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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I wish we had someone "disposable" like that. I mean, Big Z is a great deterrent for us but I'd hate to lose him for any games. Gone are the days of having someone who can just play that role.
  2. Yes, and you said "homer". You don't know what I'm trying to say so don't bother. Stop now. This is a Canucks site and I feel just fine about how I'm navigating it. You do you. And tell me if there's a bit of smugness, arrogance in a reference to your coaching knowledge. Or statements like "A good chunk of fans here do not realize". Of course there is. Get back on topic...which is not how I present myself here. That's my deal.
  3. I was responding to someone (not you) and you use words I didn't to try to make more out of it. Ignoring what this team has done against that opponent was being addressed. Hence "we beat them in April". And no, I don't need to "stop". But you probably do.
  4. We beat them in April I think you're trying to convince us but it won't happen. You can believe in the Oilers....we tend to believe in our team.
  5. "To handle Edmonton" How are they gonna handle us? I mean you've already put them in the driver's seat despite us beating them every game this season.
  6. https://www.nhl.com/video/edm-van-miller-scores-goal-against-oilers-6340659305112 Here watch this instead.
  7. Anyhow, for me personally, I won't go there until/unless we need to. I'm hoping not. I follow the team's lead and if they're ok, I'm ok. Plus, I'm way too excited over this series. We can easily get into the Oiler's heads....they know what unfolded over the year. Their egos and strut may have escalated recently but they also went .500 in April. They're hot and cold as hell.
  8. You threw in the towel long ago...not expecting this inexperienced team to do much against the big bad [insert team name here]. You continue to doubt this team and "give them credit" for doing what they have without really giving them credit. You speak of the strength of our opponents despite us beating them....there has to be a point where you put THIS team at the same level as teams they're beating. And this "from the beginning" is crap. Things evolve over time (or at least they should). It's not an excuse for sub par performances to say "oh well, it's always been (crap) like this...adjust". In any other situation this would not be an acceptable response. We're not throwing in the towel it's more just being aware of the situation. And not accepting it as unchangeable.
  9. Exactly! We'll watch 5 crosschecks then suddenly a guy goes to the ice like he's been shot and once the call's been made, he gets up and skates to the face off on the pp. The refs HAVE to do better at not buying in to the dives/drama/whining and use what they see, not what they're being told (or sold).
  10. I guess the reality that some of us see is that....it's difficult to "adjust" to something, in this case, quite regularly shit reffing, when it's like a box of chocolates and you don't know what you're gonna get. You don't know what you're supposed to adjust to. The goalposts and standards shift every game.
  11. They can adjust all they want but it's out of their hands. You make it sound like it's completely on the Canucks when there have been some phantom calls and double standards. The reality is...they can only do so much. Keeping the game at 5 on 5 isn't solely up to the Canucks. Sure, avoid the calls that they can but if the same rules applied to Garland as some other players, we'd have a man advantage a good deal of the time. Myers gets penalized for things other players don't. That's the reality of the situation.
  12. Well the other side of it is personal bias as well. Ego..."you made me look bad" stuff. There are definitely refs who have some players on their radar and maybe it's something that's been said that should be wiped clean at the game's end. Pre-game skates with one player before a game starts. I do love that this team's obviously onto it and not fighting against it or getting too caught up in bad and missed calls as a focus. Does no good, refs don't care/listen much. The whole power of authority looms large. So accepting that it is what it is and trying to just work through it as it comes. Doesn't mean we, as fans, don't notice when it's bad or shouldn't discuss it.
  13. It's funny because those who discuss officiating usually aren't hinting toward a conspiracy. Personally, I find it's not great in other games too. All levels shouldn't be the same, top levels are just that and require top tier officiating. Some refs do a better job than others so it's not ALL reffing, but there definitely is some power-mongering and ego involved. There are refs who have a history with some teams/players and each game should bring a clean slate if it's to be fairly overseen. Because where does their rap sheet end. Does it ever? Refs are human beings and just like any other profession, there are those who are good and bad at their job. And it's ok to point out the bad and not just accept it as "oh well, this is how it is in other sports". People who are lousy at their job generally are addressed. People who are quick to throw out words like "conspiracy" to shut down conversations are the only ones using that word from what I've seen.
  14. It's interesting that the Bruins Leafs game is going the same way as our game. 0-0 in the third. (Hope they both lose)
  15. I'm really glad the guys finished this off without needing an extra game tomorrow. Huggy looks absolutely exhausted - that series was a tough one for him. As much as I hate waiting for the game, it's a good (brief) recovery period. They really did themselves a favour by getting it done.
  16. I do get it. And the ones who ruin it are bad apples, not the norm. You were referring to Canucks/Oilers fans and that's what I responded to. Seems now you're moving the goalposts to fit a narrative. I don't give a damn about soccer, the Bruins or Habs. Don't try to stereotype an entire fanbase on your soccer experiences. And how is it ok for you to gatekeep how fans react and label them toxic but you don't accept it in turn? That's called a double standard. Anyhow, back on topic which is WOOOOOOO SECOND ROUND.
  17. Yep....they do buckle and give in to him because he can be so annoyingly persistent. Like a kid who won't give up. "Can I have a cookie?" "no" 'can I have a cookie?" "no" 'can I have a cookie?" "no" 'can I have a cookie?" "no" 'can I have a cookie?" "no" "OK but just one! Now go play"
  18. It was AMAZING!!! OMG the atmosphere. I was in the wheelchair section with a friend and at the end of the game the guy to our left went running behind all the seats waving his towel like a maniac. Whacked me in the eye but I took one for the team. A couple of awesome service dogs up there cheering the team on (yes, they were so). The place was crazy afterward...outside the arena a huge crowd was going nuts. I loved it!
  19. Sometimes I forget I have 7 flags on my car and someone will honk at me and I'm like "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM AHOLE" then...."oh" honkhonkhonk back. I'm giddy. I love this team and this year they're showing us what they're all about. Skill, determination, resilience and even....fun. JT keeping things light was brilliant. And what an incredible game for Silovs....he's well on his way. Ian Clark is a genius.
  20. You never know what you're going to get with the Oilers. Well, except McDavid will cry at the refs every time someone blinks at him. Hope they don't buy in too much. The Oilers were .500 in April so they're not just slaying it. They can run hot and cold (as we've seen earlier in the year). I'm just glad we have more Canucks hockey to watch...so awesome. Outside the arena last night was NUTS after the game ended. It's such a fun atmosphere in the city when we're in the playoffs.
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