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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Addiction is so sad. I've seen so much of it in my lifetime and know what an uphill battle it is to cut free of that life. EA Programs are great but the problem is that you can't force someone to change...it has to be their desire to quit. Otherwise it's likely just a revolving door until that person hits their bottom and decides they want a different life. It has to come from within. External pressure and motivation (like a career) just isn't always enough on its own. I hope he beats whatever demons he's battling.
  2. We can only laugh at them at this point. Just cheer on our team knowing they play the Oilers and their Mama bro's in the league. They probably have crossing guards to help them get from the parking lot to the arena.
  3. My good God! Look how that brutal cross check in the teeth (per Mark Spector) messed up McDavid's face!!! His lip gloss is smeared!
  4. Yep, be careful what you wish for. I hope the team really turns up the heat on McBaby and hits him (and Craisaitl) at every opportunity. I'm sure Connor feels quite special right now knowing his Mama bro's have got his back. Knock that right out of him. He's a whiny puke.
  5. I offer my condolences and am concerned to hear of your incontinence, but I take great comfort and consolation in the fact that, unlike the NHL's DOPeS, you are not incompetent.
  6. So the head first into the boards hit on Petey? That could've been pretty dangerous. I don't agree. Things that are against the rules and could or do injure players all need to be addressed. This pick and choose system is not doing ANYTHING to deter dirty play or protect players. They're more than missed calls...they were blatant dirty plays.
  7. 9/10 of Evander Kane and Darnell Nurse's plays are not hockey plays.
  8. So corrupt. It's laughable at this point. A complete joke of a player safety deal.
  9. You can't speak to his intention. And if McDavid wasn't up in his face he wouldn't have had to cross-check him out of his personal space. The refs are crap and if you continue to support them don't expect many to agree with you.
  10. One game...worth it. Soucy can rest and McDavid can cry about how it isn't enough. Not fair by any means that the Oilers go completely unscathed for their dirty crap, but they'll get it in the end.
  11. Apparently, the hearing's over and they're just waiting for a ruling. Better get it right. Per Brendan Batchelor
  12. This cries tough guy syndrome to me. Crying? No one's crying...we're discussing. And you can't deny that when our guys deliver some pushback it's immediately addressed by a league that's just overlooked about half a dozen things that should've also come under the same spotlight. If you're embarrassed by other's actions that's on you, not us. Take your own advice and don't be soft?
  13. A good read here. https://canucksarmy.com/news/report-carson-soucy-to-have-player-safety-hearing-for-cross-checking-connor-mcdavid
  14. Keep smashing McHelpsaveme and Craisaitl at every opportunity. Money well spent. Make them hurt.
  15. Yep...it's the same old BS story with this league. Let some teams get away with dangerous plays that injure star players (coughcough Nazzy) and when the team goes back at them with the same, they get the book thrown at them. Used as an example in a fake "we want to protect our players" way. They don't give a damn about anything except promoting their "superstars" and cashing in off them. Funny they use some of the dirty plays from game 2 in their promo. Cute.
  16. They don't even try to hide it anymore. It's pathetic. McBaby is the golden boy and everyone else the mere peasants of this league. Yet...they put our guys on their posters and in the promos. F off.
  17. It's so lopsided. When you can't defend yourself from a guy using his stick who, in a previous game, has injured your captain with a gash in the face....something's wrong. They're giving the green light to the Oilers to do whatever but our team better not dare go back at them. Absolute garbage. The No Honestly League
  18. So I hear the league's looking at Soucy's crosscheck. McDavid cried so hard that his Mama league is swooping in? Pathetic if anything comes from this. McDavid slashes a guy and stands there in his face yet you can't push back? Bush league.
  19. That's what you got out of this game? Truly sad. And it's "Petey".
  20. Ticks me off that tickets meant for charity are being gobbled up by people reselling them. Stub hub reportedly had them for up to $200 each. Ridiculous.
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