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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. The fact that they use the shot of Quinn wiping the blood off his face to market the game/series? F'n bullshit. Double talking league. Player safety but only when we have to.
  2. Did all my chores....Dad's grocery shopping and watered his plants, laundry, picked up prescriptions. Got myself a pizza. ALL SET, LFG!!!!!!
  3. I LOVE 650. They've been shredding Spectacle for the past hour or so. Glorious. Nailed it completely and are having so much fun with the whole "surrender" BS.
  4. There's definitely something wrong with a business that has rules that say coaches and players can be fined/disciplined for speaking out. But refs don't have to speak at all. It's archaic. There's a do what I say not what I do feeling here. Any progressive respectable business allows for transparency and open communication. Sweeping things under the rug and stuffing them into closets is very old gentleman's (the word was used loosely) club.
  5. Yet game 1 his team was up 4-1 and couldn't close it out. Short memory I guess. One good period does not make a series. People gloating like Edmonton's sealed the deal. Far from it.
  6. Is Draisaitl's back playing? Or was that just an excuse he was lining up forthe pressers? If it is, a good ol' Dan Hamhuis hip check is in order.
  7. Can I see the survey you conducted? Also...not crying. Discussing. I watch a LOT of sports and know there's a LOT of discussion taking place about officiating so I don't buy that it's isolated to us. It's just silly to pretend otherwise. I don't go to the other side so.... Nor do I care what they say/think/eat/feel/slather themselves in. As a fan of my team, I don't care if I'm not respected by Oiler fans. Image isn't everything to me....but my family and my team are.
  8. Yet you went back 30 years to make a point. So erase what we've done. Erase the horrible officiating. Just focus on that one period where, yes, they dominated and we scored on our own net to give them the win? Probably won't but you go right ahead. Do the Oilers focus on how to whack guys in the face and groin with their sticks? Probably. You're setting up for a blood bath but Quinn already bled for his team, kept calm and carried on. The Oilers have yet to do be "hit" with our best. We'll see how they handle it if they take a few good head slams into the boards, groin whacks and sticks in the face. Probably not well. Won't be responding, I get the gist here.
  9. LOL they dominated one period. We beat them 5 games in a row. I'm not worried. GO CANUCKS GO
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