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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Those horns are annoying as hell. Why do some stadiums allow them?
  2. Me too! My son laughs at me because every now and then I'll buy myself 10 packs and have a night rippin packs. I love it. Cheers!
  3. This picture of Burr. I was with a friend who'd been to many games down on the glass (at the Zamboni entrance), she also knew Burr. It was my first time sitting there, so up close and personal. Like a noob, I put my water bottle, camera, etc. up on the edge/glass in front of me as I was getting settled. She'd noticed Burr watching me do it (during warm ups) and clicked this picture RIGHT BEFORE the bugger blasted a slapshot at me, knocking all my stuff off! Live and learn, didn't do that again. He skated by with a cheeky smile and we've been secret BFF's ever since. He showed up at my daughter's workplace and she taught him and his daughter how to make a beaded necklace.
  4. Great stuff, Joe! I've met Dave a few times, Jyrkki too. Great guys, both of them. Super involved with the team (still). I also met Dan (Hamhuis) and have his signed jersey.
  5. Fin used to like to tousel my hair. This particular game he jumped up on the ledge and shook his booty at me (I was sitting below him here). I believe this was a lap dance? lol
  6. Oh I was referring to "hard crimes".....like if someone's attempted or succeeded in murdering others? A few years just doesn't seem to fit in my view. Someone with 60 involvements with police (including assaulting them, as well as mental health workers) who was on parole. Might have been some warning signs there. At some point, you give up your rights and freedoms. Not suspicion of...history of violent offences. Making our streets safe so everyone's freedoms and liberties are protected is also important. We need to be able to walk down the street on a sunny morning without the threat of random violent attacks, which are happening far too frequently. The rights of those of us who aren't committing crimes is important too. This guy likely should have been somewhere other than aimlessly wandering the street with a knife in a state of confusion and violence. And now he qualifies for lock up by your standards. We waited and now one guy's dead and another seriously injured. Their rights and freedoms gone because we're too f'n soft.
  7. Time to put the golf clubs away and win the cup. (Charity fundraising event for melanoma...not my picture)
  8. Time to get totally pumped up. I love Garland, he's a beauty.
  9. When I met JT (scrape me from the ceiling, I'm still up there), it was also awesome. It was when all the trade rumours were swirling (so dumb). As we chatted I said "if they trade you, I go too". (His quick wit actually reminds me of Juice). He said "OK, I'm gonna let my agent know...2 for 1 deal" (I meant it) Sorry for hijacking the thread! More later (after others get to weigh in too)
  10. At the recent camp at Minoru a week or so ago, I lined up for Stech's and Bieksa's authographs (I don't usually do so anymore....I'm a grown assed woman and it's for the kids). But these two, c'mon. I had to. I had my super old, ragged, 3 jersey on. I'd "retired it" in the rafters here, unwashed as the number and logo on the front were both falling off. It's NOT in good shape...very much "game worn". But, threw it on for this occasion (without noticing it really did need a wash!!) My turn and I told Bieksa as I approached the table that it was long overdue that I got the jersey signed. He's so freakin' hilarious/quick witted. He said "wait a minute, is this the jersey I fought Ben Eager in??". Then pointed to a coffee stain (that I had tried to wash out) and said "is this the blood from the fight?!". Slightly embarrassed but more just pleased that I got to witness Juice in his full, smart ass glory.
  11. I've had a few interactions of note. Back in the day at the Coliseum, kids would line up outside the door and after practice players would exit and sign things. One day I was there with my young son, and we waited (for Bure mostly). The other players all came out first....they'd stop, smile, chat, sign. Then Bure came out last, and of course as he stormed out the door kids went wild. Except he rushed right past them to his car that was parked near the door! Oh no he didn't! LOL, without thinking I followed him to his car (it was one where the door opened upward, not out). He turned to me as he was about to get in his car and I said "you know, these kids have waited for you and it would be cool if you could sign a few autographs for them". He smiled, closed his car door and came back to the small crowd that had waited. My son still talks about that day. (FTR, we had him sign a pennant that my son hung on his wall...one day we noticed the sun had faded the autograph right off...gone! Oh well, we knew it had been there and would never "sell/get rid of" any of our items) Another time, we got to meet him and got a picture with him (he remembered us). My brother used to be a hockey card collector/dealer. They had shows where, at times, players would attend as part of the