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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Auger level corruption. Oilers fan because his sister's mother's uncle married his cousin's daughter in Alberta. So he's Albortion at heart. They frequent the VD Dairy farm on Saturday nights.
  2. If this is Miller doing this? Gone. Lowlife pieces of crap. If this is how they win, it speaks volumes. It'll come back to bite them in the ass. Or the feeble back.
  3. I sometimes feel the same way I do about Mik as I did about Raymond. That speed can play against you too....other guys have to catch up. Maybe goes against the pace more than beats it? He was in there battling on the boards but often getting beat. Podz is pretty solid and harder to move off the puck in my view.
  4. He's got a feisty side that I think would serve us well right about now. He doesn't take much crap.
  5. "Her" So you're going at one person out of all the people who feel the same. Weak. The witch hunt ends now because you're making stuff up. This isn't about "her" so focus on the content.
  6. No one's done that. It's a narrative some have inserted into the discussion to ignore the reffing. To not discuss it for what it was...total crap.
  7. I've gotta say, I'm loving playoff Myers too. He's got an attitude/edge that's awesome. Big Z, Soucy, Joshua. Those guys need to take a few liberties themselves....most refs are ok and would at least let some of it go. Hurt them. Draisaitl's got a bad back....that's your bullseye.
  8. If we only had a team full of Millers...we wouldn't need refs. Not that they do anything useful. Love Miller...he just doesn't give a sh.
  9. I really feel it's time to have refs interviewed post game. Sit at a table like the players do and at least explain from their perspective. Would go a LONG way toward accountability and credibilty. But no, slink out the back door and go get McDavid's autograph for your daughter.
  10. I'm going to game 5 so I guess it'll be awesome to win the series at home anyhow. Can hardly wait. Oilers are f'n trash.
  11. It's like they can't both be correct, but they are. Yes, the team played bad in the third. Yes, the refs sucked and gave the Oilers a definite advantage in the what they could/couldn't do department. We weren't afforded that some free pass. Interference is more important than high sticks where someone bleeds I guess. Department of Safety guidelines? People who drone on with "we didn't lose because of the refs" use that to ignore the shitty reffing. To shut it down like it doesn't matter. It does matter. Even IF we didn't lose because of it. That part remains unknown. If those calls are made it puts a different tone on the game.
  12. That part's always overlooked by those too forgiving of atrocious reffing. Same ones who didn't think this team would do anything and ignored the season they had. Only jumping in when things hit a bit of a skid. If McDavid's in the box for 4 minutes....matters. It also sets a tone that handcuffs the Oilers from using those tactics because there ARE consequences. With them being allowed to run around like they did, it played in their favour. Yet...if Myers did that stuff he's ejected from the game. Bet on it (Kane probably did).
  13. No one's saying it's the reason we lost. But wasn't great is quite an understatement. Bad analogy...I doubt many would worry about their smokes. The refs are that car though...drunk drivers at the wheel who are careening down the road taking people out. Selectively it seemed. Got the Oilers in the back seat whooping it up. Calling interference but not infractions that are both dangerous and cause injury? Uncalled for and uncalled. The refs are the focus when that is the case. We beat them 2 periods despite them getting away with stuff. That says something. Without the refs that game might be different because they might get some whacks with a stick in return.
  14. "I'm here to call out complainers and finger pointers...by complaining and finger pointing" Of course "this place" is full of disappointed fans who saw things that they hated. There was lots to hate in that game. And yes, the way the team "responded" in the 3rd was part of it. But not the whole story. The entire third was pretty much played in our end....that wasn't the ref's fault. But that doesn't mean the refs were faultless, they were far from it. Time to regroup, enjoy a sunny day and watch some great hockey tomorrow. Won't be easy in Deadmonton....they're fans get primed at the VD Dairy pregame so look out.
  15. LOL aren't you doing that in this comment? Reel it in. If you're sick and tired of it take a time out. I can help with that.
  16. I find those comments really immature. It's ok to be pissed off. It's ok to call out the refs without it being the reason we lost. People connect dots in order to ignore a valid talking point. And it certainly is a factor if a team can openly high stick a guy and make him bleed and not sit in the box. No follow through and I feel it was intentional. McDavid's got some Marchand in him. Slew foots. Obvious boarding calls. Nothin. And then the Myers call....really? I'm all for them putting the whistles away but allow both teams the same liberties. Those ace refs saw interference on one side though. Eagle eyed then.
  17. Zero integrity in their game. If that's how you have to win it's desperation play not great play. I think the team'll adjust to it. We have the manpower to.
  18. Was really happy to see Petey score. And he plays a good game out there despite some people only watching for dangles.
  19. Good advice. I like it. I am way too wound up but the Oilers were being shamed and had to pull some dirty stuff out of the bag to win. We'll see how far that takes them.
  20. He's an excellent player. He skates like a rabbit being chased by a kid. And pouts at the refs like they promised to take him to Toys R Us and didn't. I hope our team gets down and dirty too if that's how this is going to unfold. Take the penalties. Smash them in the face with your sticks. "Playoff hockey" to some.
  21. They barely squeaked a win out. I wouldn't really call their game plan strong if that's what it relies on. They'll get penalized when we get a ref with integrity on the job. So that plan's only good for so long. That's actually playing a scared game. They're not confident enough in their skill.
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