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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Watching the news and they said athletes can be subject to blood clots due to injuries where blood pools/clots and takes time to break down. Family history can come into play as well.
  2. WTAF is happening with this crap? Should I get the roll of tinfoil and start constructing something? I really am starting to believe maybe the script is being leaked here. If it's a placeholder, please use team a and team b.
  3. To the rocket scientists here. You know what can cause blood clots? Sitting for too long (on an airplane, bench, COUCH/ARMCHAIR, wherever). So let's not be unqualified doctors and diagnose this. We have no idea and it's a shame that Brock's going through this and we'll lose him. But the last thing we need is the anti vaxers using this as an in. Don't bother....Canucks organization has NO TIME for that crap and neither do we. Just ask that weirdo singer we used to have.
  4. But I guess maybe I should go easier on a guy who clearly stuck a fork in a socket before. Let the trash talking flow.....
  5. Bou-shart's just mad because Garland can grow a beard and all he's got is dark, gnarly facial moss. Looks like a creepy drunk uncle who sneaks down into the basement to hang out with the kids at family gatherings.
  6. So we turned it on the game before? Short memory? Honestly....our fans are acting scared. Oilers do NOT have all the momentum because it's in our barn. And they have HUGE expectations on them and heavy pressure coming if when they lose. They're expected to win...everyone's calling for it. Our guys are not respected and that can change real fast. I do agree...the Oilers played desperate (because they were). But we've sucked the wind out of their sails before and can do it again. I wouldn't sign off on our team yet. We've had their number and they got one good game but that doesn't mean they'll get another. F them and their diving team.
  7. LFG!!!!! TAKE DOWN THESE OILY BASTURDS. As much as it pains me to not be there, I'll be there in spirit and if there's anywhere else to be if we're not at the game...it's here. With you awesome people. To those going to the game...amp it up. Non stop. Help the team smash these fools right out of our rink. Be relentless.
  8. It's likely to try to slant the Bouchard > Hughes crap that some are trying to drum up out there. Hughes secret is out but he STILL can dance around players like their skates are glued to the ice. Some just don't see anything good in our team but that's on them.
  9. I bet they run this drill at practice. "OK, look for the closest ref then give him an angry stare and shoulder shrug at him. Make sure to throw your hands out in dismay and whine loudly for emphasis"
  10. Make it hard for them. This is the type of stuff....in their face. Skinner's easy to rattle...get in his crease and cause chaos. The pretty goals are nice but mix it up.
  11. I don't agree with "some major surgery". Really? How about the most hyped superstar in the NHL to this point in this series? McDavid - 1 goal Up until last night, it's been anyone's game. Last night was a huge adrenalin pump for the Oilers....lose at home with all the predictions to breeze through this series and then you're talking.....major surgery. They knew that and played like it.
  12. I do love the positivity here, it's refreshing. I'm going to feed off it because I took that loss hard. The way it happened didn't sit well with me but you guys have the right attitude. GO CANUCKS
  13. Twice now, and there's no way it's not intentional if you look at how they happen. Smug, arrogant, dirty Oiler trying to injure players as part of the game plan. Because they feel entitled to a win and everyone's put them there at the top. I hope we knock their asses out and they have a lovely time licking their wounds. Can't stand the way they play...Draisaitl's one of the dirtiest players out there. Kane and Nurse. And McDavid's following their lead. At this point, with ESPN filling in their bracket it wouldn't surprise me if that isn't the script sent from the NHL. (Only part way joking). With that reffing was "ok" last night....never is great but wasn't as horrible as past games.
  14. I'd go with Silovs. I have faith in him.
  15. That's two now. Which is why I have zero respect for him. I don't care how good he is, he's a dirty whiner like most on that team.
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