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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I don't moderate much any more because I enjoy the banter. But I will tell you I'm stepping back now to monitor those in here only to seemingly poke and prod after a tough loss. Calling people babies/names who are discussing an atrociously reffed game just won't fly here. So mod hat is now on.
  2. If you were ok with how that game was officiated, I suggest lens crafters. We outplayed the Oilers for 2 periods. So no. But thanks for the great insight. Did you manage to get McD's autograph at the gate? Pin it over your bed.
  3. Myers gets called for basically putting his stick too near a guy. And they were targeting Draisaitl...but in the 3rd they changed how they were playing and that was the demise.
  4. And Nurse constantly skates in, throws random punch or takes dirty shots then quickly off to the bench before someone can return the favour. Their team is full of d bags.
  5. I don't think it's because "they knew"...I think they knew it just gets worse if they do. Believe me, he knows that was a dirty highstick that was basically ignored. He's just taking one for the team.
  6. Thing is, they didn't lose the physical match up. They didn't fight back dirty and their physical play has integrity. The stuff the Oilers are getting away with is absolute garbage. If the game is called even half decently we have more of an advantage and likely win that game. Yes, they wore down and the third was mostly in our end. I guarantee if Myers took a run at them like they do Petey and Quinn there'd be a suspension looming. It's really lopsided and this bs about having to find a way despite it is just that. They played 2 teams last night. McDavid makes me puke...he's CONSTANTLY at the refs despite them slanting things in the Oilers' favour. Good player, total princess. Dirty team and I hope they slam Draisaitl into the boards at every opportunity.
  7. I'm ashamed that Sutherland's from Richmond. Clearly his education failed him. Must've gone to McRoberts. Well, the Oilers get one courtesy of a free pass to do whatever. Hope Big Z smashes a few of those punks...I don't care if he sits in the box. Be worth it. They should NOT be getting away with the crap they were. But they whine so much it's squeaky wheel/oil stuff. Fitting.
  8. I thought Silovs was good. I'd let him play.
  9. Yet some here don't see it that way. No wonder they never made it in hockey they don't know the rules (either). The reffing was atrocious.
  10. Me too. Fuming. And I don't generally leave after a loss feeling this way. I go to have fun and do but I left there so ticked off. If Quinn gets wrecked because those cheap shot artists are getting away with crap it'll really be a shame. He plays the game with more integrity in his little finger than the entire Oilers team. And it's ridiculous that you can't speak of piss poor officiating without some people twisting things with words like "victim" to deflect and not have a decent/honest conversation about it. Just sweep it under the rug. "Not why we lost"? How do they know it's not why we lost? How do they know that if the calls were made the tables wouldn't have turned the other way? They don't.
  11. I feel the same. I have zero respect for their game. They're a bunch of hotshots but they have no integrity. Zero. They spend more time bitching at the refs during play stoppages yet they get away with so much. They ONLY win with an advantage. They can't do it on their own, they're trash. At least 3 times Nurse got in there with some dirty shots then skates away before he has to answer for anything. He's a coward. Hit and run.
  12. They may as well have stayed home. They were horrible. God awful. No excuse for it. I am so angry at how incompetent Sutherland is. Put him out to pasture for chrissake.
  13. Your perspective is crap. The refs were awful. The Oilers aren't God. Miller's awesome. And you dish it out so take some. You've called the fans here chuds. Now victims. Try to live by your own standards.
  14. You're mighty predictable yourself. Not in the mood for this crap. The Canucks played well except for the last bit. They lost the game on a crappy own goal.
  15. Oh I see the ref rah rah team is here defending them. I better go before I get a misconduct because there is NO excuse for allowing what happened to Quinn to go without any kind of call. Absolute horse poop. And of course Myers gets called for something very minor.
  16. Kelly Sutherland is the biggest POS ref I've ever seen. Darnell Nurse is a coward. Evander Kane is a loser. Oilers are a dirty bunch of wankers. They didn't even win that game...we scored their winning goal for them. F the Oilers and their trash city.
  17. I want tonight for it to be Leon Dryidle as he is forced to use an on ice walker and Connor Mcsorrywesavedit. Pfft, McDavid can't even spell his own name....it's CONOR.
  18. Well I also agree that the Oilers use eat crayons.
  19. He's a beaut. I don't know that I've ever seen a player with a motor like his. Pure tenacity too...his size does NOT hamper his ability to fight for the puck. At all.
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