event to generate interest. Trevor was fairly new to the team at the time...but our favourite. Again, we lined up in a long line to meet him and an announcement was made over the intercom stating Trevor is only here for an hour and with the long line please only one autograph per person in order to get through everyone. We didn't have cell phones to take pictures, but I brought our camcorder. Oh well, no big deal. As my young son approached, he was in awe and his face showed that all over. He approached the table Trevor was at and could barely see over it. Then Trevor blew my mind with kindness. He looked at me, smiled and said to my son "I think your Mom wants a video", then he came away from the table to meet my son at the end of the table, placing him on his knee to have a brief chat that I caught on video. I was wow'd by his gesture and my son was so star struck by his "hero". Other people weren't as happy but many were adults in line with glossy 8 x 10's that they were obviously going to sell. So yeah, he took time with a young fella and it left a huge impression on us. Last one (for now) On one of the Canucks' anniversary years they put out a book - it also coincided with Save On Foods opening a book section in their stores. Trevor Linden (and Matt Cooke) were going to be there to sign the books. I got there early (first one - 5 am....lol...was WAAAAAY early). It was a good 2 hours before anyone else would arrive (store staff). My son was away and I bought the book and was going to have it signed for him for his birthday. When they finally opened the doors, I asked a manager there where Trevor would be signing - he pointed to the new book section in the far right corner. I went and...waited. And waited. And then noticed people streaming in, but heading in the other direction!! When I asked an employee she said "oh yeah, he's over there (in the opposite corner from where I'd been waiting for so long). As I approached, there was a LOOOONNNNNG snaking line up. Sigh. I went to the back of the line and, as luck would have it, the manager who'd steered me wrong saw me and came up to me to apologize for the bad info he'd given me. Then he said "follow me" and we went across the store to a door that said "EMPLOYEES ONLY". We went up some stairs and he directed me to a room that had a long table and lots of chairs. "You can wait for Trevor here". It was the media room and I got to sit in on the scrum after the event (for local papers/news). I also got to meet Trevor and he signed my book. We still have it. And Trevor Linden is just...the best. (to be cont'd....)
  12. There are so many facets to this and it won't be a swift fix, but a swift response is necessary. Drug addiction, soft punishments for hard crimes, long wait lists and limited options for MH treatment, homelessness and the fact that older homes are demolished for "new" buildings that are gobbled up by investors and people playing Monopoly here, displacing people who have no where to go. So many things need fixing. One problem often morphs into another. People on the streets get desperate. For those SO dangerous that they're incoherently wandering the streets with a knife, it doesn't seem that a probation or parole order (piece of paper) is a preventative measure. Do you think they're following "orders" at that point? Keep them locked up until we're "sure" they're safe to be out here, not "hoping" they're safe amongst the public. The game of roulette needs to end. Oh hey, another one on the news this morning. Stabbing at a bus stop in North Van. https://www.nsnews.com/local-news/suspect-flees-after-stabbing-sleeping-victim-at-bus-stop-north-vancouver-rcmp-say-9481710
  13. -dlc-

    NFL Thread

    Holy crap, he just blasted by everyone!!
  14. -dlc-

    NFL Thread

    First td of the season. I always hate when summer's ending....but the NFL then hockey make me forget all about it.
  15. Keen on it or not, want out of jail? Here's how it'll be done.
  16. Changes at times. For awhile it was Lindt with hazelnuts. KitKat's always up there (first thing I steal out of the Hallowe'en treats).
  17. I love that Bieksa has stayed in town and will be here for a bit longer. He belongs here.

    1. Jess


      After Ferraro retires, he can be Shorty's partner until Shorty retires.

    2. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      Did you get a chance to meet him?

  18. September 19 from what I understand (or maybe that's just when the public can attend?).
  19. I remember posting this awhile ago when Sprong mentioned it in his initial interview. Great to already have some connection to the team. Love it.
  20. I'm on a roll here.... ALSO of note and great celebration! I am going to the home opener AND the game on October 11th!! Because my friends are just the very best. Happy birthday TO ME!!
  21. I am going through SO MUCH crap right now. But this just put a huge smile on my face. Just try to break me.
  22. Johnny Hockey's obituary. Every time I read something my heart rips open even wider for this family. https://www.danjolell.com/obituary/john-michael-gaudreau/
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