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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Oh my gosh, he was one of my favourites! This is really tragic news....FAR too young. F cancer!!!!
  2. Thing is, I believe his body type is ectomorph (correct me if I'm wrong) and he might have trouble putting on weight/muscle. He can strengthen his core for sure and firm up his muscles but not sure if he'll get a whole lot bigger. When he's in pursuit of a puck he hunches over at the waist alot...maybe a different "stance" could give him better stability? Who knows?
  3. A sports psychologist might also help. There's a lot of pressure on him and the mental game can be a huge factor.
  4. That's a pretty big reach. I mean, not out of the question but I don't know that it's fair to go there based on speculation and connecting dots. Petey's never loved interviews and has seemed disconnected in them...mostly because he seems to struggle to find the words in English to describe his thoughts. I feel for him. His lost confidence is probably his biggest problem right now and he's fighting it.
  5. If you see a crazed blonde wild woman jump onto the ice to start kicking Oilers in the groin...it's just me. I'm so nervous. Excited. Anxious. Elated. Hostile. Playoffs bring out both the best and the worst in me. LET'S GO BOYS.....YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT DIRTY BARREL OF CRUDE THEY CALL THE OILERS. This is my theme song right now....
  6. It's just his personality I think. Not everyone shows their cards...which may be part of the problem as he likely keeps it all inside. I think he needs a sports psychologist at this point...help him work through what could be very unfamiliar territory. His struggle is real.
  7. Especially from thugs like Kane....I'm sure he's as trashy in conversation as he is on the ice.
  8. We all know he hates these things. And now that he's off, I'm sure it's particularly difficult for him.
  9. What I heard/learned was that it's not reviewable because it wasn't a match penalty. If it had been it could be. That may not be good information but that's what I've been told (here/earlier). And it wasn't a high sticking penalty, as they assessed. It was definitely a cross check so not sure why they decided to switch it up.
  10. I feel for Petey....clearly, he doesn't have the answers and is trying to do his best.
  11. I also have felt/said the same. If you don't think these decisions that are made have an overall impact on the flow of the game...they do. They've basically given the Oilers a free pass to do whatever and the Canucks have been addressed. That makes for a bit of an uneven playing field. Thing is, my thinking is "do it anyhow". Go at them, hard. But I understand them being tentative as the Oiler's pp is their strong point and why give them that? I saw tentative too when they came out. Sad that the handcuffs have been put on one team but not the other. Sure, Kane and Nurse in the box is fine. But that cross check by Kane? By the standards set, THAT should've been open to receive extra attention but won't be due to the wrong call being made on the ice. High stick? No...that was the definition of a cross check. Which is very suspect in how that was called....I do believe there's a strong push to get the Oilers and the NHL's poster boy through.
  12. Thing is though, he needs to score not just set up others to score. Love Petey, but it's time for him to hit the scoresheet. I do see improvement in his shots...just needs to up the volume a bit.
  13. "If you're not with us you're against us" I feel that quite a few sneak in who fall under that category. Sure, it's ok to have 9 favourite teams, Canucks being one of them. But it's also important to remember where we are ... the forum title reminds you. We don't have to be sunshine and lollipops but we also don't have to trash a team that's really given us good reason to get behind them. Yes, sometimes they lose and the other team performs better. But it's not how you win or lose, it's that you do. And last time I checked, the series is tied at 2-2 coming back home. This deal isn't as easy as it looks and not many teams just steamroll through it. Edmonton's a good example of how they're barely squeaking wins out, despite all their flash and dash that grabs people's attention. We are all Canucks and, if not, don't bother.
  14. People quick to board the Oilers' bandwagon and proclaim them as the greatest really do our team a disservice. And forget how they can unravel. The fact that they let us back in the game speaks volumes. And that they do rely on 2 guys heavily also is a clue. Those guys getting pretty preferential treatment from the league. We missed Soucy, no denying that. And the way Kane was running around at first is really swagger that comes knowing your team has an upper hand in how things are being "addressed". Or not. I am glad that both he and Nurse got penalties...at least they are being watched to some degree. Dirty POS both of them.But...doesn't matter when you get a 4 minute pp and don't score. Huge opportunity to take charge...wasted. No excuses though...the boys came out quite tentative/reserved in a game that really needed more from them. I do love the never say die part though, that's encouraging. One goal, that's by no means a blowout. Those who say it was Silovs keeping us in it and it could've been much worse. Well there are 2 guys keeping Edmonton in it so it all evens out. Take them out and we roll over that team easily. Let's go Canucks...finish them off. They're way too cocky and their pundits are annoying af.
  15. Thing is, it's not about "not hurting" the team. It's about "helping" the team and I'm not sure he does.
  16. Thing is though, the Oilers WERE moving their feet and some good solid hits can slow things down. We know Draisaitl's been crying over his back (although he's a faker so not sure if it's for real). Hammer him. Often. I do know that they try to take away the passes/seams, etc. but a physical game was working pretty well for them. Especially when you have Kane and Nurse running around like hotshots. A bit more brawn to start the game might've set a different tone. But....they almost pulled it off so the Oilers can think about that. They let a 2 goal lead slide in the 3rd....not quite the powerhouse running over us.
  17. He fought with me for months...telling me I knew nothing and Miller was gone. No WAY he was staying. And how he'd wreck this team. Wrong
  18. They came out WAY too casual/tentative. Edmonton was flying around like prancing fairies. But...there's also pacing yourself. Oilers run out of gas and this team does stay composed and doesn't panic. Kane is a dirty POS. Nurse too. I hope they get some busted parts out of this series...well deserved. Then Frankensharnais stands in their chopping and whacking to give them courage. I think our team may have tried TOO hard not to take penalties. I prefer when we're smashing them at every opportunity. Their pp can suck it.
  19. It's intolerable at times. Read the room just isn't teachable I guess.
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