends we make along the way are treasures. Looking forward to it.

    1. -dlc-


      Thank you! COVID was tough...nice being able to connect with people again, especially at this time of the year.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  22. The really REAL tests are coming up over the next few days. Nash is hot rn and Dallas is still pretty good. My valuation on wether or not they are for real will be tested.

  23. Rachel Homan kicking everyone's butts in ladies curling. She's awesome.

  24. how would bure's speed compare with mcdavid's today?

    1. -dlc-


      Gimme Bure over McDavid any day. Times 10.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

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