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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Yet you're excusing your eyes from seeing things. Funny how you don't touch on the calls that should've been made that may have changed the tone of the game. Or the fact that the Canucks carried the play for much of 2 out of 3 periods. Yes, the Oilers got away with anything and everything and took control as a result. Hit a guy in the face? No problem. Send a guy head first into the boards? Good to go. Whack a guy in the groin with your stick? We don't care. Let us do that stuff and see how it unfolds. I'm not worried...you maybe should be though.
  2. Teams aren't just rolling over other teams a whole lot though. The intensity is amp'd up and there are many close games.
  3. So which is it? Did they win on a fluke bounce or did they decimate us? Because without that fluke goal who knows? We often take advantage of a team after they've been run around (2 guys) and wear down and then we strike. Happens. Intelligent posts only please/thank you.
  5. I get that too. "Go with the flow". Right now Oil's flowing so ride that bus I guess. A little undecided it seems. But this is not the time/place to fly their flag. Nope.
  6. NO ONE'S BLAMING THE REFS FOR THE LOSS We're addressing the reffing. So quit spinning it differently. You've made your point. As one sided as it is.
  7. Our bubble is Vancouver. I understand from previous posts, yours is in Alberta. "Reffing aside"???? LOL Convenient to just overlook a huge factor in the game. Go with the flow stuff I guess. It's not about "hypothetical goals". It's about momentum and handcuffing one team while allowing another to run rampant. If you don't see that clean your glasses. If Zadorov smashes McDoofus in the face with his stick and makes him bleed and gets away with it, McDavid would be taken out of the play as he chases the refs all over the ice screaming for a call. He loses it. But sure, just ignore the impact this stuff has on a game. That's called tunnel vision.
  8. Yeah they sat back...happens. You're not saying the reffing was bad but that doesn't mean we can't. It was. If that bleeding cheek was McDavid's? You think they wouldn't address it? Let Miller, Myers and Z get away with some of that stuff and see how the game unfolds. Much differently. Yet we get...interference calls? They see those? Rah rah rah though. Sure.
  9. Not blaming the refs. Calling out the refs and if you agree with a captain getting a stick in the face and bleeding with NO call, go join them over there. So one out of 2 periods. They got lucky...WE scored their winning goal for them. Not sure that'll always be the case.
  10. Nurse'll get his. That's their go to....hit in the face with the stick. Skill alone won't get it done over there so this is Plan B. Also Ryan Whitney:
  11. All I can say is we better not get that heap Kelly Lalaland again this game. I swear to God I'll lose it.
  12. Flew my imaginary drone over beautiful Edmonton and I think I may have spotted the VD Farm where their fans (as pictured) are hell bent on keeping us lowly Vancouver people out! Damn, there goes the summer vacation plan.
  13. Nurse always just skates to the bench before he has to answer for his antics. Some say it's smart but it's actually cowardly. Hit and run.
  14. And the NHL loves using Quinn in their promos. Like take care of the kid for chrissake. He rarely complains and just sucks it up but the squeaky wheels are the oil. Getting all the attention in a good way. Don't bleed on McDavid or you're getting tossed. I'd love to know what Lalaland said to Quinn after that. Idiot. He looks like your typical wanna be cop power monger. Is Sutherland senile? He was right there when Petey was sent head first into the boards too.
  15. The other Richmond ref is also not in our favour....Trevor Hanson. I know his Dad and you nailed it in my opinion. (Don't think JT likes him much...in his mic'd up you hear him going at him). Trying to maybe show they're fair by being unfair. Giving the "other" team the advantage for their own credibility, which kind of backfires. I really want to know how Sutherland justifies his decisions. We deserve to know. I've actually stopped watching other games now....was totally into it but the NHL just pisses me off. So no. Sunny days, I have better things to do. My team only. I've lost any faith in this league affording teams a level playing field. We have an uphill battle here with McWhiney and Crysaitl getting pacified.
  16. Thing is, they both constantly bitch and whine at the refs. Every break what isn't shown on TV is them approaching them for entire conferences. Constantly. It's ridiculous and there honestly shouldn't be provision for players to do that throughout the game. If it's after a call or play that is whistled down, sure. But not to buddy up and plead an entire case. Hit them, be on them like glue and make them lose composure. McDavid's a priss and gets frustrated and will lash out. This guy gets it:
  17. He looks like he should be working at Freshco Customer service. WTF does he even know? Pretty much nothing.
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