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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. It's sports, it's rivalries. It's intense. You may do it differently but there's nothing wrong with trash talking and that ramps up in playoffs. It's part of it and isn't really toxic. I mean....first it was Miller who was toxic. Now it's the fans. Maybe some just don't understand sports and the passion that's involved.
  2. Also (before I go to sleep)...OILERS PFFFFFT whatever.
  3. Also, I hopped in the wrong cab and be damned if that guy took me all over the place despite me giving him CLEAR directions of exactly where I needed to be. Oh well, tipped him anyhow...because MY TEAM WON.
  4. HOLY HELL WE DID IT YOU GUYS. To the doubters who thought we weren't experienced enough and didn't show enough. Well, I won't say it. I'm a little tipsy (we celebrated the win after with some shots) but ..... I'm sure you can guess. I'm cheeky right now. But damn it, we earned the right for a bit of IN YOUR FACE to those who doubted this team. Said they were dominated. Pooey to that. LET'S GO....ROUND 2!! WHAT a night.
  5. How about this? (We should have sent the memo out earlier) Everyone going to the game wears pink. Fill the rink with pink. It could be a thing.
  6. I'm not/have never been a fan of U2. I mean, I don't hate them but I don't ever listen to them. But this one just feels right today. With Streets, why not? See the world in green and blue....
  7. You mean the last three where we won 2? It doesn't have to be decisive....games in these playoffs aren't blowouts for the most part, they're 1 or 2 goal wins. Not sure why it has to be "decisive"...."a" win and they move on. Even experienced teams aren't just blowing through games so that's not really how it is.
  8. Can we just talk about Zadorov for a minute? How huge is he (pun intended)? To me, he's got a whole lot of Bieksa swagger....he's hilarious with a point blank dry delivery and sarcasm. He's quickly become a key piece on this team. His toughness isn't the only thing he brings ... he can play. I mean, that goal he scored really demonstrated that. If we don't sign him he'll probably bolt to become a bouncer at a nightclub in Riga, Latvia. Do we really want that to happen?
  9. Put on your work boots pink shirts and take care of business. I'm super excited for the watch party....took the day off work to go cheer on my team with other maniacs. WOOHOO CLOSE IT OUT BOYS!
  10. He's just the best! Tell me he isn't the glue that keeps the team together? The Garland tees. Now this. Great that he can lighten things and have some team bonding before the big game.
  11. The name calling of fans who don't think we're doomed just screamed at me.
  12. I'm pretty excited to be going to the watch party tomorrow. It's likely as close as I'll get to the playoffs (my tickets with a friend fell through). We have the upper hand here, some don't realize that. They have to have won 3 games in a row to win. We just need a win. And I'm hoping it's tomorrow because listen for a cowbell ringing through the streets of Vancouver. Oilers are pretty high and mighty right now and their top scorers are....scoring. But I don't know that they should be awarded the cup just yet. We've seen both sides of them.
  13. I feel that once Petey cracks this seal, it'll be game on. If he is battling injury, so be it. But if it's a confidence thing that can be quickly erased with a snipe that goes in (or two). I just can't see him staying off the scoresheet for much longer. Miller too. I know the Preds have focused in on our best and that's where other players do get to shine. So maybe when others score that's part of it...it gives them more room and less focus so they can do so. The fact that Petey draws a lot of attention means other guys don't.
  14. I saved this because I think you get stuck on an idea and it has to be proven right, even when it's revealed to be wrong. So a lot of delusion in posting that somehow this team is getting dominated throughout...it's just part of trying to support your stance but it doesn't make it so. Going at fans here like we're delusional because we see something maybe you don't isn't really a solid argument. I see a lot of gaslighting and it's inappropriate. Also...experience. You've brought your own into play but these are NHL players. They're not you, they're here IN the NHL. If experience was everything you would be too. They are capable of much more than you and I. A lot of other things come into play beyond experience and you give this team no credit for them because "you" never expected them to do much. Chemistry matters. Resilience. Desire/determination. The fact that this team has been slammed for so long and seemingly has had enough. Waiting for them to be knocked out to say "told you so" hardly seems fun to some of us. People don't have to ignore these comments....we're not delusional we're realistic. This team very well could outperform "your" assessment of them. Because your experience doesn't apply to them nor does it make you any clearer on what will play out. It's all up in the air until it isn't. So tired of this know it all stuff that puts everyone else down because it's not "honest" conversation. Horse crap. This series has been closely matched but neither team has dominated throughout...and when the Canucks have taken charge, it's been noticeable. The Preds play a desperate game that involves whining at the refs, diving and some dirty play. Blocking shots only took them so far and wasn't a sustainable game plan. They don't seem as confident in themselves as you do in them.
  15. The better team is the team that won. All the rest is just details. You find a way to win, you were better. Completely dominated is an absolute joke. Most here see it how it really is. And this word you throw around..."whataboutism". You do that a lot when people talk about a player having a rough game. You're quick to do a "what about Miller". Insecure and delusional are not really strengthening your case. You talk of wanting honest discussion but it starts with you. This team's capable of much more than you give them credit for. Experience isn't the golden ticket....momentum and confidence weigh in huge.
  16. I'm housesitting in Kits and have no access to the game where I'll be. I'll have a radio broadcast only (if it was anyone else I'd say no but it's my daughter so...). I likely won't be here either which might be ok because I get too upset when the trollwagon rolls in. Have a hard time biting my tongue. I don't mind people who are here, conversing about the game who have doubts or concerns. It's the ones who don't show up except to tell us the fans/team suck. They can take a flying leap at a rolling donut. It would be much easier to seal the deal next game....a game 7 here is not ideal (although my son has tickets). I still don't fully trust this city to behave...idiots spoil everything.
  17. 4-2 Canucks Miller (but we take it in game 6 so....)
  18. It would be really nice if the NHL could get its act together and tell us what time the game will be on Friday. I have decisions to make and it's still a TBD deal but it's two days away. Can't they schedule something so we know?
  19. "If I recall" So something long ago that you've saved to pull out for tonight. If you're ok with officiating you're one of the few here that is. It's ok not to be. Not a conspiracy...inconsistent as hell. And even the players and coach are touching on it now. So not just the fans.
  20. RT's right.....we really should've gotten something out of the first and didn't. They dominated that period and it's too bad that they couldn't capitalize on it.
  21. So if you're not a Canuck fan, what are you? Or is it just the rest of us and you're special? I'm getting kind of tired of people who don't join in when we're winning but show up after a loss to tell us how it is. How "we" are. If you ain't with us you're against us. Which is what I suspect.
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