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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I think the mantra of "no panic" and "just play our game" bit them in the ass. There comes a time to up the intensity and set a tone. In their building with a chance to close it out....I think they needed to come out with a killer instinct, not one of "comfort" in their game. It was glaring. When they were smashing them into the boards it was throwing the Oilers off their game. They got away from that. They can't play scared (to be penalized)....they have to go for it. And shoot for chrissake...rebounds are a thing.
  2. I believe "this is what I've been saying for a long time" is pretty much the same as "I told you so"
  3. It's their mad cow special. Selling it at the corner for $7.99/lb
  4. I can hardly wait to hear all the "told you so's" who will ignore the fact that this series is tied. They haven't won anything yet.
  5. Enough of this crap. Don't poke the bear. Mr. "Objective commentary"
  6. Don't get suspended Z...we need you next game.
  7. Well that was a huge disappointment. Now I just want them to hit them into oblivion so they limp to the next game.
  8. Oh it is the beginning. But that wasn't rocket science or some great insight. And he also said we'd be doomed with Miller instead of Horvat.
  9. Well, hope they learn from this one. One game now .... but at least it's in our barn. That gives me hope. And they need to smack the hell out of these cocky Oilers. They're a smug bunch and need to be brought back down to earth.
  10. You've said a lot of things, most of them have been wrong though.
  11. You use words to try to put us down but they just really prove the old if you're not with us you're against us. Chuds, victims, zealots, forget the other one. Show some respect and you'll get some back. It's how it works.
  12. It was never anything...he was lining up the excuse. Trying to get the ref's sympathy.
  13. They're just so off. Not skating, not hitting, not shooting. Wat?
  14. I really didn't want a game 7. Come on boys. Wake up....show some urgency.
  15. So expect him to score soon. That's usually how it works.
  16. Does it always have to be a perfect set up? Just shoot ffs.
  17. Also...looks like Hyman grabbed Joshua's stick. But whatever. If he did get him....he deserved it. Dirty Oilers.
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