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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Wow this game is crazy. Scuffles every two minutes. Boston's getting demolished.
  2. I'm not a drinker but after the game Friday I hit up my son and daughter in law's and they fed me booze (and gave me a "to go" bag). I rather enjoyed it. Some sort of smoked tequila (was super smooth) and another thing and a shooter and another thing x 2. (I took a cab back to Kits). I have the "to go" bag ready to go (for tonight).
  3. They lurk then they lurch then they belch then they slink away. But we see 'em.
  4. I will tell you that my favourite part of this is how he hops away like ..... "see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya". The hit was awesome but how he just left him in his dust was gold.
  5. We had a staff appreciation day (well, all week actually) and had a sushi lunch. I'm not big on sushi (I hate seaweed) but I gave it a go. They also had fish and caesar salad for weirdos like me who don't do sushi. I have learned that I love wasabi though. Later in the day we got presented with certificates and had egg tarts and bubble tea. We're also being fed clues each day for a treasure hunt. $100 Amazon g/c is the prize. We each got to pick a random g/c as well..I got a $10 Indigo. I work in a pretty great place.
  6. Oh Lord. We got new neighbours a couple of months ago. They seem a little off/weird. They have about 37 kids and they're out there in the parking lot when I come home from work...like I have to dodge kids as I pull into the lot. No supervision ever (and there are a couple of real young ones in the mix). Cool, my kids were young once and out there too. But I was out there with them and they weren't annoying af. SOOOOOO.....I just went out to my car and the little bugger who never wants to move or stop taking basketball shots so I can enter the parking lot is in an Oilers jersey. Explains everything. I have to fix this...maybe using the hose. GIT OFF MY LAWN (kidding, I love kids, even misguided neglected Oiler kids)
  7. Bouchard does not have the same amazing agility that Huggy has. He's on a level all his own for defenders in how he can calmly dance the puck out of our end eluding those trying to strip him of the puck. No panic and he's just special to watch. I don't care about Boushart but he never catches my attention with brilliance. I'll be sure to watch for it.
  8. Dear VD Farm and other Oily establishments. Thank you for banning us. Other places we won't be visiting that can also follow your lead: Edmonton's Notorious Dive Bars (aka the Oiler's training facility) The Edmonton Department of Non Existent Defence The West Edmonton Mall of Horrors Fort Edmonton Park where Darnell Nurse has a crying bench dedicated to him McDavid's Court of Appeals Kane's Casino on Cheat Street To be cont'd.....
  9. Wonder if he's playing? To know that he and (likely) the team's been sick and then some Preds were....I'd send him out there just to breathe all over the dairy farming Oilers. I'm a little ruthless that way. It's on.
  10. Vermeer Dairy Farmers (VD Farmers for short) side gig. I'm banning them from my ears.
  11. Can't sleep. game day! Just hung up my towel and set up my playoff cup because those things matter. The shrine is taking off nicely. Let's go!!!
  12. Oh I sure hope so. Then I'll pay double and go in the third round.
  13. Just bought myself a ticket for game 5!!!! So stoked I can barely focus at work. Let's gooooooooo!!!
  14. Even at the viewing party Friday night there was a strong police presence around the rink. It was reassuring. I thanked them for being there because it isn't an easy job to willingly "stand guard" to ensure public safety.
  15. There's been a lot of negative energy thrown around and I refuse to let it crush what is a super exciting time. No matter what happens, this team IS legit and HAS proven themselves to date. Some are still waiting for them to crash and burn (woops, negative) so they can be proven right. I just really question the logic in that. This is a tough deal. NHL playoffs are not a walk in the park and no team is just breezing through. Games are tightly fought out...often 0-0 until someone breaks through. I love the vibe in the city, I love having something to look forward to on a Tuesday-Wednesday when the sun is shining. Soak it all in as a moment to moment experience. We can't project what will/won't happen, we're just along for the ride. I have faith in this team. I think their attitude is one of winners and their resilience and determination really shine through when they're managing to win games in the dying moments because they refuse to give up. We should all be hopping on board with that attitude and not be giving up on them. Oilers pffffft.
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