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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. You missed Deb salivating over Miller and Bieksa who were having a chat. Just tuned in two minutes too late.
  2. These two dweebs should not cover our team. I didn't watch due to that fact.
  3. Plus, that's how they always look. They show up and sit on your couch like that.
  4. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1224089902302513 LOL
  5. Thing is, you're looking for dramatics and their deal is quite different. They play the same if they're behind or ahead 2 goals. They don't panic or change things in desperation...they have confidence in HOW they play and killer instinct often puts you in a vulnerable position if it doesn't work in your favour. I'm buying into what they're selling. We say they "sit back" when they have a lead but they don't really change what they're doing out there a whole lot. The other teams may just press more and that can be opportunities for us.
  6. LOL at me trying to tell Trevor Hanson's dad what the rules are and that it was a lousy call on Petey. He's a friend of my brother's (not sure why) but my brother and I both had a "f off you don't know what you're talking about" moment (separately). Then about 10 other people jumped in to tell him what's up. He ran away. Was reading Tim Peel's history and how the league does intervene and manage the games/series. It's not just us being delusional and whiny...it's a real thing as caught on mic by an actual NHL ref who admitted it. I love that the team doesn't even react anymore...they don't care and have adjusted. So awesome.
  7. We have a beautiful new greenhouse at work and I'm making the most of it. Just brought home the 8 tomato plants I started from seed....out on my patio now. Also growing stuff for the bunnies at work - arugula has been great. Also doing basil, parsley, cilantro. So cute...opened the door to the greenhouse two days ago and a baby bun was in there. Was super hot in there (no fans) so I tried for an hour to shoo him out. Trouble was, he'd gotten a taste of the "all you can eat" buffet in there so didn't want to go. I was growing some grass in a flat for them so watered it down and he dove right in. Before that, he was flopping and the heat was starting to take a toll. I sweet talked him and slowly dragged the flat of grass over toward the open door then shooed him out. We put screens on the (automated) windows so he won't get back in. I don't mind him eating the stuff but am worried that he'd get trapped in there in the heat.
  8. Trash talk. It's part of sports and if you keep it within reason, it's part of the fun of it all. SKINNNNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNER
  9. Shake it off, shake it off..... You'll probably find some on the ground after the game as disgruntled Oilers fans toss them.
  10. Secret's out. Late to the party. People who slammed him for his moodiness are now trying to board the bus. Sorry, no....it's full.
  11. Bought in for a game+ round 3 (don't want to jinx us but I had to commit prior to). LFG!!!!!!!! Make it happen!!!
  12. I printed JT, Quinn and Petey on card stock and laminated them. (Couldn't do them all...too much printing at work is a no no) Also made 11 x 17's. All set.
  13. Oh hell yeah. I'd wear my hazmat suit and bring extra sanitizer. One of the teachers at my work is going to Edmonton to cheer on our boys. She's a half hearted fan but has lots of access (via her family). I often have to update her on games. But I'm glad she'll be there representing us!
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