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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Smash that ugly mofo and his broken back into the boards. Make it hurt for real. Drama queens using their mama refs again.
  2. Nurse. A liability. Also...De-Shart cross checking all over the place. It's ok, we've got this. I smell desperation and the Oilers always come out like their pants are on fire then fade out.
  3. i worked with a Turkish soccer fan who I was trying to convert to a hockey fan (was successful). I'll never forget one day after a game when I came in to work and asked Mert how he liked the game. He said "well it was really good until Luongo got tired. Why did he go sit on the bench while the game was so close!! Did he give up?" I then went on to explain pulling the goalie for an extra attacker. "Ohhhhhhh"
  4. This is SO awesome. My suggestion is don't tell him where you're going...just tell him it's a birthday road trip. Print some clues and at each rest stop give him one. Corny idea...but I did something similar with my son when he was young and HE loved it. Some ideas for the clues along the way: We're stopping for a drink and snack Stick with me, no turning back Let's stretch our legs and take a rest To prepare us for the journey's test I'm stopping now to check the oil Sure hope the surprise isn't spoiled I have to stop for gas it seems Fill the tank up for our team! As you get near the rink and he starts to likely figure things out... The perfect gift, I tried to pick it Here son, hold our GAME 5 TICKETS!! I'm so lame.
  5. Me too. He hasn't held back much and it's refreshing. He's seen it too often I guess. The 650 guys too...they were having a heyday.
  6. They're at a women's self-defense course. As participants. https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/self-defense-tips-escape
  7. I'm glad that not only the Canucks' journalists but also our team is not keeping quiet. Not that it does any good....likely makes it worse. But whatever. F them all.
  8. "Questionable decisions" "They have to protect their investment". Their investment/asset better protect his ass...we're coming for him/them.
  9. But let's be fair now..... It did mess up Connor's bangs. He had that perfect mod squad hair do going on. Mom blowdried it for 20 minutes to get it to lie perfect like that.
  10. They're all drama queens over there in Edmonton... Just look at how they messed up his face. This is him addressing the vicious cross check in the teeth that was so unfair that he cried all the way home.
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