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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. We really need a Kes-Burr combo to tell Kane: "Tell Anna I say hi"
  2. Pay this man his money and be done with it. We can't afford to lose him. He's become such a HUGE part of this team, in more ways than one.
  3. I hope we smash them into Spruce Grove. I hope Myers is ok, he brings some muscle that we need for this series. I was quite happy with what he'd been doing for the most part in the playoffs. Petey's getting going. Miller hates McDavid, that's a good starting point. I'd LOVE them to shut these dirty diving diva dbags up with a good win tomorrow. Nervous anticipation. I can honestly say I hate the Oilers more than the Ranger, Flames AND the Bruins now. That much. Leaf level hate.
  4. Maybe our roster needs name changes. "Hi, I'm JT McMiller. This is my teammate Brock McBoeser."
  5. Don't get blood on McDavid or you're out for the series.
  6. I think I forgot to do the last one. Was so excited to be going to the game. 5-2 Canucks Miller We break Craisail in half and McDavid cries all the way home.
  7. Sutherland. French for incompetent senseless bastard without eyes.
  8. Meanwhile....Huggy takes a stick in the face....
  9. And humans on the job have to be accountable. It's not like there's a free pass to miss obvious calls that you're in place and getting paid to make. Especially when they become dangerous and guys have bleeding faces. If the Golden Mcboy had that happen you'd better believe it would be called. Book would be thrown. It just has to be an even playing field, and it's not.
  10. We're not on the team. Our team didn't/isn't complaining, we are. And that's ok. Also volleyball is quite different than hockey. The physicality aspect of it all. Also, I'm quite sure there are teams that do complain.....the Oilers leading the charge in that in the past. Maybe because when you're winning it's positive and not much is complained about. And yes, when you're losing it can become glaring if (missed) calls factor in. I do appreciate the insight though. Experience doesn't always transfer over in sports...experiences can be different.
  11. I thought Silovs was really really good, especially under pressure. He's come up with saves that have been pretty big. With that, I also do feel that to keep him in after a loss might be the wrong move. He's done well, let him sit/rest and take the pressure off him. DeSmith can come in fresh.
  12. They have 22 refs and it's cut down each round, with Sutherland having reffed the most games. So I'd guess yes. We have to endure the wrath of Pissy Kelly some more. Ugh
  13. He has the audio book. Listens to it on mute.
  14. OK, here's the game summary and then I'm done with that fiasco of a game. I do take comfort in the fact that the Oilers have to use this script to steal a win that we scored their winning goal for them in. If this was the Oilers and no penalties were called? We'd hear their cries all the way from the VD Chicken Farm. Yes, the team played like crap in the third. But there's also a momentum and a tone that refs can inflict on a game and one team can benefit from it. Handcuff one team while the other goes on a rampage. "You interfered....git". "You high sticked...but it's ok Connor. I love you" *bum pat
  15. I don't even want to see his ugly face. He and Nurse both look like Planet of the Apes extras.
  16. How Kelly Sutherland officiates. "During gameplay, Kelly could be seen taking a brief nap at centre ice. He was up late last night trying to get through the first chapter of Hockey for Dummies"
  17. I agree with this 100%, yes. I was calling for it. I'd rather they go down swinging and I think in the third we saw a bit of "what do we do now?" You smash them into oblivion and don't let them get away with that stuff. But it'll also probably mean Myers and/or Zadorov will be suspended. That's the reality that we face.
  18. The Oilers have one line. And needed the refs in their back pockets to help take that one. We'll see how long that holds up.
  19. That's on you then. I know they are. Also...it's not victimhood. Why must we label these discussions, which is all that they are? It's not like our team is up there crying...they're not. That's McDavid's schtick. But I do agree...at some point it's time to turn the page. We're venting, and that's perfectly ok. If we're going to be subjected to that kind of crap there's a bit of a release afterward. We pay damn good money to watch these games and the expectation is that the refs do their jobs. I'm in for $550 so far (I know, that's on me) and I may be jobless in August. These refs probably should be too. Maybe I can apply for the vacancy when they're let go, I can skate and I can see. F the Oilers. F the refs.
  20. And his refs are right there too...got your back stuff. How many Oilers does it take to contain a Miller? All of them. Love that Myers gets his glove in faces too. "On standby JT"
  21. Correct. But let's check the paternity results on Maury to be sure.
  22. Quinn's more man than Connor and Leon and the rest of the Albertan hillbillies put together. Guy just takes a licking and keeps on ticking. McDavid would still be crying if he took that high stick. I can just see the pain in the post game whimpers. Quiinn's a beauty. F them.
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